Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

One Mans Trash Can Paint A Thousand Words

by reno-robust 0 reviews

I heard a saying once, from a good friend of mine, it went along the lines of: "a picture can pain a thousand words", or some crap like that. I let myself wonder what he would look like if he were ...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero - Published: 2007-01-02 - Updated: 2007-01-02 - 1053 words - Complete

Title: One Mans Trash Can Paint A Thousand Words
Author: kelly joyce [obvsly].
Summary: I heard a saying once, from a good friend of mine, it went along the lines of: "a picture can pain a thousand words", or some crap like that. I let myself wonder what he would look like if he were still here today, how different our lives would all be.
Chapter Rating: family.
Pairing(s) : frank and jamia?
Characters: frank, jamia, gerard, bob, ray and mikey. well, kinda.
Warnings: there aren't really any. this is just sob. OHHH. previous to story character death.
Disclaimer: not real. didn't happen. burrito.
Author's notes: wow. this plot is like ... a month old, from like when i finished my english exam and was at my mum's job. i was just in the writing mood tonight and bashed face down and this one out. well, finished it. actually, i kind of re-wrote it. this was sort of aposed to be like frank reminiscing a past relationship he'd had with gerard, but frankxjamia is just cute ;]]. REVIEW.

I heard a saying once, from a good friend of mine, it went along the lines of: "a picture can paint a thousand words", or some crap like that. Along the lines. I don't know why that one stuck with me, what with all the weird things he used to say, but it did, and I believed it with all my heart and soul. I think I always will.

I also heard another one (though not from him) about one mans trash and all that, yada yada yada yaaah ... I think everyone knows how that one goes, and if you haven't, go hang around some old people at a garage sale. You're bound to hear one of them saying it then giggles all round. But I didn't exactly believe that one; I mean I'd seen a lot of 'men' throw out a lot of 'trash', and that's all I'd ever thought it was. Though I think I did get it, just in a different way (I mean crap's just crap, right?). Sort of like ... the opposite way, as in one man's treasure is another man's trash. Yeah, that way. And I had a lot of trash.

I smiled sadly as I looked at the picture I was fingering gingerly. It'd been a long time since I'd seen anything documented from that long ago. In it I was standing with some of m best friends, my brothers, and we all looked as happy as fuck. Or Larry. We were probably drunk, or at least half was there, well at least judging from the beer cans we all held in our hands. The bitter sweet memories came flooding back over me as I tried to remember that exact night. There had been a few like it, all memorable in their own way.

I placed it down delicately next to me where I sat on my bed, though that had nothing to do with the age or condition of the photo. I looked after my 'trash' like no other when I remembered or wanted to.

Next I took from the old box in front of me another photo. This one looked like it had been taken on the same night, just maybe at a different time. It was of my best friend and I. Even as I looked at it I could feel the long ceased pain begin to flare up again. We were both grinning sheepishly into the camera like the idiots we were and he had his arm draped over my shoulder. We both looked so happy, and young. I was finding it hard to believe I had ever had skin like that, so wrinkle free. But then again, that had been years ago, perhaps too long.

The years may not exactly have been as kind to me as they could have, but at least I'd had them. I placed it down where I'd put the last picture and plucked a third from the box.

This time the difference in time must have only been a few seconds apart because we looked like we hadn't moved or changed positions at all, well almost. You'd turned your head to the side, to my side, and were giving me a kiss on the cheek. Nothing seductive or smutty, just a simple friendly - best friendly kiss. Sort of like the kinds you give you Nana, just to let her know you know she's there and you love her, and always will. No matter what.

There was a knock on the door and I jumped slightly. I looked up from where I'd been previously consumed, brows furrowed, and waited expectantly. I smiled softly when I saw who it was.

"I found a couple of ..." I must have looked upset, or something to that effect, because Jamia trailed off and changed her tone. "You ok?" She asked.

I smiled more profusely at her as she came to stand at my side.

"Yeah," I told her, "I'm fine."

She frowned at me then looked at the photograph I was still holding, her face changed instantly. I felt her hands wonder up my shoulder and begin to twirl through my hair. She pressed her lips to my temple.

I returned my focus to the object I still held. I ran my fingers across my best friends face and let myself wonder what he would look like if he were still here today, how different our lives would all be. Hopefully he'd look older than I looked. Another sad smile crept onto my lips as the thought of him balding appeared in my mind, the boy had always loved his hair. I know he wouldn't have been that old, but it was still and amusing thoroughly.

"I miss him," I told her plainly.

"I know you do," she replied after a moment, probably not know what else to say to console me. She gave me another soft kiss. "I know you do."

I gave the photo one last look before I placed it with the rest. Later than day I would call Mikey, Ray and Bob. Not for any reason in particular, just to see how they were doing and to catch up on old times, like I probably should have done a long time ago.
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