Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Battle of the Bands

Chapter3: Pineapples....and Janna...and Maybe Mikey

by gerardlover17 1 review

Read and find....i don't fully know Yet

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2006-12-14 - Updated: 2006-12-14 - 523 words

Chapter 3

(Authors note: Warning! May cause Hysteric laughter...May result in being caught by sibling who will not let you live it down...or parent who will send you to a loony bin...this author is not liable for any at own risk. THANK YOU FROM USER.....SafeFromRobotsDAMN)

It was a weird night....Our gig went good and we were entered in the L.A. Battle of The Bands. For ametuer bands they offer a recording contract. It is something we can't pass up. Me and gerard wound up hooking up. Janna showed up again for more beer...proceeded to embarrass herself, and then disappeared...Again....With mikey


**Janna's P.O.V.****

Waking up i didn't know where i was or what got me here. All i could think was....'god i need a beer for my hangover' Rolling over i look around and see that i'm in a bunk of a tour suddenly come rushing back to me.....I got drunk and slept with mikey times. Jumping up i look around and yell at the top of my lungs "SHANNON" but i immediately stop because of the pounding headache. looking out the window i see our van and watch as shannon and gerard come out. I was about to cal out when mikey came up behind me and says,
"hey Sweety...Sleep well"
Turning around i freak out and scream again. Then proceed to jump out the bus window. It is then that i realize....i'm naked.
"shit" i yell and run back on to the bus....i can't find my clothes and grab the nearest things to me....which happen to be pineapples. 'I hate pineapples' i think to myself as i use them for cover and run off the bus again.
"Janna...What the HELL"
"What Never seen a girl try to cover herself before." I say to Shannon
"ummm...Most use towels or clothes"
"well Could Someone get me a towel...Theses Pineapples are prickly."
Mikey touches my shoulder and hands me a towel. I quickly grab it and wrap up in it but on looking down i see it is covered in pictures of....pineapples. Looking at shannon and gerard and trying to avoid mikeys hand i yell out "I HATE PINEAPPLES"
"well i can use my pickle to cover you up"
"No no no nonononononononononononono"
"but Baby!!!"
"don't call me baby...i was drunk"
I turn and run trying to get far far FAR away from mikey. i find an "abandoned" tour bus. I run onto it and don't notice that it also says MY CHEMICAL RAMANCE in big Bright red letters. Hoppin on i suddenly stop cause who else but Frank Bob and ray are on there.
Frank looks at me and says "nice Pineapples"
I look at him and say, "I'm trying to copy that dude from the Used"
sitting down i look at the guys and say
"God...I need a Beer."

OKay i know it's short but it came to me so i had to do it....Review Thanx
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