Categories > Games > Tales of Symphonia > Full Circle

Zelos' longing

by SylviaViridian 0 reviews

Zelos' first entry, by Sylvia Viridian

Category: Tales of Symphonia - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Romance - Characters: Lloyd, Zellos - Warnings: [!!!] [?] - Published: 2007-02-14 - Updated: 2007-02-14 - 955 words

Sylvia: Okay, my turn! We'll start out with Zelos, he's the one I'm more comfortable with (and really, who's actually comfortable with Mithos, even a slightly-reformed one?) and more to the point, he's the one I have plenty of experience with. It'll be interesting to see if my Zelos and/or my writing style have been affected by the books I've been reading lately, won't it? (did-a-chock, dad-a-chum, what way will the words come?)

glances up at what she just wrote I'd say that's a big yes...well, onward we go! ^_^;

Oh, yeah, I don't own Zelos Wilder or Tales of Symphonia.


Hey, there, folks, Zelos Wilder here, and I guess this is my journal now. Not a diary; diaries are for girls, and no matter what certain people may have thought under certain circumstances, I am definitely not a girl.

Anyway, long and uncomfortable stories aside, I'm gonna be writing down my thoughts here. Never thought it'd be important before, but then, I never really expected to make it past thirty before, so there wasn't much point in keeping a record, you know? These days, though, I think I'm gonna try and clean up and keep living a bit longer than that, so I figure maybe when I'm old and grey (or at least, when I have to dye my hair to keep it this stunningly gorgeous shade), I'll wanna look back and see what I was like way back when. So here it is, the personal journal of Zelos Wilder.

It's so weird, the worlds being one, you know? All my life, all I ever knew was Tethe'alla, and not much of that, either. Sure, there were the old legends and stuff, but no one really knew. And then when I'm about sixteen, these Renegade people show up and start doing stuff that no one knows how to do, and bringing stuff over from the other world, like those Exspheres. And then once I've spent five or six years spying on Cruxis for them, suddenly these kids and their teacher come out of nowhere, and I'm dragged off on the ride of all our lives. It's still hard to believe that's all over, even two years later...and there's not one of us that's the same. I know I've changed in ways that I wouldn't have believed possible three years ago. I guess you could say I finally grew up a bit, figured out that there were some things worth fighting for even if you know you can't win.

So now here I am being a good little Chosen and demolishing the Church that gave me all the power and privilege I always pretended to love so much, while at the same time trying to convince all the other nobles (save for Duke Bryant of course, good ol' Regal always knew better) that the rest of the people in the world matter, too. Kinda makes a guy miss the days when it was just all of us traveling together, from fight to fight and danger to danger. Life wasn't simple back then, either, but it sure feels simpler than now. And at nights, I could sit around the campfire and listen to Genis and Raine talking, and Regal and Presea being uncomfortably quiet, while Colette hummed to Noishe, and I could joke around with Sheena while pretending I wasn't ogling Lloyd...

Yeah, that's kinda the big thing, huh? I really wish Lloyd was still around. It's not just that the guy's gorgeous (although he is), he's just got this...sense of life about him. It made even me want to live, and after all the years I spent slowly self-destructing, that's really kind of a shock. Thing is, I don't think he really even knows what he did for me. It's not like he went out of his way to do it, it's just kind of the way he is. He's got this kind of magnetism; he smiles at you and you can't help but smile back, a real smile and not the fake ones I always used to show off to the world. We've all seen it, all felt it, it's the reason any one of us would follow him right to the end of the world...and honestly, back then it felt like that was just what we were doing.

And there's another difference between now and a few years ago, too; a few years ago, if who I was back then had known someone like Lloyd, I know I would have let myself drift away from him, convinced myself I wasn't worthy of attention from someone as genuinely amazing as he is. But I can look my reflection in the eye and say dammit Zelos, you are totally worth someone like Lloyd, and if you like him that much, then you oughta go after him! Go help him out with collecting the Exspheres or something, you know he wouldn't refuse the company.

...Unfortunately, being the worthy person I am today means that I've got worthy-person responsibilities to deal with, and I can't just skip out or run away just because they're boring. Plus, I've got a little sister who it feels like I hardly even know anymore, now that I've finally gotten them to let her out of that awful Abbey. So Zelos Wilder is staying put right here in Meltokio, at least for now. Still, Lloyd is traveling around the world after all, so of course I've offered him an invitation to come and stay with me anytime he feels like it. And maybe if I keep track of where he's going, I can manage to find things that need doing in the places he's at, right?
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