Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Im Not OK ... It's A Thing Called HIGH SCHOOL

Chapter 13

by leitchy 0 reviews

pretty crap. just a bit of a filler, i admit. next chapters should be a little bit more exciting!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama, Horror, Romance - Characters: Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way - Published: 2007-02-27 - Updated: 2007-02-27 - 444 words

Ok, so last night didn't go too well. It was pretty much embarrassing. Ok, horribly embarrassing. Lets just say I'm scared to face Gerard again. I don't know that I want to go to school. What if he is angry at me? All these things were running through my head as I pulled on my uniform. Picking up my I-pod and putting something good on, I locked the door and headed up the street towards my school.

"Gee! I'm so sorry about last night. It was horrible. I'm really sorry." I mumbled as we walked to Chemistry. He gave me a smile. A genuine smile. "It's ok. As long as you didn't get into trouble, and I didn't get killed. It's all good." I grinned up at him. "Maybe we can head to your place tonight?" I whispered. He raised an eye brow. "I like, I like."

"MIKEY! IF YOU DON'T GO AND TALK TO HER, I WILL!" Gerard was screaming at his little brother who was flinching. The poor guy. "Gee, what's up?" I asked as I took a seat. "Stupid head here won't go and talk to Sam." He replied, gesturing to Mikey. I nodded. "Mikes, she seems like a nice girl. Just go and say hi. Or pick up some class notes and ask her if she dropped them." I told him. "Err." "Go on Mike! Go get her!" Frank yelled when he sat down, Ayisha holding onto his arm. I grinned. "Did you enjoy the movie with your big baby?" I asked her. We both laughed. "We all know that it's a pretty scary movie. Anyone would be scared in that!" Frank replied, blushing. I shook my head, and patted Mikey on the back. "Ok. I'll do it! I'll go and talk to Sam!" He said as he stood up, walking towards Sam who was standing at her locker. We all cheered. "This could be interesting ..." Gerard said, watching him take a nervous step. We were silent as we watched. If this went wrong, Mikey would be in tears for two weeks and would hate us! Sam said a few things to Mikey and then glanced around. She handed him a piece of paper and handed it to him, smiling. He grinned back and then headed our way. "Guess who just got invited to a 'cool kids' party?" He said, sitting down with a grin. We all stared at him. "Well, she said our whole group could come. It's on Friday night." He said, making us laugh. Would we really go to this party? There is no way we would fit in. Oh well. The things we do for Mikey.
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