Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Kill Me Tonight, Bury Me Here.

Three - Anxiety

by dropdead__x 3 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror, Humor - Characters: Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!!] [V] - Published: 2006-12-05 - Updated: 2006-12-05 - 697 words

chapter 3 :)
hope you like!


Frank and Gerard got out of the car. The slamming of the doors made an echo throughout the pitch black night. The rain had died down, but it was still cold and dull. Frank put his hand into his pocket and drew out a cigarette packet. He carefully chose a cigarette and lit it with care, inhaling the smoke, feeling instantly relaxed. He lent on the car and thought. He was being stupid. He shouldn't regret what he was doing, as it was in compliance with the code. Revenge was always the best dish, especailly when served cold.

Gerard walked towards Frank and looked at him, a glint of mischeif in his eyes.

"Can I look at the file?" He asked as he shook his hair over his eyes. His hair was also dark, but unlike Frank's it was long and always slightly uncombed. He tucked a strand behind his ears as he waited for Frank to pass him the file.

"Uhuh," Frank said. He laughed inside his head. He thought he sounded like Clint Eastwood, with his cigarette at the side of his mouth, his voice all husky and mysterious. He looked down at the file once more, and decided not to feel anything. No remorse, no wretchedness, nothing.

Gerard's eyes lit up as Frank passed him the file. He grasped it and felt it's rough texture on his hands. He took a deep breath and opened the file, turning it's front page with the most care as if it would break with the slightest force. The blood gushed down Gerard's veins and filled his heart, causing him to start breathing heavily with excitement. His feelings towards tonite instantly changed. Instead of becoming heavy with nervousness, Gerard felt alive and ready. He uttered a sarcastic, excited laugh but he did not draw his gaze from the file.

"I don't want to know who it is, Gerard," Frank timidly told Gerard as he took a drag of the cigarette, looking at the dank ground.

Gerard paused and slowly averted his gaze from the file.

"You do," he replied. There was a long pause as Gerard stared at the file and Frank smoked his cigarette. It was still bitterly cold and windy

"It's someone you have a vendetta against," He shouted with some kind of perverted joy.

Frank's face went blank and white. He knew who it was. The person was the topic of many a group discussion over the past few months. His stomach turned, he couldn't do it. Everytime they discussed the person - her. Frank didn't say a word - he kept his mouth firmly sewn together.

"! Ha! I KNEW it!" He smirked, rubbing the file with his thumb.

Frank bit his lip with frustration until he could taste the raw, numbing taste of blood.

"Goddamnit. Why do I have to do it? It wasn't her fault," he replied, looking down, his cigarette nearly burning his nail-bitten fingers.

"Listen," Gerard said putting his hand on Frank's shoulder, "A true friend doesn't stab you in the back. That's too normal, that's cliché. A true friend stabs you in the front, right infornt of your very eyes and you don't even know that they've done it."

Frank lowered his eyebrows and took the last drag from his cigarette.

"Gerard, you're basically saying that a true friend stabs you in the back," He said, laughing at Gerard's words.

"Hey!" He laughed, hitting Frank's head with his hand. "Same thing! But it has to be done, and you have to follow the code; Revenge - Adelleda Vendetta."

"Urgh!" Frank yelled as he kicked the wheel of Gerard's car. "Revenge. It's all I ever fucking think about. You're right, Gerard. Revenge is the only way forward. Let's burn this down," he replied, regaining his normal posture.

Frank looked at his watch and noticed that it was exactly 9pm. It was time for the club to start thriving with people. All the anxiety had gone and he was ready to do what he always did, what he learned to love. He was ready.

ooooh, but WHAT was he ready for?
thanks for all the reviews & reads - appriciate it :]
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