Categories > Original > Drama > Rebuilding Trust

Scene 1

by Kylelara 0 reviews

Scene 1

Category: Drama - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-12-10 - Updated: 2006-12-10 - 170 words

Foyer of police station. 3 o'clock in the morning.
[The doors open and a casually dressed woman strides in.]

DESK SERGEANT: looking up Hey Cassidy! Whatcha doing back here? Don't you have a home?

CASSIDY: The LT called me back in. Said something about child picked up during a call-out tonight... stops in front of the desk know anything about that?

DESK SERGEANT: scowling Yeah, thirty years on this job and I still don't get how a person could do that.... shakes head Seen it a hundred times but it still turns my stomach.

CASSIDY: Means you're a good man Jerry...So...the kid...? cocks head to side

DESK SERGEANT: LT's got her in his office. Kid's a mess...and scared stiff. Thompson said they found her locked in a closet... curls hands into fists

CASSIDY: pats Jerry on the shoulder as she passes But they DID find her. And that's what counts. See ya later Jer. walks out a door in the back

DESK SERGEANT: looking after her Good luck!
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