Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy

Kill me in the Moonlight

by hatemeidontcare 0 reviews

A couple of vampires hunters just wanting to do their jobs, but whoever knew it could be so dangerous to befriend an enemy? (yeah, i kno that it's like the music video.)

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Sci-fi - Warnings: [!] [?] [V] - Chapters: 2 - Published: 2007-02-17 - Updated: 2007-08-12 - 2127 words

  • Sixteen Candles

    by hatemeidontcare 0 reviews

    A couple of vampires hunters just wanting to do their jobs, but whoever knew it could be so dangerous to befriend an enemy? (yeah, i kno that it's like the music video.)

    Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Sci-fi - Warnings: [!] [?] [V] - Published: 2007-02-17 - Updated: 2007-02-18 - 735 words

  • One night

    by hatemeidontcare 2 reviews

    A couple of vampires hunters just wanting to do their jobs, but whoever knew it could be so dangerous to befriend an enemy? (yeah, i kno that it's like the music video.)

    Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Sci-fi - Warnings: [!] [?] [V] - Published: 2007-02-21 - Updated: 2007-02-22 - 1392 words

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