Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Three Cheers for a Chemical Romance

Future Son-In-Law

by A_Chemical_Tragedy 2 reviews

Look into the future and the last chapter! READ IT! READ IT! READ IT! please? 0:)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2007-01-02 - Updated: 2007-01-02 - 696 words

Five Years Later...

"Emma, breakfast!"

"Coming!" Charlotte waited for the sound of Emma's footsteps, as placed the food on the table.

"Good morning, my love," Gerard grabbed Charlotte's waist and kissed her cheek.

"Morning," she kissed him back.

"Emma let's go! I'm not gonna let you be late on the first day of school! Gerard stop it!" Gerard stopped kissing her neck and whispered in her ear.

"Later, then," he demanded in a sexy voice. His smirk still made her tingle after being married for three years.

"Emma!" her voice cracked, she was still thinking about Gerard.

"I'm right here, chill!" Emma walked down the staircase. "Plus, it's only seventh grade, it's not like it's anything new," aggravation was in her voice, now. She sat down at the table and ate her breakfast, snapping at the pancakes she had speared with her fork. Gerard took a seat next to her.

"So, is Charlie gonna walk to school with you again?" Gerard asked, trying to diminish the tension.

"Yeah, he'll be here any minute," Emma mumbled under her breath. She finished her pancakes and walked into the kitchen.

Gerard stared at his food for a moment then looked up at Charlotte. "You know this is all Charlie's fault."

"Gerard, she's thirteen this is what's expected to happen. Everything else was a piece of cake compared to what's going to happen for the next couple of years." Charlotte said trying to calm him, it didn't work.

"YEARS!!" his beautiful eyes popped out of his head.

"Yup, until she goes to college and realizes what great parents we are," she walked behind Gerard's chair and locked her arms around his broad shoulders.

"I still say the kid has something to do with it, have you seen him?" he turned around.

"Yes, yes, didn't you used to dress like him? Always wearing black and red, never leaving the house without a hoodie, wearing makeup!"

"Yeah and look how I turned out!" Charlotte giggled at his ignorance.

"Yeah look how you turned out: great family, sober for seven years, kick ass band, hot wife"

"Charlotte, I have a dead dog, my kick ass band hasn't worked on a record for about a year now, life's boring without a little alcohol once in a while, and frankly hun, your hair's getting a little gray," he started laughing at the last comment he made. He stopped when Charlotte smacked his arm.

"Thanks a lot! and you can forget about "later" too," Gerard started to pout when the doorbell rang.
Charlotte answered the door, "Oh, hi Charlie! Emma's in the kitchen."

"Thanks, Mrs. Way," Gerard could hear Charlie's soft voice say.

"Hi, Gerard," Charlie gave a quick wave as his skinny body passed Gerard and walked into the kitchen. He was wearing a plain, black beanie on top of his brown, messy hair. Long, baggy pants, a hoodie with a skull and a blood red rose wrapped around it, with a black and white striped t-shirt underneath made Gerard give Charlotte an "I told you so" look.

"Freak," Gerard muttered as the door swung closed behind him. "Stop it," Charlotte laughed. Emma came out of the other room, with Charlie's hand in her's.

"I'm going to Charlie's house after school," she kissed Gerard and Charlotte, ran into her room, grabbed her backpack and left.

"Bye," she hollered before leaving.

"You know, whether you like Charlie or not, he's probably gonna end up being your son-in-law!" Charlotte smirked.

"NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Gerard slammed his fists onto the table, his head slowly following.

"This is all the stupid, freakin' kid's fault!" Gerard's muffled voice seemed to be crying.

"Hey, I love you," Charlotte lifted Gerard's head and gave it a soft kiss. "I'll always love you."


The End

Hi, I know it sounds old and used, but I just wanted to thank everyone who reviewed. It definitely helped my writing A LOT! Because of that I'm probably gonna write a sequel to this depends, I guess, on how many people review it, I guess, you know whatever, I guess. You can probably tell I'm insecure by now, I guess, but whatever. so since I'm rambling, thanks for reading!
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