Categories > TV > Stargate: Atlantis > High Order

Chapter 2

by Dannylion 0 reviews

John and his group go to a planet and rescue a girl froma cruel village. She lives in Atlantis. Someone's past threatens to destory Atlantis.

Category: Stargate: Atlantis - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure - Characters: Carson Beckett, Elizabeth Weir, John Sheppard, Rodney McKay, Teyla Emmagan - Published: 2007-02-08 - Updated: 2007-02-09 - 2364 words

Author's Note: Reviews would be awesome. And I would LOVE to thank my beta for helping me improve my story. Also minor spoiler for season 2 "Condemned". ^_^

"Hi!" Kira said with a large smile to Elizabeth Wier and Carson Beckett. "I'm Kira."
"Well hi!" Elizabeth replied. "My name is Elizabeth Weir, and this is Dr. Carson."
Kira looked at Dr. Beckett warily. "That's not what it says on his coat." Kira stated.
"Well, now you're a smart young lady, aren't you?" Carson said with a chuckle. "That is because Carson is my first name. This," Carson said pointing to the name on his coat, "is my last name, Beckett. I'm the doctor here."
"So why is he here?" she asked confused.
"I'm here to take you to the infirmary with the others of course just to make sure that you are not sick or have anything that might hurt other people," Beckett said.
"You talk funny." Kira said with a giggle. Dr. Beckett looked at her surprised.
"Yes, well... wait until you hear some of the other people in Atlantis speak," Beckett said with a smile. He bent down to whisper in Kira's ear but spoke loud enough for Rodney to hear him. "You've heard Rodney speak, and he's Canadian." Kira laughed seeing the look that Rodney was sending Carson.
Although she hadn't known Beckett for very long, Kira could tell that Carson was teasing Rodney. "Well!" she said excitedly. "What are we waiting for? I want to see what else this wonderful place has." She smiled and looked up at Dr. Beckett.
"Right then! Follow me!" Carson said to Kira.
Kira turned and ran over to Rodney. She grabbed Rodney's hand and pulled him toward Dr. Beckett. Elizabeth raised her eyebrows as Rodney allowed himself be pulled by the little girl.
"Weird, isn't it?" John stated after Kira and Rodney disappeared down the corridor.
"What do we know about her?" Elizabeth asked the remaining members of the team, shaking her head. She still couldn't believe that Rodney McKay allowed himself to be led down the corridor by a child.
"Well... we know her name is Kira," John teased.
"John!" Elizabeth said with a little bit of irritation in her voice.
"Colonel Sheppard, I believe Dr. Weir is asking us why we brought Kira back with us," Teyla interrupted. Elizabeth nodded allowing Teyla to continue. "We do not know much about Kira, besides her name and that she likes Dr. McKay." Teyla went on to describe how the team met her. "We believe that the villagers were using her and the other children as a sacrifice, so the Wraith will not harm their village." Teyla said sadly.
"Much like Olesia." Ronon commented
"Well, I don't think we should ask her for her story just yet." Elizabeth said. "From what I have heard she's had a tough day. We'll ask her once she settles down. Teyla, do you think one of the Athosians would take care of her?" Elizabeth asked.
"Of course, Dr. Weir. I am sure I can find someone who will take good care of her." Teyla said.
"I don't think she will like that," Ronon said casually.
"What do you mean?" Elizabeth asked.
"She seemed to have her heart set on living with McKay. He tried to save her in the first place. I think she wants to show her appreciation," Ronon said. "Plus, I think she likes him," he added with a wolfish smile, then headed off to the infirmary.
"I don't think Rodney will want to become her guardian. In addition, Rodney will be away on missions with you. He doesn't have time to raise a child. It would be better..." Elizabeth said.
"Oh, I don't think anyone will mind babysitting once in a while," John interjected. Elizabeth looked at him in surprise. John's face was innocent but his eyes twinkled with mischief.
"We'll talk to Kira and then decide what's best for her," Elizabeth said as they headed toward the infirmary.


"So how old are you?" Carson asked Kira as he lifted her onto of the bed. Kira watched wide-eyed as a woman pulled a curtain around her bed.
"Hummm..." Kira pondered. "Don't know," She said as she shrugged her shoulders and returned her attention to Dr. Beckett.
"You don't know?" Carson asked surprised. "What about your parents? Can you tell me anything about them?" Carson asked as he started to examine Kira.
"Well... my mother left me in the village square when I was a baby. And nobody knows who my father is. I think..." Kira paused but quickly continued, "my mother could be Lord Kaden's wife but I don't know." Kira said with a shrug of her shoulders.
"What makes you say that?" Carson asked as he took her pulse.
He paused as he noticed something on her wrist. "What's this?" he asked as he raised her wrist. A tattoo covered her wrist. The tattoo was of black lines that spiraled in and out of each other going completely around her wrist.
"I've had it since I was little. It's a tattoo." Not seeing why Carson seemed so irritated at she had a tattoo on her wrist she continued. "Anyways, I overheard some villagers say that it was a coincidence..."
"Breathe." Carson interrupted. Kira took a deep breath.
"That Lord Kaden's wife had a dead baby the same day I was found in the village square." Kira continued. "But then again my parents are probably not from the village at all." Kira winced as Carson put his stethoscope on her back.
Carson pulled his hand back and carefully pulled her shirt up. Her back was bleeding.
"It's not so bad." Kira said quickly, with a slight shiver, trying to reassure Beckett.
"Kira..." Carson stated as he turned to whisper to his nurse. She nodded and quickly came back with some cloths and ointments. Carson grabbed a pair of scissors from the tray next to the bed and cut the back of her shirt open. Her back was completely covered by blood.
"Hey," John said as he walked into the infirmary with Elizabeth and Teyla behind him. Beckett nodded to one of his nurses who walked over to him.
"Excuse me." she whispered as she pulled a curtain around the bed. Kira opened her mouth to protest but quickly closed it.
"Did you have any friends?" Carson asked trying to keep Kira occupied.
"Not really," Kira stated. "All the kids that I knew are either dead or will die soon." Kira looked down at her right hand and moved her fingers.
"I'm sorry," Carson said softly when Kira shivered again.
"No, its ok. I should be sorry for causing so much trouble." Kira said meekly.
"You are no trouble," Carson stated.
"Where's Rodney?" Kira asked.
"I already did a check up on him. I think he went to his room." Carson said. Kira sighed clearly sadden that he left her alone.
"Here," A nurse said softly as she handed Kira a paper dress. Kira stared at the dress and frowned.
"What's this for?" She asked surprised as she unfolded the dress.
"It's for you to put on. It will make my job easier." Carson said as he turned to look away.
Kira stared at the dress in confusion. She was about to let her shirt slide off her arms when she heard a familiar voice.
"Where's Kira?" Rodney's voice echoed in a panic through the room.
"Rodney!" Kira shrieked in happiness and ran out of the curtain. She immediately ran over to Rodney and wrapped her arms tightly around his leg.
Rodney winced and his nose twitched in irritation.
"Kira." Dr. Beckett said half out of exhaustion half out of annoyance. "Rodney? Do you mind helping me a bit?" he asked as he pushed the curtain to one side.
"What's that?!" Kira exclaimed in surprise as she grabbed on to the teddy bear that Rodney held in his hand.
"Umm..." Rodney stammered and quickly pulled it away from her. He took a deep breath then lowered his hand down and handed the teddy bear to Kira.
"Ummm... I found this." Rodney said as his eyes darted around. He immediately, spotted John and gave him glared at him. Daring John to say anything.
"What is it?" Kira asked as she took a stuffed bear from Rodney's hand.
"It's called a stuffed... er... teddy bear." Rodney said. Teyla raised her eyebrow as Elizabeth bit her cheek trying to desperately not smile.
"A..." John stated as he started to tease Rodney.
"Don't say anything!" Rodney hissed at John.
"Thank you very much." Kira said, hugging Rodney. "No one has ever given me anything."

"Now, if you don't mind," Carson interrupted as he ushered Kira back onto the bed. "I still a patient to finish examining and treating."
Carson ushered Kira back toward her bed. He then picked her up and placed her onto the bed. She moved the arms of the bear curiously and giggled when she picked its nose.
"What's its name?" Kira asked as she looked around. A nurse had closed the curtain around them. "Rodney?!" Kira nearly yelled in a panic. Carson sighed and opened the curtain slightly.
"I need your help, Rodney." Carson said.
Rodney looked around and pointed to himself in surprise. Carson nodded his head and Rodney quickly went over to Kira's bedside.
"So what's his name?" Kira asked again. Carson could hear relief in Kira's voice.
"His name is Albert Einstein." Rodney stated proudly. Kira giggled.
"That's a long name," Kira said with a giggle. "Can I call him Stiny? Or Alby?" Kira asked.
Rodney stared at her horrified then shook his head. "Sure..." He said unhappily. "Whatever. He's yours, you can rename him whatever you want." Rodney said with a shrug.
Kira seemed to realize that she had somehow offended Rodney and quickly shook her head. "Albert Einstein is a good name." Kira said hugging the bear tightly.
"You named a teddy bear, Albert Einstein?" John's voice echoed through the room.
"Yeah, so?" Rodney asked clearly irritated.
"It's a teddy bear." John stated. "And why do you..."
"Don't!" Rodney said almost angrily. "Just don't."
Kira held her breath waiting for a fight to erupt but John didn't say anything. "What's that?!" Kira shrieked as Carson took out a needle.
"It's ok!" Carson said quickly, trying to calm the girl down. "I use this to take some blood for tests." Kira looked at him in horror.
The curtain slightly opened and John peaked his head in.
"May I come in?" John asked. Kira nodded vigorously and John walked over to her casually.
"He's trying to take my arm off!" Kira accused Carson.
"It's just a little needle!" Rodney said as if he weren't bothered by it.
"I tell you what," John said as he sat down next to Kira. He looked at Carson and Rodney then leaned over to whisper in Kira's ear. "These men aren't as brave as you think they are. Nobody likes needles, especially..." John paused then smiled. "Me!"
Kira looked at John in surprise.
"Here. If you want you can hold on to my hand until Carson is done." John said as he extended his hand.
"Ok." Kira said as she grabbed his hand.
"So what do you like to do for fun?" John asked.
"Fun? Explore new places!" Kira said happily. "Ouch!" She cried and looked at Carson. He smiled at her and shook his head.
"I was done before you said anything!" He stated.
"Well... It takes a little while for my body to feel pain!" Kira stated as she put her nose up in the air.
"What now?" Kira asked as a nurse pulled the curtain back.
"Col. Sheppard will be taking us to the Mainland. That is where my people the Athosians, live." Teyla stated as she walked over to them.
"Why?!" Kira asked suspiciously.
"You will meet your new guardians, the people who are willing to take care of you."
"NO! I want Lord Rodney to take care of me. I like this place." Kira cried.
John started to cough when he heard Kira call Rodney "lord". Kira stared wide-eyed at Teyla. She jumped off the table and grabbed Rodney's arm.
"Please don't send me away Lord Rodney!" Kira cried.
"Kira," Elizabeth said as she walked over to Kira. "Rodney is going to be gone for a long period of time or very busy working in his computer lab. There are no children in Atlantis. You'll be alone."
"I won't cause any trouble! I'll be quiet. Please don't send me away. I can clean, cook, work.... Whatever you want me to do!" Kira begged. "If I don't know how to do it I can learn very quickly. And I'm a very hard worker." Kira pleaded.
Elizabeth took a step back. She was surprised that Kira seemed to expect to have to hard to stay with them. Elizabeth looked at Rodney then back at the girl, sighing.
"Ok." Elizabeth finally said. "You can stay on Atlantis with us. You won't have to work but I do expect you to learn how to read and write. I'll send for school books from Earth. But I want to make sure that you know that there are no other children your age here. Whenever you get lonely and want to go to the mainland tell me and we'll take you over there to live. Ok?"
Kira nodded her head eagerly. "Where am I going to stay?" Kira asked.
"There's a room next to Rodney's that is vacant. You can have that room." Elizabeth said.
"Yay!" Kira cheered and clapped her hands. Rodney sighed.
"I'll show you where your room is," John said with a smile.
Elizabeth grabbed Teyla as John, Rodney, Ronon and Kira walked out. "Do you think you can find someone who has clothes for her? I'll have one of our seamstresses make cloths for her as soon as possible" Elizabeth said.
"I am sure that I will find some cloths for Kira." Teyla stated.
"Good. I have a feeling that Kira will be here for a long time." Elizabeth said as a small smile crossed her lips.
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