Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Wizard of Oz


by Atalanta 0 reviews

This is my first Harry Potter fanfiction, so be kind with me. Harry recieves a letter during the holidays after his disarsterous sixth year that sets him on a whole new path in life. Follow him on ...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover, Fantasy, Humor, Romance - Characters: Draco, Harry, Lupin, Snape - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2005-08-22 - Updated: 2005-08-23 - 390 words

The Wizard of Oz.

By Chibi Neko Yuy aka Atalanta Yuy.

Disclaimer: I
would never claim to own the Harry Potter series or any of it's
characters. All that genius is credited to the one and only J.K. Rowling. I
also do not own any of the anime or non-original ideas in this story.

Author's Note:
Warning, this story will eventually be slash/yaoi,
and will most definitely be a crossover. If you do not like either of these,
then turn back NOW!


Harry re-read the letter that had just arrived for him. The almost sixteen-year-old wasn't sure what to make of it.
Dear Mr Potter,
/You have been selected to attend the 'Dreamtime College of /Advanced Magic/'. This school is located in /Sydney/, /Australia//, and is exclusively for only the above-average magical being. Despite what you may believe, you have a greater potential then Hogwarts will ever allow you to unleash. While it may have once been the best school available, under the rule of Dumbledore and Fudge it has become pathetic and highly disappointing. Your mother, Remus Lupin, Severus Snape, and Lucius Malfoy were all offered places here, but were stopped from attending by Dumbledore. The man is a bigot who will only use you as a chess pawn, and then abandon you afterwards. We will help you discover your true self. If you wish to attend our college, kindly reply within five days of receiving this letter. If you do not wish to attend, please let us know within the same time frame. We will keep your invitation open until Christmas just incase you change your mind.
/Sincerely yours/

"What do you think, Hedwig?" Harry asked. During his fifth year, though he had kept it a secret from all but Sirius and Remus, Harry had become a beastspeaker.
=Perhaps you should talk to the wolf-man.= Hedwig suggested.
"A good idea. I'll do so under the appearance of wanting to know more about my mother, which in essence is what I'll be asking about." Harry smiled, quilling a quick letter to his surrogate uncle.
Dear Remus,
/I have a favor to ask of you.../

~~ ~~ ~*~
Author's Note:
I hoped you all liked the prologue of my new story. Please remember to review
once you have finished reading, I accept both compliments and criticism.
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