Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Why Put a New Address On the Same Old Loneliness?

Making Out Inside Crashed Cars

by pixi_dust 0 reviews

Just out of high school, the members of FOB and Pat's little sister Adia think life is easy and good, until the past comes back to haunt them...

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-12-10 - Updated: 2006-12-10 - 2319 words

"Patricia Wentz!!"

"Hey, don't call me that!!"

I laughed, almost falling off the sofa. I had applied make up all over his face while he had been asleep, with Andy and Patrick instructing me. Joe stood in the kitchen, cooking Ramen noodles and watching.

"Well, you certainly look like a Patricia!!" I could hardly breathe from laughing.

He jumped up and looked in a mirror, horror spreading all over his face. He looked like a mix of a china doll and Raggedy Ann.

"Adia..." he closed his eyes and sighed, rubbing his face. That was his mistake.

He turned around to look at us. We all died laughing. The huge red spots on his cheeks had smeared all over his face, along wth the concealer I had used, which was ghostly white.

"Oh my fucking God..." he murmured, looking in the mirror. "I'm gonna go wash this off."

"Uh, Pete? It won't come off with just soap and water."

"WHAT?" He turned and stared at me, a little angry.

"You gotta have remover." I held up the package of removal pads from behind my back, then ran to the kitchen. He followed, bumping into Andy.

"Give it to me, Adia!" he said threateningly, grinning.

"You gonna make me?" I gave him a daredevil look.

"YEAH!" He grabbed my neck and put me in a headlock. I held the package away from him.

"Give it to me!" He bent over me, reaching for it. I held it away farther.

"JOE! Help me," he said, apparently straining. Joe put down his spoon and walked over to us, grabbing the package and throwing it to Andy. I could see the look Pete had in my mind's eye.

"Joe!" he whined, then went to the living room. Andy grinned evily, throwing it over his head to me. As he came for me, I threw it to Patrick.

"Throw it, Panda, throw it!!" I called. he threw it, with Pete right in front of me. He caught it, and tore it open greedily.

"You shoulda caught on when I said 'pads'," I said, grinning sinisterly.

He looked up at me pitifully. "You're getting this off."

I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the bathroom. I moistened a washrag, and drowned it in soap, pulling his face down to the sink and scrubbing his face.

"I thought you said soap and water don't work?" he said, wincing.

"If you make it it will," I said, rubbing it around in my hand for a moment then going back to work on his face. I told him to rinse it off, and went back to sit with Andy, Patrick, and Joe, who were eating and playing video games.

"Don't you ever get tired of this?" They were playing old-school nintendo.

"No," they all three said at the same time. Patrick took a drink out of a Coke bottle.

"Oh well. Neither do I." I plopped down by Andy and took the controler, picking up where he left off playing Super Mario Brothers. He glared at me.

"You think just cause you beat me at Zelda you can beat me at this too," he said.

"I know." I was already obsorbed in the game. Patrick was the little man in green.

"Duh dun dun duh duh-ta-da, dun nun ta-da ta-da da to-da-da..." Joe mumbled, going to the tune of the theme song.

Pete walked in, sitting by me. "You guys at it again?" he said, reclining his head.

"Just using our spare time," I said, grinning at him. He playfully punched my shoulder.

"Will you ever change?"

"I don't think so," I said. 'Everybody loves me for who I am though, don't they?"

"Of course we do," Andy muttered.

"You're just jealous cause she's beautifuller than you," Joe said, grinning at him.

"No such word," Andy said.

"In my vocabulary there is." he laughed.

"What's so beautiful about me?" I asked them.

I pictured myself in my mind- a nineteen year old, long blond hair with black streaks, labret and nose piercings on my face. I always wore black or gray, sometimes blue, and wore thick-rimmed glasses, like my brother Patrick. I always sported my worn black low-top Converse.

"You look better in socks than him," Patrick said.

"And just about anything else that can be worn," Joe added.

"Funny, haha," Andy said scathingly.

"You're just jealous cause Mario finds me sexier than you," I said, laughing. My fingers moved nimbly on the controller.

"Oh, shut up."

Pete patted my knee. "Good one," he whispered.

I looked at him in the corner of my eye and grinned. "I know."

'He's the one who likes all our pretty songs, and he likes to sing along, and he likes to shoot his gun'

"You know headbanging isn't safe, don't you?"

I stopped my music and looked up at Patrick. "I's me I'm screwing up, not you, right?"

"I worry though, cause I'm a good brother like that." In my mind I saw his head swelling.

"Why don't you be a good brother and get me something to eat?" I asked, smirking. I put my palm flat on the floor and got up, getting my hair out of my face. I followed him through the house.

"Fix yourself a bowl of cereal, I don't feel like it," he said, plopping down on the couch. Andy was in the floor and Joe was on the loveseat- and they were both still asleep. They always made fun of me because I was an early riser- Pat was just awake because my Nirvana always woke him up.

I opened up the cabinet, got out a box of Lucky Charms, and poured it out into 'my' bowl. I drowned it in milk, got a lightsabre spoon- red- and sat by my brother.

"One day that bowl's gonna go on strike," he said. I rolled my eyes at him- he wasn't even looking at me. He was playing video games again.

"Well, it hasn't yet so I'm not going to worry." It being empty now, i turned it around in my hands. "Oh no, wait- I think it's growing legs!!"

"You better keep it locked up, or it'll jump out of the kitchen window."

"Is she eating out of that same bowl again?" Andy murmured groggily, sitting up, rubbing his eyes, and reaching for his glasses on the coffee table.

"Yeah," Pat said, not taking his eyes off the game.

"Joe shouldn't have got it for her, he knows how freaking possesive she is." He stretched and yawned, the got up and sat by me.

"Fuck you," I said. I stretched out, putting my head on my brother's knee and my legs across Andy's lap.

"Adia Leigh Stump, get off me," he said, looking at me, trying not to grin.

"Aw, c'mon..." I gave him puppydog eyes. "I'm comfortable. Don't you want me to be comfortable?"

He rolled his eyes, smiling. "i don't care, just don't fidget too much."

I sat up and got in his lap, awaiting his reaction.

"Pat, you'll never realize how sexy your sister is," he said, grinning.

I stroked my finger down his chest playfully. We did things back and forth, moreso playing than flirting.

A few minutes later Pete came through the door- the first thing he saw was us.

"Since when are you two....?" He stuttered, surprise all over his face. I jumped off of Andy.

"Never, we were just being stupid."

"I was fixin' to say." He moved Joe's legs and sat down on the loveseat, after plugging in another controler to the console.

"Can I play, Pat?"

"Sure." He reset it with his foot. They were playing Gauntlet: Dark Legacy.

"Isn't this the one I got you for your birthday?" I asked.

"Yeah," Pat replied.

I stood up and took my bowl to the kitchen, washing it and putting it back exactly where I had got it.

"Did it grow legs yet?" Pete asked me as I sat down.

"You can barely see 'em, but yeah."

"Next thing we know it's gonna have labret piercings and glasses."

I threw a pillow at him, but accidentally hit Joe. He sat up and looked at us all.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty," Andy said. He was sitting cross-legged.

"G' mornin'," Joe said, yawning as he did so. His shirt came up a little and showed his stomach. He sat back on the loveseat and began watching Pete and Pat's game.

" 'Screw XBox, I play oldschool Nintendo..." I heard him sing.

"The emo song!" I laughed.

"Yeah, they looked at you one day and said, 'now, that pretty girl needs a song'," he said, grinning at me, "and that came out."

"But it talks about a emo boy who's depressed and makes out with other guys."

"They must have seen you in Starbucks with Andy and mistook you for a dude," Pete said.

"Joey, slap him," I said, relaxing. I knew Joe would do anything I told him to do, and within a few seconds I saw Pete wincing.

"Joe, I love you," I whispered.

"Who's da hoe?.....She's da hoe..." Pete sang, after some song he heard from my friend Kaylie's little cousin.

"No one's a bigger hoe than you," Joe said, winking at me. I grinned back.

"At least I can get girls."

"Why do I need girls when I got my baby? Isn't that right, Adia?"

I narrowed my eyes and tried to look seductive. "That's right," I said, grinning.

"You just want some of that, don'tcha?" Joe laughed.

Pete rolled his eyes. "Whatever."






I slammed my photo album shut and stomped down the stairs. I saw Pete standing there, holding a piece of paper.

"What do you want now?" I said, half whining, half sighing.

"You guys are out of food. I was wondering if you wanted to go shopping with me."

"Oh my God, I don't know..." I sighed.

"Well, I need to know." He crossed his arms and leaned against the counter. I grabbed my Converse from under the table and put them on, then grabbed my purse.

"Ah, what the hell, I'll go." I smirked at him as I walked out the door and got in his car. He followed.

We strolled through the food mart, getting the cheapest items that met our needs, cutting up and goofing off. Doing stuff like that was so much funner when you were doing it with Pete.

There was a blue and black haired punk girl at out register. She kept looking at me oddly, and when she did I would just look away. When we were pushing our cart away, she yelled my nickname.


I turned around, surprised. She ran up to me.

"Hey!! Long time no see."

"Uh...." I said. I felt like saying "And you are...?" but something told me to hold my tounge.

"It's Rina! You do remember me right?"

I thought hard for a moment, then remembered- she was one of my best friends in ninth grade. "Yeah! Hey! How are you?"

"I'm good, and you seem like you are too."

"well..." I glanced back at Pete. "We gotta go home and put those up, we got three hungry little boys at the house waiting for us," I said, thinking of Andy, pat, and Joe.

"Three... little.... you and him have kids?"

"No!! Do you remember Andy and Joe? And my brother?"

"Umm..... yeah."

"It's them."

"OOoohh! How stupid of me!"

"Well, I gotta go, see ya later."

"Bye!" She cried as we walked out.

"Rin having a job.... who'da thunk?" Pete said, pushing the cart towards his car. I popped open the trunk and we began putting the bags in.

"I'm saying," I replied, laughing a little.

Once we got home, I kicked the door open, holding at least three bags in each hand. "I'd like some help!!" I barked at them. They were sitting on the couch, Andy and Pete playing games and Joe reading a book. He snapped his book shut and looked at me.

"What with?"

I held up my grocery bags in an 'uh... duh!' way. He rushed out the door and grabbed some of them, bringing them in and setting them on the counter.

"Thanks Joe," Pat said, never taking his eyes off of his game. I gave him a deathglare, but he never saw it.

"Yeah, thanks Joe," I said flirtingly.

"Dude, I swear there's something going on with them," Andy murmured.

"Man, I'm JOKING," I said, rolling my eyes. I went out and got the last two bags, closing the door behind me as I came in. "You staying the night, Pete?" I asked as I began putting the food up.

"Ah, I guess," he said, smiling at me. "You know I just LOVE treading on your hospitality."

"It's only treading when you're like Andy," I laughed, getting a very sour look in return. I came in the living room and plopped down by him.

"You know I 'duss kiddin'," i said, in my high pitched voice.

"Get out of my face you pediphile, you disgust me," he said, grinning. I got right up in his face- our noses were barely touching.

"You wanna fight?" I whispered loudly.

"No!" He pushed me off, and I fell to the floor.

"Wuss," Joe said.

"I don't fight girls."

"...Yet you push them out into the floor," Pete remarked.

"And she was only joking. You're way too serious," Joe added. He wasn't grinning, not one sign of joking was on his face.

"Well, i didn't know," he replied a little smartly. I went over to Joe's chair and sat by him on the arm. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me onto his lap. I put my head on his.

"You okay?" He asked. I knew he was smiling.

"Yeah." I smiled too.
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