Categories > Original > Fantasy > The Blessed

The Blessed


not sure ^_^

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-12-17 - Updated: 2006-12-18 - 2486 words

Name: Yuya

Age: 14

Character type: blessed

Personality: she is very shy and is very unsocial and sometimes can even be a cruel person making other suffer for her own amusement she has many varied moods and sometimes has alter egos....almost like she it not herself at all

background info: she had parents until she was up to the age of 12, when she discovered her power. She went on a rampage and killed them torturing them. v.v sadness she ended up doing this cause she felt judged be them. They would always shun her and not let anyone see her unless she had to (such as the doctor) otherwise they would just lock her in a room with 6 locks so she could not get out. (And yes people she had a bathroom!) They feed her through a slot through the bottom of the door (sorta like is prison). She has been suffering so much that she just looses her self in her anger or hatred and takes it out on others.

Physical appearance/clothing/reference picture/doll:

Font color: blueish#1464F4

for Blessed
Special power: ability to change appearance (into anything)
Name: Chu
Age: 20
Gender: male
Character type: Contractor/Blessed
Personality: he is always positive but something just

Background info: if he is sad no one tends to notice except his demon, Skie. He also has not really had parents; this is because his power was slowly awakening. His power word spell is based on what he says. Such as::::::; if he said a poem depending on the mood it would affect them that way. A poem such as sever all ties.... cut this bond with loveless rose pedals. _<

As I was unconscious I was dreaming... like I was falling into a place that was my own personal hell. The people used to call me their daughter were looking at me. I know nothing special but they just stood there staring at me like I was a monster. I knew what I was but they just continued to look at me with thoughts piercing eyes cutting into my chest making a new hole for the depression to hide in. I was there grasping my chest and falling to my knees as if I were dying. A sudden burning sensation was pulsing through my veins as if the blood was fire itself. Tears flowed gently down my cold frozen cheeks falling to the dirt ground as if they were rocks thrown into a river. Insignificant.

They started to walk toward me, but I did not understand why I was frozen with fear. I could not move, couldn't breath, Nothing. If I had killed them then why were they here in my dreams haunting my very existence, as if they wanted me there with them...even though I knew that was not true. They SHUNED me. They were the ones that inflicted all of that pain 8 years ago. As my father walked toward me he raised his hands... and before I relised it I was lifted from the ground. Him holding on to my throat securely, me gasping for any air that I knew he would let me access. And then he slowly whispered into my ear........

"Even though you were a monster...I loved you....."

Jolting up off the ground I relised that I was on the cold wet grass of the park on where I saw Kaii and Mikos faces.

Yelling without knowing it I pleaded "PLEASE LEAVE!!!! Y ARE U STILL HERE U SHOULD OF LEFT LONG AGO TO LET ME SUFFER!!!!"

My face had a harsh look to it and glancing atMiko glaring "Why did u not kill me?"

Kaii jumped at the sudden uproar, gripping his staff tightly as if he was about to fend off something. His knuckles turned white around his staff, as he glanced uncertainly in every direction, listening intently to every sound around him - Including Yuya's voice.

He frowned licking his lips, confused. What could he say about a question like that?

"I...I'm...not a killer." He grumbled, slowly hiding himself behind Miko.

ooc: ooc: That was so lame -__-

Miko stared at the girl she lifted her arm slightly to place it on her hip. "You....I would not kill you. Just don't come after me or him ever again...." she said lightly.



Just like every other day I went to school.... driving there was always a pain in the ass but whatever. Gas I now unbelievably expensive so I have been waking up really early in the morning to walk to school. Like 6:30ish. Usually it is dark but something crossed my mind today. What if I was not here....what if I never existed? Would anyone care?

I never really had friends; I would just sit at the table and try to make false conversation with the people sitting around me. The people usually did not bother to speak to me as if there was an invisible line down the middle of the table separating me from them. And I was perfectly fine with that, but there was a new student that had shown up last week.

He had beautiful black hair with natural crimson highlights (I could tell cause they were not tick and artificial looking like blonde highlights usually look like on girls), he had deep golden eyes but they seemed blacked today. The color of the beautiful gold was fading and it seemed that he never ate anything. He would just casually buy food at the line and then sit there by himself in the corner closest to the door. After the bell rang he would swiftly and gracefully stride out of the door throwing the food in the trash in the garbage on his way out. I also noticed that I had a few classes (art, Spanish, gym) with him and I would catch myself glancing over at him every now and then. I had no idea why I was so amazed by this boy but he just held my presence even more when I though about it.

But then yet I worried about this boy cause he never spoke to anyone and distanced himself from the rest of us. He would just stay in the back and do what he was told and sure he seemed average but he was just so more to me that to all of the others.

The other day he walked past me in the hallway....and I could not believe how good his sent was. It was not cologne cause it did not have a musty smell to it and it was not a body wash either.... he smelled like a natural light flower. Not girly but he smelled wonderful and I could not bear it. I just wanted to sit next to him so I could caress the sent and hold on to it as much as possible. Then we had art class.

There was an empty seat next to him but I was pondering this though on either: sit next to him, or no way hell no what if he glares at me? I stood there for a few more moments and the bell rang.

I made the decision. I WAS GOING TO SIT NEXT TO HIM.


ooc: I will also try to post as my other new character Vyvian

by the way the last post was ICHIGO

ooc: ill post the rest of this post later i am sry people I need to think of what the hell i am doing!

Nervous at first I had no idea what the hell I was getting myself into. I didn't even know his name! All I knew was that he was a beautiful boy in a couple of my classes that I seemed to admire from a distance and sucking up any substance of him; for myself of course. My mind started to loose itself in my thoughts making me distracted from what I was even doing. I could not even move my arms and they felt like I was trying to move concrete instead of a natural human limb. My vision blurred and I felt lightheaded so unbelievably so that I felt like I was sick. Grasping the nearest desk I balanced my weight and made sure that I would not pass out. I would feel absolutely ridiculous if I did especially in front of him. My eyes grew larger and they faded into a different color/shade. I was then finally able to regain all of my strength and I pulled myself into the chair next to him. I had no understanding of why I got so nervous around this person or was he even a person? And why did he only have this effect on me and no one else?
Later on in class the teacher started to take attendance out loud and I finally learned what his name was. After saying all of the usual students she added his name at the end of the list.
And continuously down the list till his name appeared....
He looked up slightly and nodded
"I am here if u would like me to be Mrs."
His voice sounded like an angels... so light and fragile. Each word that came out of his mouth made me tingle down my spine and made me rejoice at the fact he had spoken and I of all people would get to here it.
But there was one thing I did not understand... his hands was in tight clenched fists like he was in some sever pain. His eyes were glowing a slight gold color and the irises seemed redder today than usual. I wish I could find out what was wrong with him but I tried not to be too distracted by him in my favorite class, the one class I am good in.

~~~~~~~~~~~~CHU- SKIE //WINTER~~~~~~~~~

Winter sat up promptly on the offered arm rest, on the large plump maroon couch. The demoness forced a tiny smile, swinging her legs beside her and staring down at the ground.

"So...Chu how are you feeling today?" Winter inquired. Her eyes seeming fascinated with something on the floor.

ooc: Sorry Brandie that was SO horrible

Glancing at Winter ,shifting his postion on the couch trying to get comfy, seemed to be embarrassed by the question. "well umm sorta confused... i think Skie is mad at me ...... i hope she is not mad for me trying to protect her. she said that if i did not i would not have been injured..." . Chu slightly looking the wound on is hand was deep in though, it seemed to be all the way through like someone nailed something through it . " i don't really think it is that bad but she is not talking to me... is she mad at me for not letting her protect me ...... ?? i wish i knew......"

OCC: i know this is crap but hey it is somewhat of a start (don't mind the sorta sadness already)n.n

Winter frowned slightly, lifting her head just barely to look at Chu. She forced a very weak smile as if to bring him some sort of comfort. "I am sure she isn't really angry...perhaps she is going through a hard time right now."

"Well i am pretty sure she is mad at me but I don't understand y though....".
Staring at his palm then slightly at Winter.
"Thank you for trying to comfort me but I think ill have to talk to Skie about this god only knows what she is thinking about it."
smiling brightly at Winter then waving farewell to her. walking slowly he went to find Skie and why she was angered with him hopefully to figure out y.......


"That idiot..... I can't belief he risked his life for me. I'm not that important am I?"
Sitting down on the roof of the highest building in the town Skie watched life go by. Not able to understand why people would ever do such a foolish action for. The memories of Chu were flashing through her brain. Remembering when she first met him she started to cry.

1 year ago------------------------

"Who's there?"
looking around in fright she was staring at a man who looked about 19. He had an abnormal feeling to him whenever she walked by to examine him. his head was bleeding excessively from his forehead.
"Who are u?"

The man looking up slowly stared at Skie and tried to speak.

"I .......don....t kn...ow..........."
His head slowly fell to the ground and he seemed to be unconscious. Skie looking at him even more started to panic.

kicking his body over to show is back she realized a word engraved on his lower back. it said :NAMELESS


" i?"

"Your at my "house""

"House this is a house? If anything it looks like an alley way with blankets and pillows scattered around....."

"Hey shut up and just eat!!!!!"

Skie shoving a spoonful of a red liquid into Chu's mouth looked serious.
Unable to determine what it was Chu spat it out.

"You know it is not nice to spit things out that other people made u!"

"What is THIS??????? IT DESGUSTING!!!!!!!! NOT TO MENCHION SALTY!!!!!"

"Do you really want to know?......"

"Yes plz......"

"It's my blood but if it makes u feel any better I put some bird in there 2 to help it go down ."


"Well you see I am no regular person if you could not tell from the way I look, you know with these" Skie pointed to her wings and arm "they are wounds of my past ...from my resurrection. I can heal the wounded because I paid a price high enough more than death itself. The only bad thing is they have to drink my blood.....I know it is hard to bear but just deal with it your wounds will be gone in a few hours ."

Chu looking in surprise closed his eyes not questioning a thing about Skie and after that everything just happened to be automatic between the two. They did not even have to talk to know what they were going to do. then their bond as contractor and rebel demon now strongly emerged.


ooc: Sorry Brandie I didn't really know what to post for Winter. D=

Winter forced a very small smile, and simply nodded her head. "I hope all goes well with the two of you." She said politely, now leaping off the couch's offered arm. "Hopefully the two of you will have an understanding, towards the end. I wish you good luck."

ooc: lmao I loved that part...when Skie made Chu drink her blood, w/ bird to wash it down. Hee hee it made me laugh.
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