Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > dont leave me down and out

baby frank

by isuckatlifen 3 reviews

i promised an update

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Crossover, Drama, Erotica, Fantasy, Horror, Humor, Parody, Romance, Sci-fi - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-02-14 - Updated: 2007-02-15 - 377 words

i forgot that i was supposed to update then i wasnt going to until SafeFromRobotsDAMN said she was takeing my skittles and i couldnt handle that so i updated its short but its funny in my opinion

This time I didn't bother to run knowing my attempts to stop her are fruitless. I walked into my bedroom figuring since that was the only room left in the house that's where she was.

"PUT. ME. DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!" frank screamed

Jodi was holding him like a baby shaking him back and forth vigorously.

"I'M. GONNA. THROW. UP" frank groaned

Jodi dropped him like he was on fire and he landed at my feet groaning.

"Frank is you ok?" I asked concerned, helping him to his feet

"Ya I think so." He said "BUT GET HER THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!!!" he added

Everyone laughed at this and frank ran to hide behind me.

"Jodi what were you doing?" Zack asked

"He's cute I was trying to rock him to sleep"

"You're weird" bob said receiving a very threatening glare from Jodi.

"Erm... um...what did you say mikey??" said bob running out of the room trying to create an excuse for himself.

"Bob! Mikey's right here" frank yelled down the hallway

"Uhhh... no he's not" was the reply we received

"Ok well now that you managed to maul or scare every member of my chemical romance do you think we could get on with practice?" Joe asked coming out of nowhere

"WTF? Where were you this whole time?" asked Jodi

"Buying toothpaste" he replied simply
"Why?" Jodi questioned again

"Because I felt like it, and frankly I didn't want to witness you attacking them or what ever else your were planning to do"

"He he you said frank. Wait! That reminds me I haven't tortured the way brothers yet!" Jodi exclaimed

"Oh shit" we heard coming from the closet in the back of the room

ok theres another short chapter but ill update again tomarrow and if i dont then SafeFromRobotsDAMN gets my skittles and my starburts thats alot and it should be longer too because its the final in the 3 "kill all your friends" chapters of this story read it to find out what happens to gerard and mikey
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