Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Three Cheers for a Chemical Romance

Never Leave Alone

by A_Chemical_Tragedy 2 reviews

What happens to Gerard when she leaves him alone for just a minute.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Gerard Way, Mikey Way - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2006-12-26 - Updated: 2006-12-27 - 906 words

"Charlotte, babe, wake up."


"Char, I really hate to say it but you gotta get out of my bed." Charlotte opened her eyes and saw two big, green eyes staring at her.

"Come on, the orderly's gonna be here any minute. I can't reach your clothes under the bed or else I would've got 'em for you."

"It's okay" Charlotte yawned as she walked over to the other side of bed. She was trying to remember what happened last night and why her clothes were underneath the bed.

"What time is it Gee?" She asked while putting on her top.

"Uhh, it's about seven. Wanna stay for breakfast?" She smiled and slipped into her jeans.

"Why not? How's the food?" Charlotte laid back in the bed, realizing Gerard still had nothing on. "Oh, babe let me go find you another gown."

Charlotte walked out into the hallway before Gerard could reassure her he was perfectly fine. As she walked out of the door, she noticed people staring at her. When she walked up to the receptionist, she could hear whispers being said behind her back.

"Excuse me, do you have any extra gowns lying around?" The receptionist pointed towards a door behind her without looking up from her work.

"Thanks," was all she said when she walked through the simple door.

When she opened the door she could see very clearly the walls were lined with shelves, although the room was not lit. Spider webs formed in the darkest corner of the room, possibly with eggs just ready to hatch laying on them. Towels, gowns, and miscellaneous canisters were stored on the shelves, obviously with not much care or effort. Charlotte grabbed a gown and headed back to Gerard's room, when she was stopped in the middle of a hallway by two teenage girls.

"Hi, did you come from Room 306?" the first one asked withh pretty smile.

"Umm, yeah why?"

"Just wondering," the other one said and they walked away. Charlotte was dazed and confused for a minute, but then realized they were walking off towards Gerard's room.

"Oh my gosh!" and Charlotte rushed off to the 300 wing.

Once she was outside of his door, she could hear feminine screams, one of which she thought was Gerard's. She tried to open the door, but it just wouldn't budge. Damn it! They locked the door!! Great my day's starting out really nicely. Charlotte sped down the hallway, back to the receptionist's desk, and saw Mikey and Alicia walking past her, looks of disbelief all over their faces.

"Excuse me, I'm Gerard Way's girlfriend. Two girls just went into his room and locked the door. I really need a spare key right now."

"I'm sorry miss but I can't just handout keys to random people. Unless you have proof that you're married or related to him in some way I can't help you." the receptionist's low voice replied.

"Mikey! Mikey I need your help!" Mikey jogged over to her and just stood there with confusion while Charlotte explained the situation.

"But why'd you leave the room? And why are you carrying that gown?"

"I'll explain later, just come on, Gerard's in trouble!!" She grabbed his hand and they went back to the receptionist.

"This Mikey Way he's Gerard's brother and he needs the key to room 306!" The receptionist looked inquisitively at Mikey. He nodded and showed her his driver's license. After taking her time looking it over, the receptionist handed him the key, which Mikey squeezed in his hand and took off with.

"I'll need it back when you're done though!" she hollered after them.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry! I don't want those sluts near him!" Charlotte called.

"You and me both!"

"Wait for me! These flowers are more of a hassle than you know!" Alicia was trying to keep up with them, but the flowers were to delicate to run with.

"Yes! It's right there! Hope we're not too late!" Mikey turned the key in the lock and shoved the door open.

The two girls Charlotte saw earlier were tugging at the sheets Gerard was trying to hide under. Mikey and Charlotte managed to get the girls away from Gerard's bed, but couldn't quite get them out the door. They kept screaming to Gerard how much they loved him, how hot he was, yelling there phone numbers and all their other personal information out to him.

Alicia was the one that really finished the job. She could see how much they were struggling with the girls so she grabbed a gurney from the hallway and rolled into the room. Mikey saw what his fiancée was planning so he went with it. He shoved the teenager onto the bed and Charlotte did the same. Once they were both on the bed Alicia rolled them out into the hallway and quickly ran back into the room and locked the door behind her. She leaned against the door and could feel the girls trying to push it down on the other side.

"Here babe," Charlotte whispered. She slipped him his new gown and he gratefully put it on while still underneath the sheets.

"You're the best, Char," he tried to sit up to kiss her but didn't have to waste his strength since Charlotte's lips had already collided with his.

"Get a room," Mikey teased from the other side of the room.

"I do, now get out," he smiled.
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