Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > To the end

Chapter 6-That's life

by Xxnemo-propriusxX 0 reviews

Life's a bitch, deal with it

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-02-10 - Updated: 2007-02-10 - 741 words

School seemed worse than ever. The building seemed more menacing than usual, and the looks I got from other students made me feel so secluded. All lessons were awful, and when I was given my grades, all I felt was rejection and hate. Carmen, supposedly my friend, tried talking to me at break.
"Hey Jen," she said.

Talk to her, it doesn't matter if you don't like her, but she wants to talk to you.

"Hey," I said. I didn't really like her, but anyone who was willing to talk to me was a friend right now.
"How're you doing?" she asked me.
I shrugged. I wasn't really feeling anything except insignificant.
"Why have you suddenly become so dark and mysterious?" she asked.
"Why is the sky blue? Why are politicians creeps? Why am I such an outcast? Because that's how life is," I said.
"Sorry," she said, "Life can be tough sometimes, but you have to see the good things."
"What good things?" I said. Right now, I couldn't see anything in my life that was worth living for.
"How about your family?" she suggested.
"My dad just died," I said. The blood drained from her face.
"I'm so sorry Jen," she said.
"See there is no point in life if there's nothing to look forward to, nothing to remember," I said, "No point in living at all."
"You cannot commit suicide," she said, seeing straight through me, "You've completely lost your mind."
"Have I? My dad just died, pathetic losers at school are making life hell and I think life sucks," I said, "it's just fact."
"You make no sense Jen," she said, "but don't so anything stupid."
She walked off. I sat there, looking at the ground.
Marco Monkfish, Hugo's older brother came over to me.
"Can I help you?" I said, trying not to put any emotion into my voice.
"I heard you messed with my brother!" he said harshly.
"I didn't mess with him. Your brother messed with me," I said.
"And you hit him,"
"He hit me,"
"That's not the point. You disrespected my family," he said.
"He disrespected mine," I said, standing up, "I don't really think we're getting very far with this conversation."
"You can't talk to me like that," he said.
"Whatever," I said, starting to walk away. Just keep remembering what Bob told you, I kept telling myself.
"Hugo told me about your dad," he said. I stopped walking and turned back to him. I'd tried to ignore it. I'd tried to walk away. It's as though they wanted me to react. But if anyone spoke about my dad, well, they weren't going to be seeing daylight for much longer.
Although he was taller than me, I turned back around and pulled him up by the collar of his shirt.

Slap him like you did his brother. 'Til he's out cold.

"You say anything about my father, and the next half hour will be a blur," I said. He actually looked frightened, but I was actually a little scared of myself right now. I let go of him and walked off.

At the end of the day, I had to walk home. Megan was going out with her friends, so I was on my own. I got round the corner, two blocks away from home, when Hugo and Marco appeared.

Here we go again.

"Hey Ryder! Your sister abandoned you?" they laughed.
"Maybe she died too!"
I began walking faster. I'd had just about enough of them.
"Must've hit a nerve!"

I felt something strike me on the arm, probably leaving a mark. I didn't want to turn around to find out what they were throwing at me. Life was screwing me over and over. I ran, like I was running from life. Tears were welling up in my eyes as I fumbled around and the front door, trying desperately to open it. I swung it open and slammed it behind me. I sank onto the floor and broke down. I'd never been so unhappy. Bob came past.
"Jen?" he said, "What happened?"
He sat down next to me.
"Y'know I really thought they'd give it a rest," I said, "But they never stop."
"Still a problem, huh?" he said.
I nodded. The door moved. I was afraid it was the Monkfishes.
"What the hell?" Michelle said, trying to get in. We moved out of the way, and I went upstairs.
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