Categories > Books > Cirque du Freak > Family Reunion

The trail

by tracy2509 1 review

What if Annie was blooded just months after Darren's 'death' What if the last vampire to make it to council had her for his assistant Set during the fifth book *Spoilers*

Category: Cirque du Freak - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Parody - Characters: Darren Shan - Warnings: [!!] [?] - Published: 2007-02-21 - Updated: 2007-08-12 - 587 words

Darren meets his sister again during the fifth book.

Contains spoilers for all books. If you don't like spoilers don't read!)

note: word in between are thoughts

Disclaimer: I don't own the Saga of Darren Shan or any of the characters.

But I do own Marcus .:grins:.

Chapter 1

The trail to Vampire Mountain

Wet, cold, dreary...did I mention COLD. Those were the only ways she could think of to describe this 'trek', as her mentor had put it.

They had hit the snow drifts three weeks ago, and it was freezing! She had no coat and no shoes to protect her from the harsh weather conditions, but she hadn't complained.

Well, not much She thought with amusement, glancing at her mentor, who was walking in front of her.

Marcus had told her an hour ago as they broke camp that they needed to pick up the pace as they were late for council. Apparently everyone at the mountain couldn't start the festivities until they got there.

It would take another day or so to reach their destination and that was only if they continued walking non-stop... for the next ten hours!

Annie sighed, as she thought about this.

Ten hours.

Ten long hours. This is gonna be torture. She decided

I mean can't they just start without us. I wouldn't mind. Marcus might, but I wouldn't. Besides there's no one I can play with, they're all grownups, there's no kids at Vampire Mountain, Marcus said so himself.

Marcus Her thoughts went back to him again. He had saved her. Pulled her out of the burning wreckage. He was all she had left now. That and the little mementos she had in her backpack. That's all she had now. They had gone, they left her, and they left her all alone.

After the funeral, Dermot had decided to take the new job he had been offered. He said they needed to get away from the bad memories, that they needed a fresh start.

Annie knew what her dad had meant but she didn't like it. In her mind it was more it was a betrayal... to him and his memory. Yes, there were bad memories, but there was also good. Good memories, like all of them being together, the birthdays, the Christmases. How could all those things just be forgotten like that?

She couldn't understand how her dad could make a snap decision like that. Angela hadn't complained. In fact she had agreed totally with Dermot's decision saying it was a great idea.

Annie didn't agree.

They had argued about it with them. Telling them it wasn't right, that he was still there. They couldn't just forget him, just leave him.

She lost the argument.

Within a week everything had been packed, they had left. Left it all behind them.

They had only been traveling for half an hour or so when it happened.

The driver of the truck had been drunk, he had fallen asleep at the wheel...And the rest was history

Tears had sprung up in her eyes, she pushed them away angrily.

It's in the past she told herself fiercely get over it already.

She turned her thoughts back to the trail she could see the mountain in the distance.

She sighed again, and shifted her pack.

Just one more day or so before we get there then I can relax.

Muhahahahha that's what she thinks .: grins evilly:.

So what do you think should I continue or not ?

Review if you want more.

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