Categories > Games > Final Fantasy X-2 > Integrasco

Part One

by quicksilvermad 0 reviews

AU: The Farplane is not what you think it is. The continuation of Auron's story.

Category: Final Fantasy X-2 - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama - Characters: Rikku, Other - Warnings: [!!] [?] - Published: 2006-11-07 - Updated: 2006-11-08 - 671 words

DISCLAIMER: Squaresoft is the owner of all things Final Fantasy. I am merely a vessel for which ideas may be placed and written on paper and then typed onto the computer. I don't own the rights to Final Fantasy X. Or Auron. pout
AN: Sorry this chapter is so short.
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/Chapter 1:/
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/ /Time passed in immeasurable increments. Auron could have been sitting in the same place for hours or days-he couldn't tell. After a while of sitting on the edge of the hill, drinking, and staring out into a vast sea of waving green blades of grass, Auron felt a presence behind him and turned his head to see who it was.

Tidus gave a little wave and plopped down beside him with the grace of a shoopuf. "You seem down," he said.


"Yep," Tidus nodded. "That's your 'I'm-unhappy' grunt."

Auron turned to fully look him in the eye. "How is it any different from a normal grunt?" he asked.

Tidus shrugged and looked down at the flowing green plain. "You do this thing with your eyebrows when you do that one. Your normal 'shut-the-hell-up' grunt is just, you know, 'hmph,'" he said, at last impersonating Auron.

Auron could feel that the boy was trying to cheer him up, but it wasn't working. He was too tired to feel happy. Too worn out. He felt like a fraying piece of thread that was ready to break in half if it just weren't for that one extremely tensile fiber that was still hanging on.

He was sick and tired of hanging on.

The lines between his eyebrows deepened into furrows.

Tidus frowned as well and crossed his arms. "You wanna tell me what's wrong?" he asked.

Auron sighed heavily and brought a knee to his chest to make a resting place for the arm that wasn't being held in a makeshift (and unnecessary) sling. With the same hand, he pinched the bridge of his nose before he exhaled harshly.

Tidus waited patiently for his mentor to gather his thoughts. It took Auron some time-enough that Tidus figured he wasn't going to answer-before he spoke at last.

"I'm tired," he admitted. The hand that had been squeezing the skin between his eyebrows dropped back down into a pseudo pointing position.

Tidus raised an eyebrow and Auron elaborated.

"I've fulfilled my promises. Why can't I just rest? Why must I continue on this?" he asked and waved his balanced hand at himself. He wasn't intending for Tidus to answer-after all, it was a rhetorical question-and was incredibly surprised when his young friend did answer.

"Maybe fate isn't through with you yet," Tidus speculated.

Auron stared at his young friend with no small amount of surprise. Tidus caught the look and smirked slightly.

"And maybe I'm just hoping that it's not through with me either," he finished.

Auron's surprised expression melted into something more along the lines of understanding, and he sighed again. Tidus felt a bit embarrassed after saying what he did, but the humiliated feeling soon fled when he felt something placed in his hands.

Auron's tokkuri.

Tidus now bore the surprised facial expression of the pair, and Auron indulged himself in a half smile.

"Does this mean you think of me as a good friend now?" Tidus asked.

Auron chuckled dryly, and Tidus felt pained to hear that there was no mirth at all behind the gesture. It was an empty laugh-a tortured sound that he'd rather not hear ever again.

He never did get an answer to his question. But some time later between sips of the bitter alcohol and thoughts of Yuna and what she was doing at the moment, Auron voiced his own thoughts.

"I hope to any higher being that might be listening...I hope that it doesn't last too much longer for me."

With that, Auron retrieved his tokkuri and took three long gulps. Liquid fire burned down the back of his throat, and for that he was grateful.

Beside him, Tidus winced.

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