Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Say A Prayer And Let The Good Times Roll

Say A Prayer And Let The Good Times Roll

by xSTUMPSxLITTLExSMUTx 0 reviews

New Place, Same Faces

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-02-03 - Updated: 2007-02-03 - 950 words

Neddless to say after two days of nothing but drivin, 3 pack of ciggarettes, and lord knows how many gas station coffees later we arrived at the house we spent all of our summers ever since we could remeber. The house had'nt changed much with the execption of a few flowers and bushes.I put the car into park and looked at lauren lettin out a sigh of reliefe before takin the keys out of the ignition. Thats it Im not drivin for at least a week. I need to stretch my legs. Lauren and I got out of the car and made our way to the door. We stood there figditing and Laureny rung the doorbell and waited. A few seconds later we heard some one yell. assuming it was Pete. The door slowly opened. There he was.Wow hes changed since the last time Ive seen him, he was about 5'6 maybe 5,7 he had tight girls jeans on and a plain black polo. Was it my imgionation or was he wearing eyeliner? I caught a glimpse of a very confused and shocked Pete.
"JJ?" he managed to stutter out my name
"The one and only babycakes" I grinned from ear to ear seeing his facial expression. His eyes soon shifted over to Lauren.
"DURR!" she stated blanky and rolled her eyes.
Next thing I know all In that its black everything is spinning and I cant breath. I felt good to have some one happy to see me and miss me the way he did. The he set me down and moved on to Laruen. This is goin to be interesting, as soon as he picked her up he squirmed away dusted her self off and made a face of utter digust.
"Petey I love you dealry and all but umm when can we come in?"
OH YEAH DUH!" he said smakin him self in the head and then moved away so we could come in.
I imeaditly ran over to the couch and plopped down. HOT DAMN!!it felt so luxuirous to lay down for a few minutes. I should have known that my peace and quiet would'nt last long. Sure enough here comes Pete sitting on top of me pinning me down grinning like an idiot. I smiled. I missed this kid way to much to even think about being annoyed right now. Lauren on the other hand had the right idea to get away ASAP.

"HEY PETE??" Lauren beckoned from the top of the stairs,"Where the hell is my room at?"
Pete got up and showed her to her room. I just layed there Ill get my room eventually. Pete came racing down teh stairs a few minutes later.
"So uhh Petey Pie wheres my room?" I asked sweetly
He looked away nervously and scratched the back of his neck"Uhh yea heres the thing youll have to room with me for a few days until we get the other room fixed up for you"
"Thats fine Ill just go shower and maybe sleep.Yes sleep is good. Ill catch up with you later". I got my fat ass of the couch and made my way to bathroom.
When I emerged Pete was no where in sight. I found Unk[Mr.Wentz] sittin in the living readin a newspapaer. Hmm he wasnt there earlier.Oh well I cleared my throat to signal to him I was there. I was the same set of warm and comforting eyes peeking over the paper like I had always remembered them to be. Unk set his paper down and made his twords me. he ruffled my hair took one look at me and then pulled me into a huge bear hug. Unk was never much on speakin his thaughs but you could always tell what he was thinking.
"Wow you look great kiddo. Its been way to long."
I let out a small laugh" Yeah it has."
"Auntie is out in the kitchen shell be glad to see you"
"Kay thanks Unk"
"Your welcome my dear" With that I walked out into the kitchen. Its chanded a lil bit but not much. I saw Auntie with her back twords me cookin up something that smell wonderfull on the stove as usual.
I stood there lookin at my feet, a wave of nervousness washed over but I dont know why. It was just Auntie. Sweet, gentle, caring Auntie. I mustered up all the strenght I had to say something.
"Uhh hey Auntie"
She was quick to turn around with a warm genuine smile on her face she stopped what she was doin and ran over to me.She let out a squeal of excitment as she she held on and squezzed me for what seem like for ever. Gawd I missed her hugs. They alway made me feel so happy.
"JJ, sweetie you look beautiful, but your still as short as you where 3 years ago" She let out giggle as did I.
I just stood there lookin her up and down she hadnt changed or aged at all. This woman was a hero in my book. After all if you had a hell raiser like Pete and still made it out mentally stable you where a good person.
"Hey Auntie if you dont if im gonna go crash for a bit. Im like overly tired. Well catch up later?"
"Sure thing sweetie Ill tell Peter not to disturb you even thouh it is his room." She shook her head and laughed at what she just said I gigled and walked away climbing the stairs to Petes room.As soon as my head hit the pillow everythihng else was a blur.
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