Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Life of Frank

Chapter 2

by mcr_luver 4 reviews

Did Mikey just get shot?!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-02-21 - Updated: 2007-02-22 - 782 words

I hate it when my mom calls me by my real name.
HATE it.
I absolutly despise my name.
I'd rather be called Bertha than Francine.
But I really hate it when she calls me it in public.
Like when someones name is Allison and they'd rather be called Ally, but everyone calls them Allison anyway.
It's like 'can I fucking shoot you?'
Well anyway.
That guy keeps giving me that weird look then two other guys walk in.
One looks really cute.
He's got the thickest rimmed glasses I've ever seen, but they look so cute on him.
I feel my face flush.
I see my mother smile out of the corner of my eye.
The other has hair as big as I am.
I'm not very big, but I ain't exactly a midget.
That 3/4 is very important.
"Hey, Frank."
The cute one says.
How did he know my name?
Oh duh, nametag you moron.
"Umm, hi?"
I say.
"Uhhh...I wasn't talking to you, but hey."
My blush gets deeper.
He regards me with a confused expression while I stumble idiotically for something to say.
"C-can I get you anything?"
I ask covering my face with my hand.
"Nah, we're leavin."
the black-haired man who had been staring at me said.
I nodded and walked off.
Infact I walked right out of the building.
I lit up a cigarette and took a long, long drag from it.
I looked up at the sky.
"What did I ever do to you?"
I ask.
I sigh, finish off my cig then go back inside.
"Sammy, I gotta go."
I say tossing my apron onto a pile with the others.
Sammy popped his head out of his office.
"I just died of embarassment."
I said grabbing my stuff and waving to him.
He sighed and went back in his office.
I walked home.
Not like I lived far.
Only a block.
Cars whizzed by.
I felt like I was moving in slow motion.
I got so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice that there was a large group of people infront of me.
Or that sirens were blaring all around.
Then I walked into someone and realized it.
I pushed my way to the front of the crowd and the cute boy from Sammys was laying on the ground.
He was surrounded by his friends and another man, but I could still see he had been shot.
I launched myself foreward until I was at his side.
The bullet was still in.
"Get back!"
An officer yelled at me.
I ignored him and took the boys hand in mine.
He was crying so hard his entire body was shaking.
"Whats his name?"
I asked not taking my eyes from his face.
The black-haired boy looked at me startled.
He stuttered crying just as hard as Mikey was.
The boy jolted at the sound of his name.
"I need you to stay awake, okay? No matter what. I know it hurts, but you've got to stay with me."
Mikey nodded and gripped my hand tighter.
The ambulence arrived and they tried to move him, but it hurt too much.
"We have to do it here."
The ambulance workers removed Mikeys jacket and shirt.
The entry wound was right above his belly button, a little to the the left.
They got prepared, but when the tongs touched the sensetive wound Mikey screamed and arched his back.
The ambulence worker began to shake.
I looked at her.
She was a noob, I could see it in her eyes.
I rolled up my sleeves and put some gloves on.
"What do you think your doing?"
That damn officer asked me.
"I have a vetrinary degree."
"Yea right."
That stupid pig said.
I showed him my degree and he snorted looking it over.
Meanwhile I grabbed the tongs earning some looks.
"I've got a vetrinary degree."
I said.
"Hold him down."
The four men and ambulance workers obeyed as the tongs eneterd the wound.
Mikey screamed.
I winced, but continued.
After about 5 seconds I pulled the blood covered bullet out.
Mikey continued crying as the dark-haired boy comforted him.
I handed the bullet to an officer with a bag marked 'evidence'.
Mikey got stitched up and taken to the hospital.
I sighed as I arrived at home.
Eric about jumped me.
He pushed me into the living room and there I was pulling the bullet from Mikey's torso.
"Oh my god I'm on T.V."
I said.
I can't beliveie I just shot Mikey!!! But I helped him too!!! Ima be a vet when I get older!!! Rate & Review!!!
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