Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > It's Not A Fashion Statement

Drama In Douglas Ga. (Southern Girls Ain't As Sweet As they Look)

by gerardlover17 2 reviews

A year l8er and we back in our home town of Douglas....At a hotel

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2006-11-30 - Updated: 2006-11-30 - 445 words

It's a year later and i am the favorite designer in Skeleton Crews Design team. But i have decided to branch off and Start my own label. Frank has decided to help me. Me and gerard are still together and we decide it is time to go home and have him meet my parents. It all goes well and we are back at the hotel.

Janna's P.O.V.

Laying on the bed next to mikey, i look over and say, "shit, I got nothing to do."
"we can go surfing in the pool"
"did that"
"steal the bus?"
"did that"
"Chase the monkey's at the zoo?"
"did that and no zoo"
"steal the candy in the vending machine"
"oooooo, I like that idea" we get up and run to the vending machine

**10 minutes later in My P.O.V.***

Me and gerard run out the door at the sound of Janna Freaking out. We had been inside visiting with Miracle when we had heard Janna yell, "Oh No It's the po po who called the po po. no po po no!!" we watch as mikey and Janna get taken away. Gerard turns to me and says "see i told you they would be arrested before the day was out"
suddenly Brittany and bob come running up screaming "ewwwwwwwwwwww" "we just caught Frank and Cody doing the nasty in the maids closet"
I look at them and ask "why did ya'll go into the maids closet"
At brittany's Blush miracle yells "yall had the same idea as Frank and Cody didn't ya'll" "no" they said too quickly.
shaking my head i went back inside and gerard follows me and closes the door. From outside we hear "gerard and shannon Are gonna do the dirty." We hear Frank Yell "i wanna watch!!" and cody say "hey Your mine"
i watch as gerard turns to me and says "shannon I wanna ask you something"

*gerard's P.O.V.**

"what do you wanna ask??" I watch shannon as she sits on the bed. This last year has been amazing shannon has taken me out of my depression and made me soo happy. I tell her all of this before i ask the question i had practised to frank a million times. "will you marry me??"
Before Shannon Can answer Janna, Who obviously got outta jail, Bursts in and yells "Say yes i wanna look like a pretty princess and your bridesmaid!"
Mikey comesin and asks "what did i miss??"
"gerard proposed to Shannon"
"well Shannon. Are you gonna Marry him??"
we all turn to shannon and i watch as she looks at me and says.......

Okay please review
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