Categories > Original > Poetry

...Never really knowing...

by LostForever101 0 reviews

She sits in the dark never really knowing whats outside the door in front of her...

Category: Poetry - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-11-14 - Updated: 2006-11-15 - 153 words - Complete

...Never really knowing...

She sits in the dark never really knowing whats outside the door in front of her, she hears screaming, crying, scraching, and terrfies her.She hears it day and night "I cannot open that door if I do I will find the horrors that lurk behind it"She says silently .In her mind she knows what the sounds are, people of war, the screams, lives lost that did not get to live the life they should have, the crying, mothers crying out for the children that were taken from them far to soon, the scraching, presoiners of war trying to get out the horrbile cells, that they are in for know better reason then being in the wrong place at the wrong time, the moening, is the pain they are in and suffering...endless. It is true hell. But she is safe behind the door...never really knowing.
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