Categories > Games > Final Fantasy 7 > What You Carry With You // What You Leave Behind


by Synonymia 0 reviews

Wherein Tifa is speechless -- and not in a good way.

Category: Final Fantasy 7 - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Rufus Shinra, Tifa Lockhart - Published: 2007-02-21 - Updated: 2007-02-21 - 2602 words


Tifa Lockheart had to wonder how Rufus Shinra could afford such a restaurant.

That wasn't to say that she was at all surprised or impressed, rather it was extravagant. Over the top, even. Then again, he expected this much. This was Rufus Shinra, the man who once owned everything. He grew up with this sort of life. Eating out at restaurants from which the cost of a mere plate most likely could feed a home full of orphans. The Casita del Sol was by no means the most expensive or fancy restaurant in Gaia, but it was up there.

Yet, the question was nagging.

He had lost everything, hadn't he? He'd at least come close to losing everything. The company was gone. Although she doubted Shinra was down for the count, it was gone. At least for the moment. And with it had to go all of his riches. Whatever was left over he would have to be putting toward the company and not strange endeavors in dating.

Tifa didn't respect him as a human being, but in terms of business, she wasn't blinded by distaste. He was a formidable man. He was capable, focused, and intelligent. In a manner of speaking.

The waiter seated them in the far back - a small, private balcony that was most likely the nicest view in all of Costa, then took their orders and scuttled away, something resembling nervousness in his steps. She rolled her eyes, attempting to hide an obvious smirk. Rufus was probably less than pleased that in such a restaurant she would opt for water.

This was almost fun.

Tifa blinked, trying to pretend that she hadn't just put the concept of this pseudo-date and the term "fun" together in the same thought. She had to be out of sorts. That was the only way to explain it. Either that or the intoxicating scent of gardenias and ocean breeze was getting to her. She eyed the potted plants and creeping vines, then the admittedly stunning view. That had to be it.

And then she turned an almost predatory smile on to the man seated across from her.

"So how exactly can you afford this restaurant?"

Rufus raised an eyebrow, curious as to where she was going with this and what she was driving at. It was almost comical how obviously quizzical the president looked at that moment, or at least it would have been comical had they not been in that situation. Tifa could feel herself losing that firm control that she had been attempting to cling to since he had picked her up. She knew this was starting to get to her, knew that she was in a mood that could only be described as baiting. It was almost as if she wanted him to slip up and say something incriminating. She wanted a good reason to be angry with him, beside past precedent.

"Despite popular opinion, Shinra isn't completely through."

Scratch that. It wasn't almost as if she wanted him to slip up. She did want him to. Because as it was she really had nothing to be particularly angry about. Yet. And that bothered her.

As it was she was practically on the edge of her seat waiting to see where he was going with the previous statement. She was slightly taken aback though, she had to admit. Here Tifa had been expecting a smirk and a quip intended to set her off and instead she got a plain statement that belied nothing. It was best just to keep quiet for the moment, however. She did want to see what he was driving at and opening her mouth might compromise whatever he was about to spew forth.

Damned politician.

Rufus tipped his water glass forward a little, staring at the contents with an almost bored, passive look. "I don't fault you for assuming that since Meteor I must be clinging on to the last scraps of Shinra Inc's legacy, but we do have quite a few remaining investments and we are still making money."

"How much money could you possibly be making /now/?"

He raised the glass of water to his lips and shot her an icy look that told her that he was way ahead of her in whatever game she was playing. "Enough to get by."

Not that Tifa had been expecting a multi-figure number... she just expected a little more substance to his answer. Rufus was being difficult again. Tifa exhaled, stewing in her thoughts and unsure what to do. Part of her didn't care what he was up to and the other part was devastatingly curious. She opened her mouth to speak and was promptly cut off by the waiter, returning with whatever had been sent their way, "compliments of the chef."

Tifa fought the urge to shoot a menacing glare at the already edgy waiter, unable to remember the point in the afternoon where she gave up her free will to choose a meal as well as her precious time, but she let that little fact slide for the moment. She had other things to think about and as much as it pained her to admit - the plate was rather good. Some sort of Costan-Wutaian fusion with a name she could barely even halfway pronounce. It was seafood, that was all that mattered. And they must have both been hungry because an almost audible silence washed over the balcony. It was almost akin to peace.

She stabbed a piece of grilled fish with her fork, then thought better of the biteful and set the piece of silverware down with a small clang. It was eerie and at the same time it was downright confusing, this little get together. Even ignoring her qualms about sitting in the same mile radius of Rufus Shinra sans Premium Heart, the thought of sharing a meal like this with a complete stranger made no sense whatsoever. Why was she there? She had better things to do and she knew that he did as well. Rufus wasn't trying to court her and he wasn't trying to befriend her. He always did things with a motive.


She was about to ask why they were there, but she thought better of it, picking up her fork again with the intention of spearing an asparagus stalk.

She hated the way she was feeling: uneasy and irritable. Tifa knew that just wasn't her and she was partway glad that no one close to was around to see her like that. She only had to worry about Marlene and Denzel picking up on her foul mood when she returned home and unlike her friends, they would most likely not attempt to cheer her up, at least not in an overt, 'let's talk about it' sort of way. Maybe a colorful crayon drawing or a hastily put together peanut-butter sandwich. Sure things got lonely, but when she was down she was allowed to stay down.

Tucking back a lock of hair, she realized she was staring at... asparagus. Best to think about all of this later -- maybe whilst accompanied by a good book and a bubble bath. She was miles away from anyone who mattered, and in the company of one stunningly smug Rufus Shinra in a restaurant he shouldn't have been able to afford.

She stabbed the asparagus.

"So... How do you get this money, dare I ask. Where does it come from?" The words were said as conversationally as possible. She knew he had picked up on the darkening of her mood but she didn't want to continue being obvious about it.

Rufus seemed to chew thoughtfully, mulling his answer over in his head. "To not bring entirely too much politics into it, we have a fair bit invested in property as well Gold Saucer. Two industries that are doubtful to fail at this moment, especially given the times."

Silence again -- barely held silence, at that. Tifa shifted in her seat, attempting for once to keep her opinions to herself. It wasn't that she didn't want to cause a scene. If she had it her way she would have kicked him in disgust, yet she kept as calm as possible. The teachings of her master warned against acting on impulse - something she had been doing far, far too often. To anyone else, his words would have most likely triggered nothing, but to Tifa? She had seen the suffering that plagued the streets of Edge in some parts. She had sheltered Midgar's refugee orphans and the children left behind during the aftermath. And here...

"You take offense, to something." Rufus half-smirked and Tifa inwardly twitched. "I would most appreciate you explaining what has set you off this time." His words trailed off and he almost appeared weary. Persecuted.

"Pardon me, Mister Shinra." She took a sip of water, attempting to cool herself down a fraction and knowing full well that she must have let what she was thinking slip somehow. Some quirk of her lips or narrowing of her gaze. Rufus dealt with people all the time. He had to be well versed in reading them. "It's just... One cannot help but take offense to the notion of profiting off the suffering of others." That was the abridged version. The version where she didn't throw water in his face.

Tifa Lockheart was officially feeling cagey.

Rufus propped his chin on hand, elbow on the table in a surprisingly unprofessional sort of way. "I'm afraid you misconstrue."

"I see no other way of understanding it." She placed her palms on the table and looked him in the eyes, momentarily surprised with how honest he seemed. Honest and bored. "People are looking for places to live. They are looking for affordable energy. They are looking for an escape from their problems and you..."

"Your thinking is faulty."

Tifa gaped.

"You're angry. I get that, although I'm not entirely sure why you're picking any battle possible in order to crusade against me. You seemed much smarter than that. A pity." He stood up and made his way toward the edge of the balcony, staring off toward the ocean. "I cannot change the things I have done to wrong you, however I assure you that I bear no ill will in your direction, nor am I cackling villainously in the direction of those who suffer. I am not the monster that you perceive me to be." He stared her down with the first completely serious look she had seen him wear all day.

Tifa Lockheart was speechless. She felt vaguely chastised, but at the same time she almost felt like she had deserved it. She had been acting childish, no matter who she was acting out toward, and though it stung that she was being chastised by Rufus Shinra she kept quiet.

He flicked back blond hair in slight exasperation, letting out a breath of air. Both of their plates weren't finished but it was clear that they weren't about to finish anytime soon. "I have work to get back to and I'm sure you have your own things to attend to, but I would appreciate you considering this: You are on good terms with the Turks. I would assume that you trust Reeve Tuesti with your life, someone whom I too am affiliated. And to compound matters, although I am not on friendly terms with Strife, he is not altogether distrustful toward me, either. It would stand to reason that you would give me a chance."

Tifa took her purse in hand and rose from the seat, mind buzzing. Since the moment he had re entered her life that night at the Seventh Heaven, she had no problem speaking up against him. She had been able to one up him each and every time. Now she didn't know what to do.

Had Rufus Shinra just made sense?

As she followed him out of the restaurant and into the slowly setting sun, Tifa felt as if she had just... lost. It was a bitter feeling, but she knew she had brought it upon herself. She had been zealous. She deserved everything that he had just said.

The scent of gardenias had never been so sweet and strong and sickening as the moment of her first loss against Rufus Shinra.

But there had to be more to his words. Rufus was no saint, of this she was certain. Next time she would choose her strategy more carefully. She would play by his rules for the moment. He wanted a second chance? She would give him one. She knew that he would prove to be the same asshole he had been when she met him. The same egotistical, power hungry spoiled brat. She just had to give him the chance to let his true colors shine. And then, when she realized she had been right all along... wouldn't that be a victory?

A seemingly eternal forty-five minutes later, Rufus was dropping her off within sight of the front door to her bar. Tifa had been silent the trip back, feeling it best to keep to herself and think over her actions. With the helicopter blades slowing to a stop, Rufus opened the door in a manner most gentlemanly. Perhaps more so than realisticly possible. She hopped out and fixed him a look.

"You want a chance to redeem yourself in my eyes? Alright. You win this round." She crossed her arms in front of her chest and waited for some response to her admittance of defeat. This truly had become a game. "Prove to me you are no longer a burden to this planet. Surprise me." She almost quirked a smile his way.

"That is most surprising..." Rufus murmured with a smile and Tifa could barely hold back from rolling her eyes. "I assure you it has been a most interesting night. I take it, considering your challenge, we shall be meeting again?"

"I'll leave that to you, since this is all your idea. Impress me." She slung her purse over her shoulder, readying herself to walk away. "Goodnight, Rude. Goodnight Mr. Shinra."

She felt as if she was in the clear. That was, until a hand grab her wrist, stopping her in her tracks. She barely kept from involuntarily punching Rufus in the face, her self-defense instincts kicking in. Instead Tifa gritted her teeth, turned slightly back and gave him a sidelong look.

Rufus was still smirking. "What? No kiss goodnight?"

And then, for the second time within a two week period, Tifa Lockheart swung around and punched Rufus Shinra in the face. She knew he was joking, or at least she hoped he was. It wouldn't be in his nature, as misanthropic as he usually seemed.

"I see you're off to a great start. Goodnight."

She headed up the stairs of the Seventh Heaven, thoughts solely on the promise of some quiet time to herself. The kids were most likely either asleep or too focused on television to make a ruckus. This day had been long and all too eventful.

And all too bizarre.

She was no closer to figuring what Shinra was up to. She was no closer to being rid of him, rather he was more honed in on her than before. Things were progressing, but to what conclusion?

Tifa stepped into the Seventh Heaven and closed the door behind her, her knuckles stinging vaguely from the effort. That punch had caught him by surprise and she had to admit that it was almost amusing. She would just have to wait and see. Wait... and see.
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