Categories > Original > Humor

Jim the monkey and the flying pig

by Razorblade_Romance 2 reviews

a stoner monkey named jim ...uhhhh.. i suck at summarys, just read it.

Category: Humor - Rating: R - Genres: Humor - Published: 2007-02-19 - Updated: 2007-02-20 - 141 words - Complete

Jim the monkey and the flying pig

Story 1 location:the house.

One day Jim was sitting on his couch smoking a doobie with his buddie Sam, watching Teletubies and listening to Sublime...ya know, the usual.Then all of a sudden he herd a crash! It was the pig, he broke jim's solid glass hooka.

"Oh shit,"said pig."He's gonna be pissed."

But Jim was waaay to fried to even know what the hell was going on...He looked at Sam,eyes beat red

"dude, wheres the fuckin purple dinosaur?"

"Dude,"Said Sam "I've been wondering the same thing for 3 years...."

Pig flys in and says, "Your thinking of Barney."

"Who the fuck is Barney?" Said Jim.

"The purple dinosaur," said Pig.

"What the hell is a dinosaur?!?"Said Jim.

"Jesus christ!" shouted pig. "Never mind, just pass that MoFo."
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