Categories > Games > Final Fantasy XII > Dangerous Foes

Dangerous Foes

by LordSora 0 reviews

The party examines the world's most dangerous monsters.

Category: Final Fantasy XII - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Humor - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-02-20 - Updated: 2007-02-20 - 113 words

Welcome to "Dangerous Foes"!

PENELO: Look! What's that big green dinosaur?

FRAN: Wild Saurian. Keep away or it will devour you.

Wild Saurian readies Cannibalize.

PENELO: Ahh! It's gonna eat me!

Wild Saurian feasts on Wolf A, growing stronger.

VAAN: throws a bomb

Wild Saurian come running.

PENELO: Vaan you idiot! It's mad now!

BALTHIER: shoots, but barely scratches it

BASCH: attacks and gets sent flying into a rock

FRAN: shoots and arrows, but misses

PENELO: runs away

ASHE: begins casting Death

WILD SAURIAN: gets hit by Death and drops dead

Ashe is now level 42!

ASHE: All it takes is a Death spell.

VAAN: Like the Rabanastre Watch you Death'd earlier?

ASHE: .....

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