Categories > Anime/Manga > Full Metal Alchemist > A Less Than Noble Death

A Less Than Noble Death

by fireun 1 review

The indignity of it all was what galled him really

Category: Full Metal Alchemist - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor - Characters: Edward Elric, Ling Yao - Published: 2006-10-24 - Updated: 2006-10-25 - 394 words - Complete

Disclaimer- Dont own. merely borrowing. no profit made.

He was dying.

The indignity of it all was what galled him really. After all the fights, the laughing brushes with brutal death, his journey was going to end with him curled in a ball of agony taking so damn long to die. He wished it would just get over with already. The pain was intolerable, and the little mewling sounds that escaped his clenched lips were terrifyingly embarrassing. He was royalty. He deserved to go out in a blaze of bloody glory, the body of his foe falling before him, giving him time to smile before falling himself in a dramatic spray of blood, done in at last by the wound given him by his mortal foe.

So how the hell did he end up like this? He clenched one hand in the bed sheets; the other was still firmly pressed against his abdomen in some sort of futile attempt to hold in the agony. Oh, he should have known better, should have paid more attention to the actions of those around him...

The door opened with a creak, and he cast a baleful look at the man who entered, the deceptive beauty what was the cause of his pain. Oh, what had he done to deserve this, to deserve to be killed by such cowardly tactics? If only he could get to his sword...

Ed watched, one eyebrow raised in an amused expression he had picked up from Roy somewhere along the way, as Ling fumbled around on the bed. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

Teeth clenched against the wave of nausea his movements inspired Ling looked at Ed in disbelief. "How can you ask that?! You poisoned me!"

Ed snorted a laugh. "You're the one who demanded I cook dinner."

"You could have said no. You didn't have to kill me." Being indignant required too much energy. His stomach roiling and gurgling out a warning, Ling slumped back onto the bed.

"You aren't going to die, you idiot, though Roy tells me, from experience, that you're going to wish you had." Ed grinned, a toothy sort of rearrangement of lip. "Everyone else knows better than to ask me to cook."

Killed by culinary ineptitude. Ling closed his eyes and groaned. The poison would have been easier to explain to his family.
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