Categories > Cartoons > Delilah and Julius > Lurking in the Shadows

The Parting

by panda_1418 3 reviews

Time to make a tough choice.

Category: Delilah and Julius - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Horror - Published: 2006-10-24 - Updated: 2006-10-25 - 992 words

Hello fellows!!! I am back from the most awesome, life-changing, amazing, fun, great, absoflipinglotely wonderful weekend of my life!! Yes, the camp was cold and it felt like we were in Saskatchewan, but it was amazing. I was accepted into a German legion and deemed Squire Of. How I wish it could have stayed that way. Our cabin was the Emo cabin, seeing as only 3 girls hadn't considered/attempted suicide, but we were all there for each other. I got to know the awesome guy that I've known since Grade 4. In other words, it was AAAAMMMMMAAAAZZZZIIIIINNNNGGG!!! Anyway, time for an update. So, here goes ...

I am finally back home at the Academy, but I feel like I am under constant guard. Al and Scarlet are always checking up on me, and Julius never lets me out of his sight since the incident in the bathroom a few hours ago. And to top it all off, almost a foot of snow is on the ground. They day is almost half over, and that means the Destruction is coming. I left that part out when I explained everything to Julius.

Speaking of which, he comes around the corner, his arms crossed and frowning. "Where have you been?" he demands. "I look away for a second, and you're gone!"

I shrug, saying, "I guess I didn't notice you weren't following me." It's a big lie. Being under constant supervision is driving me crazy, so I snuck away. I can tell from the look he gives me that he doesn't believe me.

"Okay," he agrees finally, "just don't do it again. I don't want to -"

"Lose me?" I snap. For some reason, that statement really bothers me. "What am I, a small helpless child? I can take care of myself, Julius!"

"Not from what's happened in the last few hours!" he spits. I can tell he regrets saying it, but it still hurts. I feel tears welling up, so I turn and sprint.

"Delilah! Wait!" I hear him call, but I am not stopping.

Even though it is cold, I dash out the doors of the Academy. Julius is far enough behind me that I can duck into the bushes planted along the walls. Just in time. He explodes out of the doors, pausing briefly to look around, then takes off. He runs right by me, so close I could have tripped him. As soon as his shouts die away, I slide back inside. It's so cold out there. Yes, I feel guilty for leaving him to search out in the snow, but he really did deserve it.

I walk down the hall to my bedroom. The door is slightly open - that's weird, I could have sworn I closed it when I left. Whatever. I walk inside, flicking on the lights, and collapse on my bed. I grab my pillow and pull it close to my face, sobbing out all my anger and depression into it.

Then I hear the closet door creak.

I don't want to look up, but I can't help it. I do. I scream. There, in the closet, is the pale, black-robed woman from earlier today, two of her minions by her side. Usha. That was her name. The High Queen of Demons, Servant of the Dark One and all that. She doesn't smile as she makes eye contact, simply curls her index finger, motioning for me to come. I back away until I hit the wall.

Usha narrows her eyes at me, and makes a sharp whistle. The servant by her side lifts his head and looks at me. I see the red eyes that have been haunting me. Usha snaps her fingers, and he is upon me. His pale, cold hand wraps around my throat and lifts me off the floor.

"You ... must ... come!" he rasps, tightening his hold.

"No!" I manage to gasp.

At a nod from his master, the demon drops me to the floor. "Do ... I ... use ... force?" he moans.

The High Queen shakes her head. "No, you fool! As I have explained, the Sacrifice must come of her own free will. Fetch him."

Before I can ask who "he" is, the demon nods and vanishes. I turn to the remaining two and open my mouth to question them. Usha puts a finger to her lips. "Silence. He is coming, you'll see."

A few seconds later, the demon reappears. He smiles evilly at me, before gliding over to his mistress' side. Soon, a banging begins on my door. Then I hear his voice.

"Delilah? Are you in there?"


My eyes widen in horror. No, she wouldn't! I look pleadingly at Usha as I call, "Yes, but go away! I'm tired!"

Usha smiles as he touches the other demon on the forehead. He lets out a scream that sounds very much like mine.

"Delilah?!" Julius hollers.

"I'm fine!" I repeat. "Please, leave him alone!" I beg Usha.

"Only if you join us."

"NO!" I cry.

Her face hardens as she mutters something to her minion. He nods and unlocks the door. Julius bangs in seconds later. His face registers the shock at seeing what appears to be three dead people in my room. Then, before he can act, the two demons are upon him, tearing at his skin and scratching at his face. I take a step forward, but Usha grabs my arm and holds me back. I can only watch.

"They'll kill him unless I tell them to stop." she whispers.

The choice is difficult, but I know what to do. I don't want to, but I know I must. I turn to face her. "Fine. I'll come. Just tell them to stop!"

Usha whistles. The two demons immediately stop, and come to her side. Julius slumps forward, bleeding from a dozen places. His eyes are pleading me not to go, but I know I must. Usha takes my hand and leads me into the closet.
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