Categories > Cartoons > Xiaolin Showdown > Dragon of Thunder, Dragon of Wind

rule number 1: dont skimp on chores

by angel_of_life2345 1 review

Raimundo finds out why you should never try to skimp on your chores when Amber is around. Lauren and Amber Translators and a ticked off lauren. The chaos continues

Category: Xiaolin Showdown - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Humor, Romance - Characters: Clay, Dojo, Kimiko, Master Fung, Omi, Raimundo - Published: 2007-01-28 - Updated: 2007-01-29 - 719 words

The monks woke up and checked on the two girls. only to about have a laughing fit as they found them shareing the same bed with Lauren without a blanket and Amber in a little cacoon. Lauren's stomach showed becouse her edward elric pajama's had ridden up and drool had formed a pile on the ground next to her. The onlything they could see of Amber was some of her blonde hair poking out of the cacoon of blankets. Raimundo was a little disapointed that he couldnt see Amber's nightgown. Kimiko walked over to them and shook Amber gently.
"Amber? It's time to wake up." Kimiko said. At first Kimiko thought that Amber had not woken up. But Amber sat right up after a few moments, startiling the dragon of fire. Amber turned to look at Kimiko, then down at Lauren. Amber looked confused for a moment before actually responding.
"Laurie? laurie. Wake up Lauren." She said, shaking Lauren violently. The girl didnt wake up. This caused Amber to get mad. But she didnt do anything to rash.
"LAUREN! LOOK ITS EDWARD ELRIC AND HE'S STRIPPING FOR FREE!" everyone on the planet must have heard her. This also got Lauren to succecfuly wake up. however, this ment Lauren was in a bad mood after everything had calmed down.
"are you still mad Laurie?" Amber asked her friend as they swept the temple grounds. Since no new she gong wu has revieled itself, the were all doing chores that they had neglectided for the past few days. Lauren growl. Amber's 'Lauren translater' in her mind went to work. it said: Fuck of you Bitch. 'She's mad. Maybe that WAS a little excessive.' Amber thought. She saw Raimundo walking out of one of the buildings, the one he was supposed to clean. Amber could see through a window that the building was still a mess so she dropped her room and sneaked up on raimundo.
"what'chya doin?" She asked in a sweet tone of voice. Lauren, who was listening in, used her ineer 'amber translater'. She may have said 'what are you doing?' but Lauren knew that she ment 'Why the fuck are you skipping on your chores?' Lauren watched in intrest. Raimundo turned to face Amber in shock.
"I was j-just ummm... geting a drink.. heh yeah i was just getting a dri- you arent buying it are you?"
"nope. Now get back to your chores." Amber said, in a seet tone of voice. Lauren's translation: get back to your chores before I shove my foot so far up you :beep: you'll fell it in your brain. Lauren's mind added the 'beep' and to tell the trueth: she didnt want to know what the 'beep' was. Amber picked up her broom and began to sweep as Raimundo went back intot he building and began to clean. Lauren laughed, now in a better mood. Amber smiled at her friend. Dojo walked/slithered over tot he two girls.
"I could tell you had a shen gong wu before you came here, just to let you know. I wont make you tell the others but I would like you to show that you have it at some point."
"ok. I will Dojo. and RAIMUNDO GET BACK TO YOUR CHORES DAMMIT" amber screamed at the dragon of wind. Raimundo flinched then returned to his chores.
"I have a dark gift." Amber said with a smug look. lauren looked at Amber before talking.
"translation: dont screw with me or I'll make your life a living hell." Dojo left the two girls two report this to Master Fung. They really were funny kids. They could make even Raimundo do his chores.


Amber's proccess of waking lauren up- i want to see if this would actually happen, but i doubt it. Lauren tend s to be bitchy when she is tired so i wanted to put that in

amber and lauren's sleeping arrangment- funny. When i sleep over at someone's house, and i have never been there before, I dont like sleeping alone (why i dont know) Why i added that here i have no friggin clue. The cucoon thing is something i do when i sleep alone becouse it's nice and warm and gives a safe feeling.

disclaimer: me no own. although i wish i did
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