Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Baby Sister

Holly Jolly Christmas pt.1

by pinkkissypetefreak 9 reviews

Sibling talks

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-01-09 - Updated: 2007-01-10 - 679 words

Christmas Day-9:21 am

"Hey baby sister, you're awfully quiet. Usually you're bouncing off the walls by this time." Ray said, taking a seat on the living room couch beside Stephanie. He wrapped an arm around her and she lay her head on his shoulder. She gave him a weak smile.

"Just a little tired I guess. Been working hard lately." Ray patted her hand. "Talk to me Stephie...What's wrong?" Steph sighed. "It's just this guy... I've been seeing...he's just..conflicted." Ray gave her a surprised look. "You didn't tell me you were seeing someone."

Stephane smiled again, "Jeez, Dad, sorry." "Yeah, sorry. I guess I'm just so used to hearing you gush over all your boyfriends. You're all grown up now Smoochie." Steph groaned when he used the nickname he gave her years ago. "So, tell me about this guy...And why is he conflicted? Do you like him?" She blushed. "A lot." Ray grinned. "Well, what's his issue? You like him, and you're obviously the hottest girl he knows, being my sister and all...." Stephanie giggled, shaking her head.

"No, seriously. Maybe it's the commitment that's got him all sketchy. He doesn't have a girlfriend already does he?"

"What? No!" Ray was a little taken aback at her response. "Ok, ok. But if he doen't change his tune, dump him. There's plenty of guys who would kill to get you. If that doesn't work, I'll get your other brothers and we'll all go kick his ass." Ray joked and started to stand up. Stephanie stopped him by grabbing the tail end of his shirt.

"I love you Ray. Always remember that. Will you?" She asked him, her voice barely audible.

"I love you too Stephie. God, you sound as if you'"

"I just wanted you to know that.ok?" She stared into his eyes. "Ok." He replied in a small voice before exiting the room, wondering what was up with his sister.

It was silent in Mikey's car as he and Gerard drove to their mother's. Gerard was fiddling with the radio. "Everything on is blessed Christmas songs?" He gave up, straightening back into the seat.

"Well, it is Christmas." Mikey told him. Gerard, who usually had a comeback for everything, said nothing. "What's wrong with you bro? You've been acting weird ever since you came in this morning."

Gerard took a deep breath, but still didn't answer. "Did you and Steph have a fight?" Gerard shook his head. "No." He grumbled. Mikey stole another look at him. He was upset about something. His eyebrows were furrowed and he seemed to be in deep thought.

Minutes went by before Gerard took another deep breath.

"Do you think I'd make a good father?...I mean, I've made plenty of mistakes, but.."

Mikey cut him off with a chuckle, "What? Where is this coming from? You and Steph ae already talking about kids? You haven't even told her brother you're seeing her." Gerard rolled his eyes. "Just answer the question..."

Mikey glanced at him again. He was really serious. "Yeah, I think so. One day. One day, I think you'll make a great dad. You're a great older brother." Gerard frowned.

"Not always."

"What is all this about Gee?" Mikey asked, gripping the steering wheel harder, preparing for whatever he was going to say.

"What about in 29 weeks? Do you think I'll be ready in 29 weeks? Because that's when I will become one."

"Hey!" Gerard yelled to his brother after the tires on his side ran off the road*. Mikey swerved back over into his lane.

"Holy hot, mustard shit." Mikey said. "Ok, so let me get this straight. You hook up with Ray's sister, date her for months behind his back, and then get her pregnant Gee? And you thought you were too shitfaced to tell him before, how are you going to..."

"I KNOW!" Gerard blew up."I know....."

Sorry if this sucked ass or something. better and longer next chapter i swear......

*I'm following suit...Mikey is continuing to be a bad
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