Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Honey, This Mirror Isn't Big Enough For The Two Of Us

Chapter 12. 'Was that for real?'

by Helena_for_ever 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Other - Published: 2007-01-13 - Updated: 2007-01-13 - 486 words

Abbie POV

The next day I woke up to the smell of sausages and bacon. I lazily sat up instantly smacking my head against the top of the bunk.
'crap' I whispered. Tears slowly rolling down my face as I remembered last night. I wiped them away using the duvet and climbed out of the bunk I was laying in. I slowly made my way towards the bathroom and noticed that Gerard had laid out some of his cloths for me to wear. I smiled. I ran the tap water and looked in the mirror. I did not look good. I had dry mascara running down my cheek and I was as pale as a ghost. As I splashed my face there was a noise. I turned around and it was Gerard.
'Hey, um are you ok' Gerard asked
'Yeah. I'm feeling a lot better thanks' I replied
'Oh hey I put out some cloths for you. They might not fit, seeing as you're so small. If they don't just rummage through Franks or Mikey's cupboards till you find something'
'Ok' I said.
An hour later I came out wearing Gerard's Madonna top and a pair of Frank's drain pipes. As I walked up to Gerard I noticed that Frank, Hannah and Bob weren't there. I was kind of thank full that Hannah wasn't I still hadn't spoken to her since I shouted at her. I feel really bad. I mean all she ever did was try to help me.
'Where is every one' said leaning against the kitchen side.
'They went to get some pancakes' Ray answered back
'Frank is a bit addicted to them at the moment' Gerard said
I sat down on the couch and looked out the window. After about ten minutes Ray left the room. Gerard came and sat next to me.
'Hey um look I just want to say thank you for being there for me even though I was being a total bitch' I told Gerard
'It's nothing' Gerard said. He moved closer.
'um so Gerard' I said trying to find something to talk about. Though my mind was filled with thought's of Gerard. I shook my head I couldn't get involved with him. I would only loose him. I tried to think of something to say when suddenly Gerard leaned in and kissed me. I was kind of taken a back. Suddenly there was laughter from outside. I pulled out of the kiss and went back to what I was doing before, looking out the window. My mind filling with thought's.

Sorry for the very late reply. But I have been so busy. I cant believe how busy I have been. I can usally but a chapter up each night but pwhoar how busy have I been? Well I hope you like. I would really like comment's on what you think and how I sould approve it.
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