Categories > Games > Kingdom Hearts > Sora Gets Mad (At Certain Bosses)


by LordSora 0 reviews

Sora goes crazy over losing to certain bosses.

Category: Kingdom Hearts - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor, Parody - Characters: Sephiroth, Sora - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-12-12 - Updated: 2006-12-12 - 89 words

Sephiroth has beaten Sora for the hundredth time... Sora's getting frustrated.

SORA: I got my Elixirs! I got Upper Slash, Ultima Weapon, and maxed out Growth Abilities! What am I doing wrong!?

SEPHIROTH: I just cannot be beaten...

SORA: Shut up!! charges and starts whacking Sephiroth over and over

SEPHIROTH: Ow! STOP! Dammit! Crap! What the hell!? OOF!

SORA: How'd you like THAT?!

SEPHIROTH: ...dies

CLOUD: What!? He's dead already? Oh well! opens a can of beer

SORA, DONALD, and GOOFY: each open their own cans of beer

...Continued... ?
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