Categories > Games > Final Fantasy 7 > The Final Battle: Part 3

The Final Battle: Part 3

by One-Winged-Angel 0 reviews

Clouds sword flew in all directions, each one of them dodged by Loz.

Category: Final Fantasy 7 - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure - Characters: Cloud Strife, Loz, Yazoo - Warnings: [?] [V] - Published: 2006-12-04 - Updated: 2006-12-04 - 1109 words - Complete

The Final Battle
The Two Brothers

Chapter 3

Clouds sword flew in all directions, each one of them dodged by Loz. The only thing Loz really had was speed, he didn't have strength that's why he had that device on his arm. He wasn't to good with a gun because every time he fired it he would miss with every shot. Cloud and Loz collided with each other, Loz's arm would have been long gone by now, but the device blocked it. Sparks started to fly from the two steel objects scratching together.

"Just let me thru, it doesn't have to end like this. Your not the one I want", Cloud said trying to reason with his enemy.
"like I said before brother, orders are Orders!", Loz pushed Cloud back and jumped in the air, the device on his arm started to make a weird noise, as Loz was coming down for the attack, Cloud jumped out of the way. When Loz hit the ground it was like waves of dirt and rock coming from all directions.
"this is what the power of Jenova can grant us", Loz said as he lifted up his left arm which had the device strapped to it.
"Jenova gave you devices because you have no real power, because she doesn't want to share her power with her children" Cloud continued, "The only one she gave power to was Sephiroth"
"SHUT UP!", a voice came from above them.

"mother gave us all power, she didn't give us all the same but she did reward us with power beyond your belief"
Cloud looked up to the voice that was coming from above him, he was dressed the same as Loz and Kadaj, he was dressed in black and had long silver hair, about as long as Sephiroth's, this one's name is Yazoo.

"I think a two on one is necessary in this matter. Don't you think Loz" Yazoo said,
"I can take care of this by myself Yazoo, I don't need your help", Loz said with anger that filled his entire being.
"I don't think you have what it takes to kill him of, so I will help, and if you don't like it then move out of the way and I will do it myself", Yazoo said as he jumped from the top of the building and walked toward Cloud. Cloud watched as Yazoo walked over, the only weapon he had was a old fashioned long barreled gun, with a blade that was attached to the top. Yazoo had speed, I mean incredible speed, he wasn't as fast as Sephiroth or Kadaj but his maneuver capabilities where unmatched. As Cloud blinked Yazoo wasn't where he was before, Cloud looked up and brought his sword above him, and blocked the attack from Yazoo, then he was gone again. Cloud felt a pain in his back, he turned as quick as he could. Yazoo had stabbed him, not fatally but it still hurt like hell.

"you cant match my speed brother, no one can. I wont play around like our brother Loz over their there, oh no, I'm going to finish this right here and now. I don't have time to play, the resurrection of mother is almost here. To bad you cant live to see it brother. We will have to explain to her that one of her children is a black sheep", Yazoo said as he gripped his weapon ready to deliver the last blow. But Cloud asked a question before he could deliver it.

"why do you want to resurrect mother so bad, you have never seen her, talked to her. What happens after you bring her back?" Cloud asked trying to distract Yazoo enough to where cloud could get a hit on him.
"we will turn this world into the world that our mother wanted it to be", Yazoo said as he flipped the long barreled gun in his hand.
"what then, what happens after you complete turning the world into Janova's image", Cloud said and he got up on one knee.
"Sephiroth wont need you anymore, he'll get rid of you just like he did everyone else".

"we are the Jenova's children just like Sephiroth, he wouldn't turn on his own brethren", Yazoo said, starting to get frustrated witht hat fact that Cloud might be right. Sephiroth never did trust anyone, so why would he start now.
"he wouldn't do that, even if he did there are three of us and one of him"

"do you really think it matters if there are more of you then there are of him, he has taken down a whole army of first class soldiers with out even breaking a sweat", Cloud knew his plan was working, he wanted to get Yazoo mad enough so that he could have an open shot and end this before time ran out, and one Yazoo was getting more than mad, he was getting pissed, but he wasn't leaving an opening for an attack.
"so what's it going to be Yazoo, let me through so I can end this, or don't and die by the hands of your own brother?", Cloud asked still waiting for their to be an opening. Yazoo was still thinking, by the look on his face he wasn't sure what to do. He didn't want to betray his family, but he didn't want to die by their hands.

"I'll take my chances, but I must follow the orders that where bestowed upon me", Yazoo jumped towards Cloud with a speed that wasn't their before, for some reason Yazoo was quicker than before, maybe it was because of what Cloud said, or maybe it was the fact that Cloud pissed him of to the break where he just lost it. Cloud was able to block almost everyone of Yazoo's attack, some got thru but their weren't serious injury's. Loz just stood their watching his two brothers fight to the death, he was thinking of who was going to win, if Cloud won then he would go in for the kill since he was already wounded, but if Yazoo won they wouldn't have to worry about any one stopping their plan from being delayed.

Yazoo was pulling every attack he knew, but he knew he was fighting in pure rage, and that wasn't good. He knew that if he made one mistake and let Cloud have an attack then it would be over, just like that.
Cloud could kept noticing that Yazoo's eye's where glowing. Yazoo's eyes where pure green from the mako that was in his blood, the mark of Jenova, the mark of a SOLDIER.
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