Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Welcome to my life

Welcome to my life

by HeartStillHurts 3 reviews

my chemical romance story with mainly frank i havent finished writting it but have 50 odd chapters done so hopefully finished soon

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy, Romance - Characters: Frank Iero - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-02-18 - Updated: 2007-02-18 - 903 words

-1- Brooke's POV

I was at my locker. My new locker. It was my first day at a new school. It was my 3rd day in a new city.
Me, my mum and my step-dad had all moved from New York to New Jersey. A bit of a change I know. I hadn't really wanted to move I would rather of stayed where I was but my mum got a new job and we all had to move.
We had only just moved into our new house 3 days ago but of course I still had to go to school. Apparently it was important.
So I was at my locker trying to figure out which book I would need. I had been given a schedule and a locker number and all my books were inside.
When I found the book I needed I headed off to the class I was supposed to be in 10 minutes ago. It was just my first day surely the teachers would understand.
I found the classroom and knocked on the door and entered the room. The class was filled with students that were now all looking at me. I started to get nervous. I didn't like people looking at me because I knew that they would be judging me.
"Hello there may I help you?" the teacher asked from the chalkboard she was standing beside with a piece of chalk in her hand.
"Uh yea I'm new I'm supposed to be in this class" I said quietly.
"Ah yes Brooke Tyler. I was expecting you. Go sit down where you can find a space." The teacher said sweetly smiling at me. I looked back at the class there was a lonely seat at the back and I went and sat down.
I sat there, elbow rested on the table head rested on my hand, trying to listen to the teacher.
A few people turned round to look at me then back to whisper to their neighbour. I'd heard it all before and it didn't faze me any more well actually it did a lot but I didn't let on that it did.
I sighed and looked down at the book we were supposed to be looking at. I noticed out the corner of my eye someone looking at me.
I discreetly looked at the person and realise he was alone too. He was still looking at me strangely.
I raised my other hand and turned my face slightly. He was making me nervous and uncomfortable. I really don't like it when people stare at me.
"Ok class I think that will do for today. You can pack up and talk for five minutes" Miss Webster, the teacher, said.
I closed my books and gathered them up in my arms so I could get out quickly. I looked out the corner of my eye again and noticed the guy had gathered up his books but was still looking at me.
The guy was quite attractive I had to admit. He had black hair, or half of it was black anyway, and big brown eyes, piercings and nice facial features he was totally my type of friend but he was probably still thinking all the same things everyone else was.
I was praying to just get out of there and away from everyone that was in that class. More people had started looking over at me and talking to their friends. I looked up at the clock. 3 minutes to go.
"Hey" someone said which made me jump slightly. I went to look over at the guy when I noticed he was now sitting next to me.
"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you," he said. I nodded slightly and positioned myself to look at him properly.
"Uh its ok" I said quietly
"So your new..." the guy started
"Uh yea" I said. It was pretty stupid thing to say to me I mean obviously I was new.
"Sorry that was obvious I couldn't think of anything else to say" the guy said. I smiled softly at him
"How about you tell me your name so I don't have to keep saying that guy in my head," I said. He laughed
"I'm Frank," he said sticking out his hand. I shook it
"And if you were listening I'm Brooke" I said
"Ah now I was listening your Brooke Tyler." Frank said matter of factly
"Yes I am well done Frank..." I said hinting for a second name
"Iero" Frank said proudly. I laughed at the way he had said it just as the bell rang.
I stood up and was about to leave when Frank grabbed my arm. I winced from the pain but quickly put a fake smile on. Its not that he grabbed it hard it was actually quite gently there was another reason why I winced.
"Do you want to meet up with me and some of my friends at lunch?" Frank asked. I was almost crying from the pain but nodded anyway. He seemed to notice something was wrong and to my relieve he let go of my arm.
"Are you ok?" he asked
"Yea, yea I'm fine where will I meet you?" I asked trying to get off that subject
"Out the back of the school you won't be able to miss us" Frank said smiling
"Ok I'll see ya later" I said before swiftly leaving the classroom
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