Categories > Games > Final Fantasy 7 > Broken and Twisted

Through the Window

by loves_martyr 3 reviews

Broken and Twisted Chapter 6

Category: Final Fantasy 7 - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance - Characters: Cloud Strife, Sephiroth - Published: 2006-12-12 - Updated: 2006-12-12 - 7626 words

DISCLAIMER: I do not own any Square Enix related indica, but I do wish I had Sephiroth in a cage . . . in my bedroom . . . where I could . . . well, you get the point.

WARNINGS: Language, violence

Chapter Six
Through the Window

After Cloud had told Sephiroth his motive for killing Matthew, the white-haired man had managed to reign in his anger well enough so as not to frighten the blonde. He fumed on the inside, but refused to let it show . . . not just yet anyway.

Cloud hadn't uttered a single word since he'd told, and Sephiroth could think of no way to fill the silence without venturing into hazardous grounds. He'd known before that Cloud had been traumatized to a severe degree, but now that he knew, he couldn't help but feel even more sympathetic toward him. Teenage boys weren't supposed to be this introverted. Perhaps Cloud was just used to a lack of civil company . . . or maybe he just didn't want to talk. Then again, Sephiroth couldn't blame him for his silence.

Cloud had curled onto the couch, holding his knees to his chest, and was currently starring off into space with a blank expression on his face. He looked so tired . . . so fragile. In fact, Sephiroth got the impression that Cloud would shatter like a broken mirror if he had to go through anything else. Now that Sephiroth thought about it, he was surprised Cloud hadn't killed himself long before his attempt the day before. The blonde's life had obviously been a living hell. His mother had killed herself. Why? Why hadn't his father been there for him? Why hadn't anyone in Nibelhiem taken him? Did he have no relatives he could have stayed with? Evidently not, why else would he have been shipped all the way to Midgar?

He envisioned a little blonde boy with big blue eyes alone on a ship headed to Midgar. Someone had to have payed for his ticket across the ocean. The village maybe? They could have just kept him. Why hadn't they? It would have saved the boy a lot of pain. It would have saved the boy from becoming a killer, cold blooded or not. He remembered the first time he'd killed a man. He was seventeen and had yet to be recognized as General by ShinRa. He was, however, a SOLDIER First Class, and had garnered quite a bit of positive attention from the presiding General, a broad-shouldered man by the name of Horokai, his first lover . . . no, more like his first partner. Their relationship lasted one night, and one night only, and was the only time Sephiroth had ever been taken. He'd made sure to be on top ever since then. Not that he hadn't enjoyed it, but none of his other lovers had chosen the position, and he was more than happy to compensate. Enough about the maze of dead ends that constituted his love life, back to the first time he'd killed a man.

He had been sent on an assignment in sector five. A group of rebels had lashed out at ShinRa by attempting to kidnap a politician there, Scarlet, President ShinRa Senior's secretary, and soon to be daughter-in-law to be exact. Sephiroth had been deployed, along with three other SOLDIERs. He hadn't known at the time, but Zack was one, but he could only remember the faces of the others, not their names. He knew for a fact that one was already dead anyway. He hadn't had Masamune yet, just a normal-lengthed katana called Symbiune. His first sword, how could he possibly forget? The rebel group consisted only of four men and a woman. Zack killed one directly upon entering the scene and clashed with another that held up to him equally whilst Sephiroth fought the woman and a tall blonde man. The other two SOLDIERS busied themselves with the remaining rebels.

Sephiroth remembered fighting two with ease, he hadn't wanted to kill them, just intimidate them into retreating or surrendering, either would suffice as long as Scarlet was safe . . . his orders. One of the unnamed SOLDIERS had felled his opponent proceeded to assist the other. They soon had him down on his knees, holding up his hands in submission. They then relieved him of the blonde man he'd been fighting. He wounded the woman, who was armed with a strange-looking glave of some sort, with a swift upper swipe. It was only her leg. She'd live. He waited a second to ascertain himself if she'd cause any more trouble. She had gone white and fallen to the ground, currently incapacitated. He turned to check on Zack, who seemed to be having difficulty. The heavily built bald man wielded a club with painfully large spikes, painfully large, and painfully sharp. The big man swung for Zack's head, but Zack had ducked at the last moment to avoid having his head knocked off in favor of a blow to the shoulder, which left a nasty scar that he still had today. The blow hadn't been fatal, but the shear impact had dazed the dark-haired warrior. Zack fell, one hand over his shoulder. Zack didn't see the man as he raised the club, prepared to deliver a final blow to the back of his head, but Sephiroth did. In an instant, Symbiune had been thrust through his skull. Blood seeped from the man's wounds as he fell face first into the dirt. The first time he'd killed.

He remembered the haunting guilt that never relented its constant nagging. He lost sleep. He'd taken the life of a living creature. He'd stolen everything that man had ever known . . . but he'd saved a life in the process, a life more important to himself. After that, Zack had been eternally grateful and they had become fast friends. Sephiroth wasn't quite as bitter then as he was now. Besides, Zack's thankfulness helped ease the pain of what he had done, but it was still there. He was used to that now though, that guilt that came with taking another's life. He had learned that some people are unworthy of life. Some people deserve death. Matthew had deserved Cloud's punishment.

Ten years in an orphanage. Midgar didn't pride itself on civil security. Places like the Midgar Orphanage didn't get much funding every year. How had Cloud survived? He'd likely been emotionally wounded before Matthew set in with his . . . sexual harassment. How had Cloud managed to come out on the other side? That was it. He hadn't come out in one piece. Hell, he wasn't even out yet and he was already broken. This one boy had suffered through enough trauma to totally eradicate most others. Sephiroth could tell by looking at Cloud that he was still hanging in there. The boy's shirt didn't cover his arms and Sephiroth could see that the blonde hadn't cut himself to relieve stress. Sephiroth had no experience with that sort of thing at all, but he knew enough to know that it was common among teenagers . . . especially ones like Cloud, and Cloud was the worst case he'd ever heard of. He hung his head. He hadn't heard all of Cloud's story yet, but he hoped he would eventually be allowed to know the true extent of Cloud's damage.

He hoped the blonde would trust him. He hoped that Cloud would come out with the rest of his problems. Yes, could he tell there were more. He didn't know how he knew there was more to this blonde's troubles than Matthew's death and the attempted rape. He just did.

If Cloud would just trust someone enough to tell him his problems, then the weight on his shoulders would be lessened considerably. Now that, Sephiroth knew from experience. When something ate away at him, he told Zack. Zack always listened. He was unworthy of such an understanding friend. Sephiroth thought back on his treatment of Zack. He always made snarky comments on his friend's hair, his loose personality. How did Zack put up with him?

He wondered if Zack could help the blonde sitting on his couch. Probably . . . but a pang of jealousy arose in Sephiroth as he thought of someone else being the one to put Cloud pack on his own feet again. Cloud had already confessed one thing to him . . . Sephiroth had already been allowed a glimpse of this boy's inner demons. He'd already been allowed a glimpse of this boy's almost nonexistent trust. Would Cloud be able to open up to someone else? He didn't think so, at least not immediately. Besides, he wanted the privilege for himself, although, he still hadn't figured out why.

Of course there was more to the blonde's distress than he showed in his exterior. He'd lived in the streets for a short amount of time, but any amount of time was too long. Sephiroth studied the boy's eyes. They were beautiful . . . or at least the color was. What Sephiroth saw there was depressing. The gorgeous cerulean orbs were almost dead. They were devoid of any emotions other than pain, fear, distrust, and maybe even a little betrayal. Since when had he become so good at reading expressions? He hadn't, that's another thing about this boy that puzzled him so. He could read him so easily, too easily. The strange thing, was that Sephiroth could only do this with Cloud, and no one else. Perhaps because the blonde's expressions were akin to his own as a boy, although, Sephiroth had to admit, he'd never experienced emotions of such intensity as he saw in Cloud's eyes . . . and no one had ever tried to rape him either . . . thank Gaia.

The small form on the couch shifted slightly and Sephiroth watched as the blue eyes came out of their dead trance and drifted to him instead. When Cloud realized Sephiroth had seen the direction of his gaze, the boy automatically turned away, suddenly finding the patterns on the sofa very interesting. Cloud's timidness only reinforced Sephiroth suspicions. Behavior like this had to have been driven into his mind.

Sephiroth suddenly remembered that he'd promised Cloud that, after Cloud told him why he'd killed Matthew, that he'd tell Cloud his position in ShinRa. He also remembered what the boy had said after that. Cloud was right, that was an unfair deal, but a deal all the same, and Sephiroth wasn't about to ignore his end.


The boy jumped, startled at the sound of Sephiroth's voice. Maybe he'd said that louder than he'd meant, but Sephiroth had trained himself to speak in a commanding manner, he was a military commander after all. His position had also taught him to use surnames when speaking to a subordinate, but Sephiroth had to remind himself that Cloud wasn't even in ShinRa, so first names would be more appropriate. He mentally scolded himself and tried again.


Sephiroth had already gained Cloud's attention the first time he had addressed him, but at hearing the softer tone of his voice, the look of dread on Cloud's face dampened a little.

"You were correct. The deal was unfair . . . but I thank you for telling me." The boy still looked unsure of himself, so Sephiroth added, "And, no, I don't think any less of you. In fact, I think you did the right thing, and, in my opinion, you should not have to face any punishment at all, but I do not have control over the Turks, the ones who will ultimately decide your fate in the case that you are captured. I /can/, however, influence their decision if the need arises."

Sephiroth paused to see if Cloud had anything to say. The blonde remained silent, insinuating that Sephiroth should continue.

"You wanted to know my position . . . I find it amazing that you don't already . . . "

Cloud looked down as if he'd been insulted. Then it struck him that Cloud's ignorance of the outside world shamed him.

" . . . but that's not your fault. In fact, I'd rather hoped I could hold off on telling you until we got to know each other enough to remain comfortable in each other's presence. I'm assuming you'll be staying with me until further notice?"

Cloud's eyes widened considerably, seemingly in shock. "I . . . I don't have to leave?"

Sephiroth raised an eyebrow. "Where were you intending to go?"

Cloud's answer was to remain silent.

"As I was saying . . . I'd hoped to hold off about telling you who I am, but, it would seem I owe you the courtesy of upholding my end of our little agreement. "

Sephiroth was aware of Cloud's eyes boring into him as he rummaged through a coat pocket in search of his wallet. He'd intended to show the boy his license, which, of course, would have his name and rank on them . . . Then he remembered how he'd come across Cloud in the first place.

" . . . sorry . . . about that . . . your wallet I mean . . ."

Sephiroth was almost startled. That had been the first time Cloud had spoken of his own accord. Even if it was a self-humbling apology, he'd still spoken without first being prompted. That meant he was growing used to Sephiroth's presence . . . or so the General hoped. The white-haired man opted not to blow his progress.

"No . . . that's all right. I'll just buy a new one."

Cloud dropped his shoulders in apparent relief. Sephiroth hadn't even noticed the blonde tense. Maybe he'd been that way throughout the entire conversation.

"Well, I was just going to show you my card, but . . . that was in my wallet." At the look on Cloud's face he added," . . . I can get another one of those delivered by next week, the picture was bad anyway." His pathetic attempt at a dry joke didn't work. Gaia, this kid was more of a lump than himself, but he could see why, this kid just had too much on his plate right . . . He had so many worries, and it showed.

"I suppose you don't know the order of rank in ShinRa, so I'll explain that first."

The blonde nodded once, so he continued.

"At the bottom, you have cadets, usually boys ages thirteen to eighteen, but there are some who are older. Cadets are fresh into the military and participate in routine training daily."

The blonde still remained silent. At least the boy's eyes had shifted to him, instead of trying to bore a hole into the sofa . . . or the floor . . . or the table . . . or the space directly over his shoulder. Sephiroth went on.

"After the cadet, the ranks branch into a few subcategories. The lowest would be the trooper. A trooper is someone who has completed and passed all five years of their training as a cadet, but still does not qualify for anything else. Next, comes the Turk. The Turks are a hand-picked group of fighters who usually excel in hand-to-hand combat or the mastery of a small weapon, or gun rather than a sword. Turks carry out assassinations, espionage, criminal incarceration, interrogations . . . that manner of activity. Then you have SOLDIERs. SOLDIERs are cadets or troopers who have passed a field exam and qualified for the position. After passing the SEE, SOLDIER Entrance Exam, one must then go through a series of lab tests, just to be sure of how a man's body will handle mako treatments. No matter how well you do on the SEE, if you fail the mako test, you don't qualify. SOLDIER is divided into three groups: Third, Second, and First Class. A SOLDIERs rank depends on his skill in battle, field work, and several other areas. Any questions so far?"

The only reaction he got from Cloud was a shake of his head. He couldn't help but notice how the blonde spikes bounced with the motion.

"In SOLDIER First Class, you'll find your commissioned officers. Officers have authority over all SOLDIERs who are subordinate to their rank. The lowest of officer ranking would be the major. Next comes the captain, then the lieutenant. Then, ranking above all others in the military, comes the General, who commands all other officers, along with cadets, and troopers, but, like I said before, I have no control over the Turks."

Cloud tensed up once again, his eyes looked about to burst from his skull.

Ah, so he did catch that.

"What was that?"

"I said I have control over all of the military except the Turks. They have their own heirarchy."

"You . . . you're a General?"

"The General," Sephiroth couldn't help but to crack a small grin at the look of astonishment on Cloud's face.

What?! This man before him, Sephiroh, was the General of ShinRa's military forces?! Their commander? He may not have gotten out much, but, with his avid hobby of reading books, he'd read quite a few about all-powerful military commanders such as Sephiroth claimed to be, and Cloud had not a single doubt in his mind that the man was telling the truth. That explained the natural air of intimidating pride that radiated from the man. That explained why Sephiroth's voice held such an indifferent tone that anyone would be willing to obey if it were directed to them. That explained the massive sword rack in the man's bedroom.

Cloud couldn't decide what to say in response to his newly attained information. His brain still needed a few seconds to process the words . . . and their potential meanings. Therefore, Cloud settled on not replying at all, at least for time being.

His inner voice agreed with him that this man would definitely be a much needed ally when, and if, he was ever captured . . . if he could be trusted.

Too late now he reminded himself. You've already told him too much. You have to trust him now . . .

Sephiroth's eyes remained on him, as if waiting for any further reactions prior to the look of surprise he'd let slip earlier. He couldn't help it. This man was ShinRa's military General. He had control over the whole damned place practically . . . except the Turks. Cloud knew he had to say /something,/but what?

" . . . That's why you wanted me to join the military . . ." he stated in an unimpressed voice.

Sephiroth was slightly startled at the blond's lack of enthusiasm.

"Hmmm . . . You've certainly taken this better than most. I once had a young cadet wet himself upon just seeing me, I hadn't even spoken to him yet."

"Really?" Cloud allowed the corners of his mouth to curl into a half-hearted smile. He just found the thought of someone pissing themselves in public mildly amusing.

Sephiroth nodded. "I figured you wouldn't react that way though. You seem to keep your emotions in check well enough."

Cloud actually met the man's eyes at this. Was that a compliment? A compliment meant for him?

Both were quite as neither of them had yet to come up with anything else to say.

He didn't miss the flicker of Sephiroth's green orbs as they flashed over his body, then back to his face. "Would you like something to drink?"

Cloud nodded shyly, still a bit apprehensive at accepting any form of gratitude from anyone.

"What would you like?"

Sephiroth's inquiring as to his personal preference startled him briefly. At the orphanage, he'd never been given any choice in anything, much less the chance to choose what he wanted to drink. They'd usually be given milk for breakfast, if they were lucky, they sometimes got orange juice. They were served water with all other meals.

"Anything's fine."

Sephiroth disappeared into the kitchen with a nod. A wave of shame washed over Cloud as he remembered what he'd tried to do in Sephiroth's kitchen, but he didn't have time to analyze it as he was suddenly stricken with an odd feeling in his chest. A familiar, yet unrecognizable sensation, like a lump had formed there. Wait . . . a lump . . . this was the way he'd felt the morning after being bitten by that dog. This was the way his reactions to exposure to impure mako had begun.

Oh Gaia . . . maybe . . . maybe it's not what you think. Maybe it's just . . . it can't be that . . . can it?

He decided to ignore the odd feelings until he was sure of what they were. He didn't want to tell Sephiroth only to realize afterwards that it was just an ache or something minor.

He looked up as Sephiroth returned, holding out a glass of fizzing purple liquid. Cloud accepted it, and watched as the other man took a sizeable gulp out of his own as he sat back into the recliner.

Cloud tasted the odd liquid in his cup. It was sweet, and it fizzed even in his mouth. He'd heard of sodas from orphans who'd lived with a family longer than himself, and had always wanted to taste one . . . he liked it.

"You like grape soda don't you?"

Was this man crazy? How could Cloud not like it? It was the first soft drink he'd ever had, but he wouldn't tell Sephiroth so.

Cloud nodded in response. It may have been his first soda ever, but he wasn't known to get very excited about anything.

"A friend of mine left it. I haven't seen Zack in while, but I don't think he'll mind. He probably forgot it was here now that I think of it."

Thinking back to what Sephiroth had said earlier. Cloud realized that his question had been expertly avoided.

"You never answered my question."

One of Sephiroth's eyebrows rose in response to accompany his puzzled expression.

"Why do you want me to join ShinRa?"

Sephiroth remained silent for much longer than was comfortable. Cloud found himself wondering if he'd overstepped his boundaries and had ascertained that he was doomed because there was no place for him to hide in the entire place if Sephiroth became angry. Relief washed over as the white-haired man finally spoke without a trace of irritation in his voice.

"You know, I could ask you as to why you do not wish to join ShinRa . . ." He paused as if contemplating something. ". . . but I'm not going to. "Cloud, I told you yesterday that you will have to continue mako treatments in order to live, do I not?"

Cloud consciously blanched. He hadn't forgotten, but neither had he been given a solution to his dilemma either.

"That's not the only reason . . ."

Cloud looked back to Sephiroth questioningly. When had his gaze wandered?

"That monster you killed, it was more than twice your size, yet you managed to kill it. I'm well trained in forensics. It jumped you . . . wounded you. You survived its onslaught long enough to kill it. Most people panic in situations of that nature and resign themselves to their fate, but you didn't. You fought it."

Cloud still remained silent. He could tell Sephiroth wasn't finished.

"Your wounds were quite severe, weren't they?"

Cloud still said nothing.

"Yet, when I found you, you were in bad shape, but you weren't bleeding . . . Your wounds were already healed. Mako doesn't work anywhere near that fast in other people, Cloud. In fact, it takes others around three days to get any effect at all. Once the tainted mako is out of your system, its positive effects will last longer, much longer. It's up to a month at most, but your body uses it quickly, so, maybe a week for you, then you'll need another injection of course. It will take a while for the tainted mako to leave your body, but, until then, you'll need injections as often as every other day."

Cloud couldn't think of anything to say to that, and Sephiroth took his silence as a cue to continue.

"What I'm saying Cloud, is that you would make an excellent SOLDIER. From what I know of you, I have reasons to believe you are capable of keeping a level head in a tight spot. As an added bonus, you react miraculously to mako. You're perfect for the job, and you need the mako to live. What other reason do you need?"

This time, Cloud knew Sephiroth had answered his question fully, and the General had a justified argument to Cloud's refusal to join. Cloud may have tried to kill himself the day before, but he wouldn't have finished it, he hadn't wanted death, just temporary oblivion so his conflicting thoughts would leave him alone, but Cloud wanted to live, and now, he needed the earthy, green substance to do so. Cloud still had one reason not to join, one reason holding him back. He didn't want to relive any of the things Matthew had put him through. He couldn't.

He realized that Sephiroth was watching him once again. Those glowing eyes seemed to peal him apart, layer by layer, examining each one. He drooped his head, feeling two inches tall under the intense emerald scrutiny.

Cloud may have told Sephiroth why he'd killed Matthew, but he would not admit his fears of it happening again. In fact, he had become afraid of practically any male larger than himself, which was pretty much all males in general. He barely held his composure in the company of one man, Sephiroth. He couldn't imagine staying in a room surrounded by other men, teens or not. And didn't men in the military all shower together at the same time? Cloud shuddered at the mere thought. His nervousness would drive him to paranoia, if he hadn't succumbed to it already. He couldn't join the military. He was just too afraid of that incident happening again. What if someone else took and interest in him? What if they turned out to be just like Matthew?

Sephiroth watched the blonde as many emotions played across his face. There were many, but fear was the only one Sephiroth could lable, the others he'd either never seen before, or were so mixed and complex that the English dictionary no longer held the words to describe them. Or maybe Cloud himself didn't even know what they were. Therefore, his body couldn't possibly know how to display them. He may not have seen any of the other emotions, but fear was definitely there, and was undoubtedly the strongest.

But fear of what? Dammit Cloud, just tell me what's wrong. If you could come out with both a murder confession and the revelation to a near stranger that you'd almost been raped within the same day, surely you can tell me what you're afraid of as well.

"I want to join ShinRa, Sephiroth. I would like to be in SOLDIER, but . . . I just /can't/."

He arched an eyebrow. "Why not?"

The teen's only answer was to lower his head, again, and shake it stubbornly.

Sephiroth had begun to lose his patience. He wasn't angry at Cloud, just frustrated at the intricacy of the puzzle the boy posed. He made the decision to look at the blonde's situation from his point of view.

He imagined himself in Cloud's body. A small, half-starved orphan with no friends, or ties to the world outside the confines of an old building he'd lived in for ten years. Sephiroth felt depressed already. He continued his day dream. He imagined a boy who was larger than himself often forcing him into unwanted sexual contact. The boy in his mind's eye tried to rape him, but he narrowly escaped. He imagined he'd feel angry . . . and scared. Scared of Matthew, but why would Cloud be afraid of Matthew now? The boy was dead. Cloud had killed him himself, albeight accidentally, but he was still dead. The blonde had no reason to fear Matthew anymore.

Then he remembered the other boy . . . the witness, Arlex Rainwater. He knew that boy had to have been more than a witness. After all, Cloud had said he'd stolen Arlex's knife and used it to kill Matthew. He had a faint suspicion that the scar on Cloud's neck was from that knife, due to the boy's earlier body language. So, both Matthew and Arlex had a go at him. He imagined, if he were Cloud, he'd have feared them both, but what could Arlex do to him now? How would Arlex affect Cloud's fear of the military?

Sephiroth thought back on what little he knew of Cloud's behavior. The blonde was submissive beyond reasoning and incredibly alert, as if he expected someone to attack him out of nowhere at any moment. Cloud acted afraid of everyone . . . no . . . Sephiroth had only seen the boy around one person . . . himself. Cloud acted as if he were afraid of him. What did he, Arlex and Matthew have in common? They didn't look alike, Matthew's picture had been broadcasted on the news. Besides, Sephiroth seriously doubted anyone looked like himself. Maybe Cloud was like this around everyone? Maybe he . . .

Then it hit him. Cloud feared men. Not just Matthew . . . Not just Arlex . . . Men. Now it made sense. Cloud didn't want to join SOLDIER because of all of the other males there. He was afraid of life in the barracks. He was afraid of a repeat of past experiences. Now that Sephiroth understood, maybe he could find a solution to the problem. He decided not to voice that he knew of the blonde's fears aloud, after all, there was no need in further humiliating a being that already inspired his pity so.

Yes, Sephiroth had a plan. What Cloud needed was someone to cheer him up. Cloud needed to spend time with someone who knew how to have fun. Cloud needed what he liked to call, 'Zack therapy.' Zack possessed a charismatic attitude and a sense of humor that could make even a rock laugh. Yes, Sephiroth was positive Zack could instill some confidence into the boy.

He had grinned slightly at his formulation of a possible solution to Cloud's habits and fears. Cloud had evidently noticed, as he was now studying the white-haired man with a questioning expression. Sephiroth vanished his grin, as he had learned that most people found his smile unnerving.

He glanced at the clock over the television. It would be a few more hours before Cloud would need more mako. What could the blonde do to stay occupied until then?

Cloud's fingers had grown numb. Yes, he was nervous again. This time his cold fingers hadn't been caused by fear, but uncertainty. Sephiroth had seemed lost in his own little world, when an unusual grin flashed across his ethereal features. The grin was unusual because Cloud could think of no other words to describe it. Feral? Cunning? Sly? This unknown gesture set his nerves on alert. He had trusted this man enough to confide in him his ordeal, but he still didn't feel comfortable being in his presence. After all, the man had said that many people have radical reactions to him. At least he hadn't feinted . . . or wet himself, but that was only because they knew of the man's power, his rank. Cloud on the other hand, he didn't feel so . . . so powerless around him because he was a General. Cloud felt this way because of the messages the man sent subconsciously. His body language spoke of unrivaled grace and agility. The man's mere appearance spoke of power . . . strength. Cloud didn't particularly fear Sephiroth . . . he just didn't know how to feel.

The white-haired man seemed like he wanted to help him, and Cloud had accepted that fact even though he couldn't fathom why. Sephiroth hadn't hit him yet. Hell, he hadn't even bothered to insult him verbally like most, calling him useless, worthless, or . . . Gaia forbid, Matthew's favorite, little whore. He had given him much needed food, the best food he'd had in ten years at that. He'd given Cloud the first soda he'd ever tasted, and it was a good one. Cloud couldn't help but wonder, when would Sephiroth's hospitality come to an end? When would the man throw him back onto the streets?

"Would you like to watch a movie?"

Cloud's head jerked up at the deep voice. He had slipped into his own thoughts. Cloud's eyes darted to Sephiroth's face. The eerie smile was gone, now replaced by a well-honed facade.

"Umm . . . What was that again?"

"Would you like to watch a movie?"

Like a soda, Cloud had never before seen a movie either. Like he'd said before, the orphanage had no mako energy to provide power. Although, he had heard about them. Many of the children who had spent longer on the outside had often complained about not being able to watch their favorite shows on television, and most spoke of fictional characters from movies they'd seen. They never spoke to him, naturally, but he had always had a sensitive sense of hearing. Being a loner had taught him that observation was the best way to learn. Now, with the mako, he could hear a feather fall in the next room if he tried.

"Yeah, I'd love to watch one!"

He didn't get this excited often, but, from what he'd gathered, movies were like books, except you didn't have to read them.

Sephiroth had a wide collection of DVDs underneath the television. Most were unopened. The white-haired man told him to choose one he'd like to see. Cloud felt vulnerable as he turned his back from Sephiroth, but he vehemently fought down the urges to glance routinely over his shoulder. He didn't feel completely safe around the man . . . he never felt safe around anyone. He chose a one that looked interesting. A yellow DVD with a woman and sword on the front cover.

Sephiroth took it from him and proceeded to put it inside the player. Cloud had never seen a DVD player before either, so he was grateful the man had operated it for him, saving him the trouble of experimenting with unfamiliar buttons.

Cloud placed himself back on the couch where he could watch the movie. He got comfortable, not wanting to miss anything.

Sephiroth watched as a small smile spread over Cloud's features. The first one he'd seen from the boy, although it wasn't genuine, it was still something. He sat across from the blonde and began to lace up his boots. At Cloud's questioning glance, he explained, "I'm leaving for a while. I have business at ShinRa."

Yes, Sephiroth did have business at ShinRa, more paperwork, but the damned papers could wait. Sephiroth wanted to speak to Zack. Zack needed to know about Cloud. Sephiroth looked back to said blonde. "If you get hungry, help yourself to anything in the kitchen. When the movie is over, you are welcome to watch another. I'll be back in a few hours." Sephiroth decided to leave it at that. He knew the boy wouldn't run away, he already seemed engrossed in the film, and the previews weren't even over yet. Cloud didn't seem like the type of person to snoop in other people's things either, on the contrary, he seemed to be afraid to so much as sit on the furniture. Confident his home would be in one piece and the blonde would still be here when he returned, Sephiroth walked out his door with one last glance at the boy, reminding himself to remember to be back in time to administer a mako injection.

Sephiroth was leaving him alone in his apartment?! Cloud was shocked to say the least. For all Sephiroth knew, Cloud could snatch anything of value and make a break for it. He'd already tried to take the man's wallet! Sephiroth actually trusted him enough to leave him here? To Cloud, this was a new experience. No one had ever believed him capable of being trusted. At the orphanage, most of the staff kept a pretty suspicious eye on him. He did act very sneaky sometimes. Back at Nibelhiem, well, the villagers always had always looked down on him as if he were some type of grotesque insect, and his mother had always practically ignored him.

Sephiroth puzzled him to say the least. Cloud had so many questions. Why did he want to help him? Why did he seem to trust his word? Cloud could've easily lied about Matthew's death. He could be lying about nearly being raped, but Sephiroth believed him, even if he was a thieving murderer he'd picked up off the streets . . . literally.

Cloud was enjoying the movie quite a bit. The blonde woman, the star, was now extracting her revenge on a brunette for participating in the murder of her unborn daughter. He was completely absorbed in the knife fight until his stomach demanded that he get off his lazy ass and go find sustenance.

Cloud found a button on the DVD player that said paused . . . he assumed it stopped the movie, so he pressed it. Yep, the movie froze whilst the brunette was in mid swing . . . interesting. Now the apartment was chillingly silent. Cloud went to the kitchen, his bare feet padding quietly on the cold tile floor. He starred at the corner where he had cut himself yesterday. Was it just him, or was there still a slight trickle of blood in the cracks of the tiles? Guilt rose like a balloon in his chest. How could he have done that to himself? How could he have betrayed himself again? He shook those thoughts away, adding a vow never to do anything of that nature again.

The hair on the back of his neck stood on end. Had he just heard something from the den? The sound of cloth billowing in the wind? He was indoors, there was no wind. Maybe Sephiroth had opened a window and the curtains were being blown. No, it was just his mind playing tricks on him in the silence.

Looking around Sephiroth's kitchen, he found himself a bit perplexed. Like many other things, this was also a first for him. He'd never prepared his own meal before. It couldn't be that hard . . . right? He opened the refrigerator. Cloud began taking out the appropriate ingredients to construct himself a turkey sandwich. He was debating wether he should use mustard, mayonnaise, or both, but he never got the chance to make the decision.

He cried out as he was grabbed from behind and a large object collided forcefully with the back of his heard. His vision blurred and he fell to his knees. Looking up, all he could see was a distorted mass of dark blue. His head throbbed with each beat of his heart, which seemed to be in his throat and ears at the same time. The blow had been meant to knock him out, but he was still conscious. Cloud blinked madly, fighting to correct his vision. He was vaguely aware of a sharp male voice as it swore.

"Fuck . . . figures one wouldn't be enough . . ."

Cloud watched helplessly as the blob raised its weapon again, whatever it was, closed his eyes, knowing what would come. He felt a second blow connect with his frontal lobe. His ears began to ring and his vision flickered to red, then black, then red again. He was now lying on the cold tiles, though that didn't register in his rattled brain. His vision flickered to black again, but this time, it didn't revert. His mind soon followed into the darkness as he felt a rough hand drag him across the floor by his shirt.

Sephiroth had been searching the entire building for his second in command and still hadn't seen so much as a single dark spike of unruly hair. Frustrated, he returned to his office. Sitting at his desk, he noticed a blue dispatch lying apart from all of the demonic stacks of paperwork. He curiously lifted and noted the name, Stoker, Zackary. So, he couldn't find Zack because said brunette was on an assignment. Why hadn't he learned of this sooner? Because he'd been too busy tending to the needs of an abused, teenage, mako withdrawn orphan with suicidal thoughts.

Sephiroth opened the seal on the dispatch and read to discover that Zack had been sent off to North Corel to deal with a few monsters that had been terrorizing the townspeople. He was due to return later tonight.

He glanced at his computer's clock. He needed to get back to Cloud. Sephiroth was sure the blonde was beginning to feel his body's need for mako.

He left ShinRa Headquarters with Masamune strapped to his back and decided he'd take a taxi cab home so as to avoid the crowds. The driver, a haggard looking man who looked as if he hadn't shaved in three years, had him in front of the apartment complex in ten minutes.

He ascended several flights of stairs. He wasn't fond of elevators, and continued to his door. He knocked, expecting Cloud to answer, but he heard nothing from the other side of the door. Wasn't the boy watching a movie? Maybe he'd gotten tired and fallen asleep, but wouldn't the movie still be on? Maybe he turned it off. There was only one way find out. He dug for his keys in one of the many pockets on his trench coat and proceeded to unlock the door.

Upon entering the room, he immediately glanced at the sofa, where there was no Cloud. The television had been paused. Sephiroth opened his bedroom door, suspecting that the blonde had gone to take a nap. Cloud still hadn't fully recovered from mako withdrawal, Sephiroth expected him to tire easily and sleep often. When he opened his bedroom, he was disappointed to find the coverlet still smooth and wrinkle-free as he'd left it. Still no Cloud. The bathroom door was open, so he was confident the boy wasn't in there. Where else could he be? The kitchen? If he was in the kitchen, why hadn't he answered the door?

Sephiroth returned to the den.

Why is it cold in here? The heat is on.

Sephiroth's eyes instantly darted to the open window. He was sure he hadn't been the one to open that. He went to close it, and checked outside for good measure. The ground below was spotless, that ruled out another suicide attempt, and there was no way the boy could have landed safely below.

One more place to look.

As Sephiroth rounded the corner into the kitchen, he stepped in something slippery. He looked down to his black combat boots, horrified.

. . . Blood . . .

The crimson substance pooled thickly on the granite tiles. The counter and refrigerator were both flecked with red spots. He also noted that several food items lay out on the counter. All of this, but no Cloud in sight.

Oh Mother Gaia where is he?

At this point, Sephiroth was sure the Blonde hadn't done this to himself.

His body would still be here . . .

He further examined the bloody floor. Streaks led to the opposite side of the room and another open window. Crimson dripped from the ledge freely.

Sephiroth made his way to the window, careful not to disturb his liquid evidence. He looked out . . . once again, nothing. This was the work of an expert. Cloud had lost so much blood. Sephiroth was positive he'd been unconscious. No one could stay awake with this much blood loss, not even himself. The more he thought about Cloud's situation, the more he panicked. Yes, he, the almighty Great General Sephiroth, was panicking, but his exterior didn't show it. Cloud had lost all of this blood, and he needed a mako injection fast. Sephiroth guessed the boy was in stage one of withdrawal now, nausea and headache, that is, if he was even awake, which he doubted. Sephiroth knew that, if the boy wasn't found soon, he would inevitably die, if he had not died of his wounds already.

But Sephiroth had no where to start. He had no idea where to begin his search. He could follow a blood trail, but surely Cloud's abductor got into a vehicle at some point, that would only lead him to a dead end. What now? Just give up and forget the boy had ever existed? No, so many others had done that . . . so many others had hurt him, but he wouldn't. He'd told the boy he was going to help him. He wasn't one to go back on his own word. But where to search?

Sephiroth starred blankly at the window, rage building in his heart. Who would do this? Why? Then, as quickly as the rage had come, it was replaced by excitement. There, in the upper corner of the window, was a thread. A navy blue thread was caught in the cracked grain of the window. His mind made the connection instantly. Tseng had suspected Cloud's presence here. Tseng was the leader of the Turks. Turks wore navy blue uniforms.

Sephiroth knew where Tseng would take Cloud. The Turks were in charge of a special division of cells in Midgar Prison. Anger roared into him as he thought of the black-haired Turk. Sephiroth tightened Masamune's hilt to his belt and began his race against time. Midgar Prison was all the way on the other side of Midgar, and Cloud's life depended on his arriving on time.
Author Notes:
Well, here's another chapter, and quite a fun one to write might I add. Though, I must admit, I had set a goal for myself to finish it two days ago . . . and I obviously failed. I couldn't help it. My friend introduced me to an online RPG called Maple Story and the time kind've slipped through my fingers.

The next chapter is going to an exiting one, I promise you that. Sephiroth saves the day! Well . . . almost. What do I mean by that? Well, you'll just have to wait and find out. ^^

Ransom Note:
Feed me reviews or Cloud shall die a very painful death.

Just kidding! But reviews are still nice though . . . No, they're more than nice, THEY ROCK!
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