Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Division Bell


by horsie890 0 reviews

What Do You Want From Me?: Chapter 7

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Horror - Characters: Frank Iero - Published: 2007-02-27 - Updated: 2007-02-27 - 427 words

"Do you want me to help you, or shall I allow you to fall into ruin, just like that pathetic friend of yours did?" I felt myself going numb with anguish. He had no right, none at all, to speak of him that way.

"I can save him, if you will let me. I can empower you to save him. But I need answers."

"What do you need to know?" His eyes glinted in the moonlight. I could almost see the plot formulating in his mind. He was truly a demon.

"When the time comes for you to die, will you become like me, or suffer the fate of the rest of the world? Do you want to be weak and helpless like your friend? Or would you rather have power, immortality?" As I listened to his words, the evil power he had given me began to grow in strength, threatening to take over. I couldn't let that happen.
I made my decision. He knew what it was, able to read my thoughts as it were, and told me to face the window.
"I claim your soul as my own. Without its distraction you will be able to control your power. Go, and save him, before there is nothing even I can do." There was a flash of red light, in my sight at least, and I could see as he saw. Everything was crisp and clear. I walked toward the bed where my friend lay sleeping. I felt the conflict raging within him, and I sympathized with him. I would finally be able to help.
I raised one hand toward him and felt the power gather. A red glow surrounded him, dispelling the evil within his heart. His mind began to settle, finally free of the terrible darkness.
"Leave," I told the evil. My voice was much more confident than it had been earlier. The evil power drifted around me in a red fog before returning to the mirror to empower HIM.
You can lose yourself this night.
See inside there is nothing to hide.
Turn and face the light.

I realized that he had been in control all along. HE had caused all the problems, just wanting another soul collected. I felt enraged, but remained calm and stoic as my friend's mind began to fill with calm dreams. I spoke softly, almost to myself.
"I sold my soul for you, Gerard. I hope you appreciate it."
I returned to the mirror, seeing him staring back at me. His face. My face. One and the same.
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