Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > A Change of Pace

Coffee and Comics

by jonesy56 2 reviews

Ana decides to leave her boyfriend. Someone new is there for her... (BLAH! summaries suck!- Don't hate me b/c it's short!)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance - Characters: Ray Toro - Warnings: [R] [V] [X] - Published: 2007-02-19 - Updated: 2007-02-20 - 754 words

A.N. - I don't even own that partial bottle of coke anymore... Thanks for the reviews- this chapter contains rape and abuse- don't approve?- Don't read.


Joe showed up around 6 to take over and I headed for home in the dark. I had to be across town by 7:30 to start serving drinks at the Velvet Room, so I walked fairly quickly.

Only when I opened my door did I remember that my power was shut off, but luckily, I knew my place like the back of my hand. What I didn't know was that an inebriated Jeff was sitting on my couch- waiting for me. A bottle broke on the wall behind my head as I crossed my room and I shrieked in surprise and fright.

The next thing I knew, I was pinned to the floor - arms held tight above my head- legs spread eagle with a large man kneeling between them. I could smell the scotch on his breath as he leaned in to smother my screams with his mouth. He hit me hard across the face and slammed my head into the floor when I bit his lip. I drifted in and out of consciousness- vaguely remembering my shirt being ripped off, and my jeans yanked down...

I awoke shivering the next morning- head pounding, bruised, bloody, and naked. I made my way slowly to the bathroom. Seeing the broken bottles on the floor made my mind race to Jeff and all that happened the night before came flooding back to mind. Standing beneath the showerhead and thinking, I realized what I had to do-


I finished off my concealer that morning and trudged to work, not really in the mood to deal with dumb high school boys. After covering 2 black eyes, a handsome bruise on my left cheek, and a split lip that just may need stitches, I made my mind up to leave Jeff- for once and for all.

Dozing at the counter, I didn't bother to lift my head when I heard the door to the shop open. I assumed that if the customer needed help, they would ask.

"Hi, Ana?" a soft voice asked...

Looking up, I saw Ray standing at the counter, a slight look of concern on his face as he scrutinized my long sleeves, Jackie-O' glasses, and split lip (which is really quite hard to cover...).

"Hi Ray. Can I help you?" I responded simply.

"I...I was just wondering if you had heard from your boss."

I had. "I'm really sorry Ray, he doesn't have that volume. He said he would keep an eye out for it though. I can always let you know if we get it in."

"Oh, ok. That's fine. Wouldyouliketograbsomelunch? Whattimedoyougetoff?" His last two sentences were especially hard to understand, given that he was simultaneously mumbling and speeding.

I smiled sadly and divulged the fact that I wouldn't get off until well past lunch time, and then I would have to go to my second job- assuming I hadn't been fired for not showing last night...

Looking disappointed, Ray left the shop and I returned to my dozing. Shortly thereafter, I heard the door open again, and immediately lifted my head to the smell of coffee- I'll be damned before I let some pimply 15 year old cost me my week's salary by spilling white mocha all over the place...

I was rather surprised to see that Ray was back, and that he was holding two Starbucks cups.

"You looked like you could use some coffee," he replied to the confused look I had on my face.

For the first time all day, I smiled genuinely and walked over to the couch where he had sat down with our coffee. We spent a good four hours sitting on that couch, discussing comics, music, and video games- only occasionally interrupted by someone buying a book. I had never felt this comfortable with any man before. It was such a strange feeling; deciding that I was finished serving drinks, we made plans for dinner and a date with his Nintendo Wii after I got off work.

When he got up to go to work, he kissed the top of my head and squeezed my shoulder... I sat on that couch long after he left- thinking. Comparing Ray to Jeff, weighing the risks of getting into another relationship, contemplating how slow Ray would allow me to take it...


/ well, that's all I have time for right now folks. I hope you like it! /
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