Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Im Not OK ... It's A Thing Called HIGH SCHOOL

Chapter 5

by leitchy 2 reviews

the sun, a fight and we meet the new kid!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst, Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-02-15 - Updated: 2007-02-16 - 528 words

The sunlight poured through the window and I groaned, rolling over to shield myself from the light. But, instead of rolling off the bed like I usually do, I rolled into someone. I looked next to me, and realized that the someone was a sleeping Gerard. Aww, he looked adorable! I smiled remember the kiss we had shared. It truly was amazing. I then laughed as I realized that his hand that was originally on my waist was now slung over my hip. I snuggled back into him and was thinking of how perfectly we fit together and sighed from the warmth of his body. "Good morning." I heard a sleepy Gerard say, his eyes fluttering open. Smiling, I said "Morning!" and gave him a quick peck on the lips. He grinned. "Well, as much as I'd love to lay here with you all day, we need to get up and go to school." He smiled, pulling me up and grabbing his uniform.

As we walled through the school gate, I realized that Mikey wasn't with us. "Hey Gee. I think we left Mikey behind." I told him. "Whoops. Oh well. He'll be ok." He replied, laughing lightly. "Ok. Eugh, lets get to French." I groaned. I HATED French!

"You little ..." Mikey threatened as Gerard and I walked out to the table to have recess. "Gee, he looks kinda angry." I whispered. "I can't believe you left me at home! Some brother you are! I had to walk to school by myself whilst you walked hand in hand with you fucking girlfriend. Thanks a lot!" Mikey said, raising his voice. "Shh. Look Mikes, I'm really sorry. Please don't pull Amy into this, she didn't do anything. And I don't want the whole school to know about last night, Thankyou very much." Gerard said menacingly. Mikey looked at his feet and nodded. "Good. And if you bring it up again, I'll tell Sam." Gerard said. "Fine!" Mikey said, stomping his foot. "Hey guys! This is Ray, Ray, this is the group!" Frank butted in, having no clue what had just taken place. Poor Ray looked slightly overwhelmed. Probably from spending so much time with Frank. "Well, this is Amy. She's the only girl in the group. That, next to her is Gerard. He's pretty cool, I guess. That's Mikey. He's a year below us, but we like him to hang. Oh, and keep a puffer on you just in case he has an attack. You know me, I'm the really cool one! Oh, that's Bob. He's gay. Nah, just kidding. He's pretty good on the drums." Frank said, finally finishing. "Yeah, Mikes needs his puffer for the slightest thing! Haha! Especially if it has something to do with Sam." Gerard teased. Oh no. Now we were in for it. Mikey held up a fist at Gerard with a menacing look on his face. Frank looked between them, shrugged and went back to talking to Ray. I went and joined in, not wanting to get in the middle of a fight. Mikey walked off, fuming and Gerard came and stood next to me, listening to every word we were saying.
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