Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Battle of the Bands

Chapter 1: The Bands Collide

by gerardlover17 3 reviews

We have a band......janna is drunk and hates everyone(cept Mikey)...we are young and fun...gerard and mikey are famous....We made three Cheers be their first CD.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2006-12-11 - Updated: 2006-12-11 - 506 words

**My P.O.V. ***

"Okay, Psycho Angels, you're up next." The owner of the bar yelled to us. This was to be our first paying gig and everyone except Janna, who had already had 9 beers, was nervous. The rhythm guitarist, Kaylin, was fidgeting with her guitar. That is until Janna, who had been tapping the drums in agitation, finally yelled, "Will you fucking hold still!"
Turning to me she asks, "why the Hell is she in the band again??"
"She played well and we want some drama to make the rehersals fun"
"I hate you Shannon!"
"Who don't you Hate??"
"ummmmm...No One"

Just as we were Getting into an Age old argument, My Chemical Romance walks through the door and Gerard asks "why are you on stage."
Janna,who was already pretty much and Pissed off, Came from Behind her drums grabs the lead singer Gerard Way by the tie and yells, "no the hell you didn't. This is our gig and you may be famous but you have no fucking right to be may be a little older but i can whoop your ass!!"
Gerard grabs her shirt by the collar and pushes her away saying, "Ummm...How old are you??"
"Janna, Quit lying," Michelle; the lead giutarist who we call cowgirl; said, "we all know your seventeen"
"Shut the fuck up bitch!!" Storming to the door she yells, "I'm Getting a Beer... Shannon Your the lead....Deal with this."
Looking around i say, "fuck this shit...where's miracle she's the manager"
"I'm right here...Whats up??"
"i thought you said this was our gig"
"It is"
"then why the hell are they here"
Just then the owner came in and asks, "why is your drummer in there when it is almost ti..." He sees the members of MCR, "What are ya'll Doin here...your gig isn't till tomorrow"
Michelle runs to get Janna to let her know...a few seconds later we all hear a loud laugh then a bottle breaking. Then we hear janna yell, "Oh shit i dropped my beer....BARTENDER!!!!!"
Then we hear Michelle yell, "JANNA WE ARE GOIN ON LIKE RIGHT NOW!"
Janna and michelle come walking in with janna whinin, "Just one more."
Grabbing her i put her behind the drums and turned to MCR to escort the out. At the door i say to gerard..."Enjoy the Show...But you might want to be careful and stay away from Janna...She's Drunk and in a fighting mood."
i watch as gerard leans forward, whisper's good luck, and then for no reason kisses me and walks off really fast. If I didn't know better i would have said he blushed. Shaking off the feeling i go behind the mic and watches as the curtains begin to rise.....


Okay...this is of course the first chap.....Please review so i can be sure to know where to go from here......If you want something to happen i can make it happen....Please and thanx......Me!!

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