Categories > Anime/Manga > Rurouni Kenshin > Rurouni Kenshin and the Lord of the Rings

Ch. 22: Kyoto fights back!

by John_the_visionary 1 review

With the Orcs breaking into Kyoto, Seijuro Hiko leads the Oniwaban group in a counter offensive...

Category: Rurouni Kenshin - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Crossover, Drama, Fantasy - Characters: Aoshi, Hiko, Megumi, Soujiro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-02-07 - Updated: 2007-02-07 - 4087 words


Chapter 22: A glorious explosion! Kyoto fights back

Aritomo Yamagata and Toshiyoshi Kawaji fought their hardest, swinging their rifles, with bayonets attached to them, dodging each of the Orcs' counter attacks. Glorfindel, with his Galadhrim brethren, also fought diligently against the enemy as they charged at the Orcs, though outnumbered by overwhelming odds.

The defending forces of Men and Elves in Kyoto were also holding their own against the armies of Mordor that infiltrated the city. Left and right, the Samurai and Galadhrim, adorned in respective armor, fought side by side, dispatching the enemy with their swords. Ishimura was among them as he skillfully dodged... and sliced each Orc that he came across, with his sword. But trouble was ahead...

When a pack of Warg-riders charged at the armored defenders, and pounced upon them as they screamed. The sheer savagery of the Wargs conquered the might of the Galadhrim and Samurai that were in their paths. As all seemed hopeless...


A very huge explosion took a couple of Wargs by surprise as they were hurled into the air from the blast... and crashed with a sickening thump onto the ground. The Wargs, Men and Elves were also startled as they turned to look at the dust that came from the explosion. As the dust settled...

A group of men stood defiantly in the presence of the Orcs. It was Seijuro Hiko, joined by Katsu, Shiro, and Kuro, who stand ready to assist the Samurai and Galadhrim against the monstrous steeds of the Orcs.

"Who dares to interfere?" one of the Orcs asked grudgingly.

"Why should we announce ourselves to a bunch of creepy-looking thugs like yourselves?" Hiko replied in a mocking, but composed manner, which angered the Orc.

"Besides," added Katsu, sarcastically, "you look like you're out for a beating than an answer."

"Such impudence," the Orc said angrily, "we'll tear you all up, from the inside out!"

The Warg-riders charged fiercely at the four men. As they did... Hiko drew his sword...

And waved it strongly as he called out, "Hiten Mitsurugi Style, Do Ryu Sen!"

The attack made a large portion of the ground hurl up, gusting, into the air, taking the Wargs that were charging at him, with it. The Wargs and their riders crashed onto the ground, making sickening cracking sounds of bones and ribs, leaving angry, but gasping expressions upon the Orcs.

The Easterlings, however, were angered by Master Hiko's display of power... and rushed forth towards Hiko's group in tight groups, like a swarm of dragons as they poised their polearms for attack...


Another Do Ryu Sen attack gusted from Hiko's sword, and knocked down the charging Easterlings. As this was going on...

Shiro and Kuro jumped in... and started to attack the Easterlings and Orcs.

"Koda shuriken!" Kuro and Shiro called out, shooting their armbands at the Orcs.

Katsu ran forward and picked up one of the Easterlings' scimitars, using it to attack the enemy. Hiko then began his charge as he used his God-like speed of the Hiten Mitsurugi Style to cut down each enemy he came across.

Ishimura joined along also as he swiftly, and skillfully, struck down the Orcs. More hope was brought to the Galadhrim and Samurai with the arrival of Seijuro Hiko and his company.

Shiro and Kuro, also armed with Kunais, used them to strike the Easterlings in the back, where their armor was the weakest. The ninjas' swift reflexes were also able to dodge the quick movements of the Easterlings' short, double-edged polearms. Though versed in the art of war, the Easterlings proved to be no match for the Oniwaban group. Katsu had found another weak point within the armor, aiming his scimitar somewhere beneath the shoulder of the Easterling soldier, injuring his ribs.

A Warg came swiftly towards Seijuro Hiko, and tried to take a bite out of him... but the master of Hiten Mitsurugi quickly jumped and kicked the Orc that was riding upon it. The Warg, however, was able to bite at Hiko's white cape, tearing it away from him.

Hiko landed on top of the Warg and settled upon the saddle as the beast rustled about wildly, trying to throw off the arrogant-seeming master. However, Hiko held his own against the drooling wolf of Mordor as he took every jerk the creature made, smirking wildly each time. But then...

Hiko had enough fun as he said, in a business-like manner, "so, you want to get rough, eh?"

Seijuro Hiko delivered a huge blow to the Warg's head and neck, using his elbow. It hurt the Warg very badly and made it scared of Hiko. It was the first time that a Warg would be scared of anything, least of all, a man, whom it took his white cape away from. The creature settled down, without making a ruckus.

"And I wasn't using my full strength yet," Hiko commented to the Warg, "but I'll have to if need be. I've got to hand it to you... you really have some guts. I wonder if my idiot apprentice was as wild as you seem to be. Unfortunately for you... I'm not as kind as your masters were. By the way they looked... they allowed themselves to be scarred so heavily like my dumb apprentice was.

"But I guess, like my dumb apprentice, they just keep going into trouble. One of those examples can be trying to ride an overgrown canine like you. I guess that shows me how tough these Orcs are. But now...

"You've got a harsher taskmaster in myself, so why don't you quit being lazy and head out!" Hiko finished gruffly to the Warg and charged off against the Orcs.

It could be said that the Warg enjoyed having Hiko ride it, because the creature enjoyed munching down on the Orcs that were right in front of it. The Men and Elves were amazed at how Hiko could stand up to riding a Warg, showing his smirking expression all around. The Elves were especially more impressed by the Master of Hiten Mitsurugi than the Men were...

"Sut aglareb (/How glorious/)" an elf gasped in amazement.

"Ro naa belegohtar (/He is a mighty warrior/)," another elf smiled in great admiration...

Hiko continued to ride the Warg further into Kyoto, as the others followed along on two horses that they picked up from the police. Shiro and Kuro rode one horse, while Katsu and Ishimura rode on the other. Armed with the swords of the Galadhrim, Kuro and Shiro swung swiftly, slicing into the enemy, fully understanding the use of the half grip-half-bladed sword. Ishimura, riding with Katsu, skillfully used his Japanese katana to cut into his enemies as well, making short work of the Orcs.

"Everyone," Sojiro warned the others of the incoming force of Orcs, "we've got company."

Okina, Megumi, and Halbarad moved quickly towards the window where Sojiro spotted the Orcs and gasped in shock.

"It looks like that we're going to have to leave this place sooner than we thought," said Megumi.

"Indeed," Radagast concurred.

In another part of Kyoto, in the Kita district...

The Uruk-Hai and the Haradrim continued to cut through the ranks of the Police and the Army that were hidden from within the streets of the city. The Berserker Uruks proved to be too much for the human defenders as the wild creatures swung their 6-foot, two-pronged sword, slicing into the chests and stomachs of the men.


A rain of arrows shot into the Uruks, at the neck, causing them to drop their deadly swords and reek in pain. Then... two figures of women, dressed in ninja outfits, landed swiftly and softly onto the ground, defiant in the presence of the Uruks. Two Elven twins followed behind them, one of them carrying a long staff-like spear. And lastly a broom-headed man, with a collection of swords on his body stepped out before the Orcs.

"Kyoto Oniwaban Group, Omasu and Ochika here!" both women cried in unison.

"With Chou, the Sword Hunter!" said the man with the sword collection.

"And the twins of Rivendell, Elrohir," said one of the twins.

"And Elladan," said the other.

The Uruks roared and charged with full-force towards the group. Omasu, Ochika, Elrohir and Elladan fired more arrows at the seemingly unstoppable creatures, hitting them around the neck. Chou then rushed in, swinging his arms in the air, instantly unsheathing his swords, and cut into the Uruks and Harad.

Omasu and Ochika jumped into the air, dodging a few of the Berserkers' attacks, and kicked them behind the head, knocking them down. The two female ninjas had also been armed with the swords of the Galadhrim as they used the swords to slice into the Berserkers' chests. Elladan and Elrohir also used their weapons to cut into the enemy soldiers and fired arrows at them in close range.

The Aoiya was finally under assault from the Orcs as they used their grappling hooks and ladders to climb up into the restaurant, but ran into trouble from the Dunedain Rangers who waited on the ground floor. The rangers fought their hardest, using their swords and firing arrows at the enemy...

Sojiro and Radagast readied their swords for attack as Okina armed himself with tonfas on his arms...

Halbarad drew his sword as he stood by Megumi and the children, preparing to leave the Aoiya.

As the Orcs poured in from the window, Radagast and Sojiro launched the first attack as Radagast used Orcrist to slice down into the Orcs and Sojiro used his Japanese sword to swiftly cut into the enemy. Okina jumped and bounced up and down the walls, curled up like a ball, as he dodged every attack the Orcs threw at him and punched and kicked his enemies, showing no signs of slowing. The old man then swung his tonfas in a furious swirling motion, bashing the Orcs up the chin and crushing the Orcs' skulls.

Halbarad joined into the battle as he commanded to Megumi and the children, "run!"

Megumi, Ayame and Suzume ran out of the room and into the restaurant as they went down the stairs to the main floor where some of the Rangers were fending off the Orcs. They all stayed where they were as they waited for the others to come down from the stairs.

Sojiro continued to fight against the Orcs, swiftly dodging them and stabbing them from the back. Okina, as virtuous as ever, continued endlessly to fight against the ferocious minions of Mordor.

"Ensatsu Goukoukon!" Okina cried out his attack, as he continued to bash his tonfas into the Orcs.

Radagast, continuing to fight with the Orc-cleaver in his hands, swung around, twirling his staff in his hands, knocking down the Orcs that he came across. Halbarad then started to follow downstairs and met up with the children and Megumi.

Not long after that... Radagast, Okina, and Sojiro followed along. With the help of Halbarad's fellow Dunedain kinsmen, they were able to exit the restaurant and began to run into the streets. On all sides, Radagast, Okina, and the others guarded the children and Megumi. Ayame and Suzume stayed close to their guardian, trying to avoid being taken by the enemy.

Suddenly... Radagast exhausted himself as he said to the others, "...leave me, get the children out of here."

"Mr. Radagast," gasped Sojiro.

"Don't argue with me, just go," returned Radagast, "we... you have to protect them now."

"But we can't just leave you," argued Megumi.

"Mr. Radagast," the children spoke in apprehension.

"I'll be fine," Radagast resolved as he charged off against the Orcs, trying to give the others enough time to flee.

Okina paused in his steps, then reluctantly said, "we have no choice... we have to leave him behind."

"But what about Mr. Radagast?" Ayame cried out as the others took her and Suzume in their arms and ran off into the streets as the children could only watch the Brown wizard being engulfed by the onslaught of Orcs.

And all seemed lost for the valiant wizard...

Seijuro Hiko, continuing to ride on his Warg, joined by Katsu, Ishimura, Kuro, and Shiro on horses, used his sword to slash down onto the Easterlings, Orcs, and Wild men that he came across. Fearful of the master of Hiten Mitsurugi, the enemy fled, upon their Wargs and horses, ensuing in a chase.

Omasu, Ochika, Elladan, Elrohir, and Chou continued to fight against the enemy. Chou had now stopped using his other swords... and began to use a different sword, a very long, and flexible sword called the Hakujin no Tachi. The Sword Collector used the elongated sword with ease as he used it to slice the enemy at a long distance like a long metallic whip.

"Nengi Shuriken!" Omasu cried out, throwing disc-like weapons her opponents, hitting them in the neck.

"Kunoji Shuriken!" Ochika cried out, throwing a boomerang-like weapon at one of the Haradrim, nicking him in the head.

The Elven twins of Rivendell swiftly dodged and sliced their enemies with their sword and spear, making short work of the Orcs. The comparable movements of the female ninjas also made short work of the Orcs as they continued to use their Galadhrim swords with ease.

Okina, Sojiro, Halbarad, Megumi, Ayame and Suzume ran into more trouble as a pack of Wargs rushed toward them... with an appetite for the kids. The group maintained their vigilance as Sojiro suddenly disappeared, seemingly moving around like a phantom, as a trail of footprints appeared, rushing towards the beasts. Suddenly...


Two of the creatures were sliced in their sides and fell down instantly. The Orcs were mystified at this shocking revelation as they looked behind them to see Sojiro smiling brightly like an innocent child. Sojiro then moved fast again... cutting the Orc that was staring at him, along with his Warg.

Okina and the others were greatly shocked as Megumi used her fingers to cover Ayame and Suzume's eyes, imploring them not to look.

"Shukuchi," gasped Okina, "so, this is what Himura fought against when he was fighting this boy."

As Sojiro continued to fight the Wargs... a crowd of attack Trolls began to descend upon them. Sojiro narrowed his eyes, knowing that it was too much for the others to handle.

"Go!" Sojiro told the others, "I don't think I'll be able to hold them off for long, but go on without me."

The others gasped, as they never thought that another would go off on their own.

Sojiro then went into his innocent smile and said, "remember what Mr. Radagast said... protecting the children is important right now, so you can't worry about anyone else right now."

Okina nodded firmly as he understood the message. The others left Sojiro behind as the innocent-looking warrior rushed head on, using his shukuchi technique to swiftly attack the Orcs. Even thought the odds may be against him... Sojiro would do his best.

The Police officers continued to charge at their enemies in the city, in the Chukyo district, as they were up against legions of Orcs, Haradrim, and Easterlings. The men fired their rifles, killing the Orcs as the bullets hit their heads. The Haradrim were too struck down by the bullets of the Japanese Police. However, the Easterlings' armor, concentrated at the front, had been able to shield them from the Police's rifles. The Police engaged the Wainriders head on, using their rifles and swords to counter their enemy's polearms and scimitars.

An officer on top a dark-brown horse commanded the troops, "don't falter men! We must protect Kyoto in the name of the law--!"


The Ringwraiths swooped out of the air, in-groups of two. The Fell beasts swarmed throughout Kyoto, reaching out to the defenders, grabbing them with their claws and voracious mouths biting great chunks of flesh from the men. One of the winged monsters then reached out to the commanding horsemen...

And grabbed him with its mouth as if it was trying to swallow him whole. The horse became restless and neighed loudly yet wildly, in grievance of his rider. The Fell beast continued to chew at the horseman's flesh, enjoying its feeding frenzy. The winged carnivorous creature's ravenous appetite was a horrifying sight to see for the Police as they watched the Fell beast, in terrifying apprehension, chew their commander, and threw his remains aside, discarding it like a piece of garbage.

All seemed grim for the Police...


Then a flash of blazing white light came from out of nowhere. The Wraiths and their fell beasts could not stand the purity of the light... and fled from the streets. The Police who had been saved by the light turned in the direction of the light...

And saw that it was Radagast the Brown, with his light-grey staff held aloft as the tip of it emitted the pure, white light that scared off the horrific creatures of Mordor. The fearful expressions upon the officers immediately turned to awe at the Brown wizard's deliverance of them.

The light faded as Radagast said firmly, "fight on, soldiers of Japan... fight with all your strength mustered!"

One of the officers nodded in response to the wizard's command and yelled, "let's go men!"

"YEAHHHHH!!!" the police roared out as they charged at the enemy.

Radagast then saw that one of the police officers was having trouble with the horse that recently lost its rider. The horse became as rowdy as a primal, primitive beast. Seeing the beast's turmoil... Radagast went forth, with his hands raised, trying to calm the creature...

"... Fæste!" the wizard cried out, following the horse's movement, trying to get eye contact with the beast of burden, "...stille nú!"

The horse was still a bit wild and rowdy... but soon calmed slowly as it began to look into Radagast's eyes...

"Stille... nú," Radagast said calmly as he began to slowly caress the horse's neck, "fæste... stille nú."

Radagast continued to maintain eye contact with the horse... as he began to look, as well as feel... the loss and loneliness of the beast of burden from him. As a caretaker of beasts, Radagast knew what the creature's pain was, after being taken from his rider.

"...You've suffered a great loss I see," Radagast softly commented to the horse, "that is always common in war. He wasn't just your master, I see... he was also your friend."

The horse blew a gust of breath at the Brown wizard, and it seemed that it was nodding in response to Radagast's question. The wizard knew it somehow... and deeply sympathized with the horse.

"...Indeed I would know how that would feel like," commented Radagast further, "...I have heard that sort of thing when one of the beasts in my care had lost someone dear to them. But you know... your friend would've wanted to die honorably in battle, wouldn't he?"

The horse stood silently, making no gestures, bellows, or any sort of movement, contemplating Radagast's reasoning statement. As it did... the brown wizard.

"In my home at Rhosgobel," continued Radagast, examining the bridle and saddle of the horse, with a sympathetic look about him, "no beast had ever worn a saddle, or rein, or a holding device of any sort. I have trained many beasts without needing to use a whip, or a rope, or any other tool of restraint at my disposal. I allowed them to be free... to be able to enjoy their lives so fruitfully.

"So... in the remainder of this long struggle, ride with me. But I want you to be free... free to run wildly enough, to trample these foul creatures into the void, to avenge your rider this very day!

"And you will neither need this," Radagast said as he undid the bridle, taking it off the horse's head...

"...Nor this on your back, when you ride," added Radagast, as he loosened the saddle, throwing it aside.

The horse immediately felt refreshed... as if a burden had been lifted from him after Radagast undid the bridle and saddle... feeling truly free for the first time.

Radagast then looked into the emancipated beast as he said firmly, "...come, ride with me now, my friend. We shall ride together... and fiercely rid this world of the scum of Mordor!"

Peregrin Took had observed Rath Dinen closely as he watched the guards bring some wood and oil into the crypt...

To put Faramir onto a pyre, full of wood, ready to burn at the Steward's command, as he had ordered his own execution as well, to burn with Faramir, after succumbing to an eerie fire of madness in his mind. The guards laid loads upon loads of wood onto the pyre that Faramir was on. Denethor, believing Faramir to be dead, despite being told by Aoshi and Pippin that he was still alive, hunched over his son, caressing his face softly.

"The house of his spirit crumbles," mumbled Denethor, miserably, "he is burning... already burning."

Pippin then rushed into Rath Dinen, heading over to the piled pyre of wood in the center, to observe the act of lunacy that was before him.

"He's not dead!" the Hobbit cried out, as he frantically began to pull the bundles of wood away from Faramir, "HE'S NOT DEAD!"

The maddened Denethor, upon seeing Pippin trying to stop his pyre, grabbed the Hobbit by the collar, and started dragging him away, towards the door.

"No!" Pippin cried out in a panic, while being dragged away, overpowered by Denethor's madness, "no! No, noo!!! He's not dead!"

"Farewell, Peregrin, son of Paladin... I release you from my service," Denethor, ignoring Pippin's cries, proclaimed to the Hobbit as he reached the door... and threw him out of the crypt, "go now and die in what way seems best to you."

Denethor then closed and locked the doors to the crypt as he called out, "pour oil on the wood!"

Pippin became greatly distressed, as he was unable to dissuade Denethor from burning Faramir alive. The Hobbit then realized that he was no longer dealing with a lord... but a madman, as Gandalf had made Denethor out to be. Boromir's death had already weighed heavily on Pippin, and to him, the burden would be even greater if he had let Faramir die. Unable to talk Denethor down...

Pippin rushed down from the citadel, to find Aoshi and Gandalf. However, there were many soldiers in front of the frantic Hobbit, as he desperately tried to find his friends.

"Come on, move your feet!" the soldiers called out to one another, trying to get to the upper levels, "hurry along there! Hurry along!"

"Gandalf! Aoshi!" Pippin cried deliriously to the soldiers, racing through the streets, "where are they? Aoshi! Gandalf!"

As he was doing this...

Orcs and Easterlings were streaming into the city, quickly and methodically exploiting the Gondorians' disarray, while fiery boulders were catapulted into the city, making more of the buildings crumble down, and turning the first level of Minas Tirith into a blazing inferno that wouldn't be extinguished so easily. In response, the Men and women ran away in fear.

"Retreat!" the soldiers cried as they began to flee along with the civilians.

"The City is breached!" Gandalf called out ordering, "Pull back! To the second level!"

"Fall back!" Aoshi yelled out to his company of soldiers, "FALL BACK!"

Aoshi continued to ride on Thengul as he followed along Gandalf to the second level of Minas Tirith, dodging the blazing boulders that fell upon them.

"Get the women and children out, get them out!" Gandalf added furiously, riding Shadowfax, "retreat!"

Some of the soldiers reached the gates to the second level, gesturing for the others to come through...

From outside the breached gate, Gothmog ordered, "move into the city. Kill all in your path..."

Disclaimer: The Lord of the Rings and RK are not mine. They belong to their authors, respectively J.R.R. Tolkien and Watsuki Nobuhiro. This fanfiction is created just for fun, not for any commercial purposes.

A/n: I was going to name this chapter, "Radagast and his new best friend", due to the part where the wizard acquires a police horse after its master was brutally eaten by a fell beast. But, I guess it didn't work out. And, how do you like the part where Seijuro Hiko rides a Warg, huh? Anyway, like I said, I hope the next chapter will hopefully be the most exciting for you. Please read and review.

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