Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Suicidal Changes

In Which Gee and Eve Meet

by GeeDeexx 4 reviews

What happens when the only person you can turn to is Gerard Way?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama, Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Other - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-02-16 - Updated: 2007-02-17 - 408 words

(( This is my first story, people, bear with me.
Feb. 16th, 9:50 PM ))

My name was Eve. Eve Lanksy. This is some of my story.
I was asleep. Of course, if you're thinking asleep, I mean awake, breathing as the pounding of my heart droned on and on in my hearing. I slid the purpled covers off of my body and sat up, looking around me. I was still wearing my clothes, just plain jeans and a black t-shirt. I didn't know it, but this was the turning point of my life, in 5, 4, 3, 2-
A yell of "I love you!" And a gunshot screamed through the air. I yelped, standing up and running out my room and into my father's room.
"Dad!" I screamed, stumbling backwards slightly.
There he lay, a bulled lodged in his skull.
"Oh my God," I muttered, grabbing my Dad's cell phone from his nightstand and flipping it open as I fell backwards onto the floor. I began the numbers- 9, then a 1, and then I dropped the phone I was shaking so hard. The tears were shedding down my face when I picked up the phone again, and my thumb was numb that I couldn't dial the buttons- I ended up in the phone book, the phone on one person's name- the only name in the phone. Except it wasn't a name.
'Go here' It said, and I managed to press the 'Ok' button. The name? Easily I recognized it, and my eyebrows collided.
"Why the hell would he send me to... G-Gerard Way?" The tears were streaming down my face. A note fell from his desk, but it only pointed to things she knew-
'Phone book, only name, love you.
Your mother would be proud.'
"If my mother was proud, why did you fucking kill yourself?" I threw the note on the ground and began to dial the emergency number- but I couldn't manage it again. In agony I threw the phone down, grabbing a hoodie that layed on the ground and running out the door hurriedly. I didn't intend on going anywhere, so I just slid on the hoodie and ran into the city, my brunette -and curling- hair flying behind me as I did so. My gray eyes caught nothing as I ran, just blurs of colors and lights.
It wasn't the best time to be running around New Jersey- you never knew who could be sneaking up on you at 3 AM.

((10:05 PM))
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