Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > Fallen White Roses

The Aftermath

by lunar_neko 0 reviews

'I only hope that our souls will be able to find one another again,' she silently prayed to Kami and jumped over the edge. Half way to the water thinking, 'I wonder if my body will travel out ...

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Horror - Characters: Inuyasha, Kagome - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-02-20 - Updated: 2007-02-20 - 1022 words

Hey guys, sorry it took so long updating, I had tried to add the new chapters but the story wouldn't show up on ficwad so i had to delete the story and start anew. HOPE U LIKE IT!

The crowd slowly disipitated and went back to their lives, occasionally saying things like, "poor kid" or "stupid brat, should've driven better." They all criticized before leaving his body in the rain. His body grew stiff and cold, not knowing what else to do without a soul. Something shifted in the darkness; it's eyes never leaving the mangled body of InuYasha.

[He would be a wonderful edition to the "family."]

[But, Master . . . he is but a human boy!]

[You dare question ME?! Complete your mission and return home,] the Master's voice faded from his head. Grumbling, it came out of the shadows, into the rain that immediately soaked him to the bone. The creature walked to InuYasha's body, picked him up (a/n: none too carefully either) and hovered his mouth over InuYasha's left arm before sinking his fangs into the area of and around the wrist, drawing blood. He then proceeded to carry InuYasha into the shadows of the ally and to a place secret and unknown to man . . .

OoOBack with Kagome (Hospital)OoO

Kagome woke up to hear soft murmurs on the other side of the door.

'Ugh, my head,' she sat up slowly and rubbed the back of her head, 'wait, no . . . no . . . he didn't die, no, NO!' Kagome bolted out of the bed, ripping off all of the wires and pulling out an IV in the process, and began searching around frantically, yet quietly, for all of her clothes.

'Finally, Thank Kami-sama! I'm on the first floor!' She sighed as she hopped quietly through the window and ran toward the gate drenched in moonlight.

'How am I . . . ah-ha! Here we go,' Kagome thought as she lifted the bottom of the fence up a foot or so and slipped under it to the other side. She ran as fast as she could, moving through allies until she got to Kioshi River, then realization dawned on her.

'He really is died, I . . . InuYasha . . . why, oh Kami-sama, WHY?!' Kagome walked up towards a man numbly.

"May I have a piece of paper and borrow a pen or pencil?" He looked a little baffled but nodded and handed her the items reluctantly. She scribbled on the paper and then ripped it up, shaking her head from side to side.

Kagome handed the pen back with a soft-spoken "arigarto" and headed to the bridge crossing Kioshi River and went to the center edge of it. The wind came and caressed her face, billowing her hair about her slightly as she released the tiny pieces of paper to the wind and watched as they swirled and danced out of sight.

'I only hope that our souls will be able to find one another again,' she silently prayed to Kami and jumped over the edge. Half way to the water thinking, 'I wonder if my body will travel out to sea . . .' the ice cold water instantly burned and froze her lungs, she didn't even hold her breath, Kagome merely welcomed the dark peacefulness and the feeling of floating along weightlessly.

OoOIn the OceanOoO

[Quickly! Fetch her body! Go!] Screeched a higher authority, male voice in the guard's heads and they obeyed, swimming to the outlet of Kioshi River, awaiting this dead girl that was all important to them.

[There she is men, grab her. We'll take her back to the Revival Unit.]


"Was he saved in time?" A guard whispered to another in a dimly lit corridor.

"The doctor/scientist said he would wake up tonight," they stood at attention as someone walked down the corridor. As soon as they were out of earshot the first guard spoke again.

"Will the Master be there when he awakens?"

"The maids have gossiped that he will be there . . ."

"Indeed, I intend to be," a tall, royally dressed in black with a long billowing cloak said from behind them. The two guards immediately snapped to attention and saluted. The Master chuckled lightly.

"You two gossip almost as much as the maids, do you know where those maids are now?" The guards shook their heads no.

"They're in the dungeon, already forgiven and you two wi- . . ." the Master was interrupted by a scream of agony in the room behind the trio.

"That is my que, I'll deal with the two of you later," with that said, he opened the door, stepping in, and closed it softly, from the inside he called to the guards.

"DISMISSED!" The two rushed off down the corridor without a second glance back.

Inside the room, the Master watched as certain silver haired hanyou writhed in pain and he howled yet again. The Master kept his solid, expressionless gaze fixed on the hanyou as he grew a snout, his neck elongated, his remaining clothes ripped and tore from pressure, the cracking of bones resounded throughout the room as his legs became longer and bent at the knee and his feet grew larger, his claws grew longer and sharper, and his golden eyes seeped into black.

The hanyou quieted down and went limp against the chains. The Master took a step forward.

'No response, maybe the transformation killed him.' He took another step forward and reached out to the hanyou. The hanyou growled and raised his eyes to meet the Master's gaze with his one fiery glare.

"I see we have a lot of work to do," the Master pulled out a black, leather whip and gave it a small flick that caused the whip to become covered in blue flames, once they dispersed, the whip was covered in silver nitrate thorns. The Master raised the whip above his head and smirked.

'This should be entertaining,' the whip cracked and their was an anguished howl that chilled everyone living in the castle.

R&R if you loved it, or if you hated it! I don't own InuYasha and crew. Long live Rumiko Takahashi!

Read and review, plz!!
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