Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Chemically Crazed Life Starring MCR

Mr.Days of Our Lives

by smokeyozzy 2 reviews

Veronica gets discharged and they head to Paris

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover, Drama, Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Other - Published: 2007-02-07 - Updated: 2007-02-07 - 384 words

Bonjour people, I felt so bad for not updating yesterday that I decided to write another bonus chapter for y'all. Dedicated to my wonderful readers and reviewers!
"Im sorry Joel, I really didnt know." Bert said for the millionth time after they came back.

"I know Bert, thats like the tenth time you've told me. I wasnt mad at you anyway." Joel said laughing.

"Okay, but I just wanted you to know that im-" Bert was cut off.

"Sorry?" Frank asked annoyed. "Yea, we know Bert, now shut up, im trying to watch this." Frank was watching some soap opera. "What the hell!" he screamed when Veronica changed the channel.

"Im tired of watching dumb soaps!" Veronica yelled at him.

"But now i'll never know if Julia is pregnant with Dorean's comatose husband's baby!" Frank yelled back at her.

"Well they cut me open and took a dead baby out of me, im tired of laying in a damn hospital bed, and im pregnant! So live with it!" She yelled back at him, then settled on a channel.

"I am not watching spongebob!" Frank yelled.

"Well I am, so you're out of luck." Veronica said.

Benji, Billy, Paul, and some guy Veronica didnt recognize walked in the room.

"Hey guys." Veronica said to them.

"Hey Veronica, how are you feeling?" Benji asked her.

"Im doing good. But Mr. Days of our lives here wont let me watch Spongebob in peace." Veronica said slapping Frank on the back of the head.

"Hey!" Frank said.

"Okay, thats good, oh and this is Dean, our drummer." Benji said pointing to the guy Veronica didnt know.

"Oh, hi Dean, im Veronica. Can someone go find out when I get out of here?" Veronica asked looking at her friends. Joel got up and left the room to find a nurse. He came back with one.

"Hello Veronica, im your nurse. You're about ready to be discharged, but we're going to keep you over night to watch your progress. Mr.Madden here says you're going to Paris, we'll send them you're papers and you'll need to get a check-up there, but other than that you're doing fine." the nurse said, Veronica nodded and the nurse left.

Okay, kinda short, but good enough for now, ill post more later. Please review.
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