Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Life of Frank

Chapter 5

by mcr_luver 0 reviews

What Rawr Star does to!!!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-03-01 - Updated: 2007-03-02 - 304 words

I know its been a while, but I'm suffering from too many stories so little time!!I'M NOT OKAY!!!Pun definatly intended!!Just read it...
I put my finger to my lips and smiled at Mikey.
He raised an eyebrow, but stayed silent.
I cleared my throat.
I yelled.
Gerard literally flew across the room.
Afew seconds later my cell rang.
I asked.
"Wow, Gee and Frank making out, huh?"
"Kayla?!Wait how'd you know?"
"I dunno, just follow the path of destruction and it'll lead to you."
I heard from behind me.
I screamed jumping onto her.
"GIR" She yelled back laughing as we fell to the floor.
"Sexi emo/goth guys in awesome band, Kayla A.K.A. Rawr, My girlfriend."
I smiled from my position in the entanglement on the floor.
The room went silent for a moment.
Gerard asked.
"Ya, did I stutter?"
"Wow, from the way you were blushing when you were looking at me, I thought you were totally straight!"
Mikey said.
"Wow, I'm unpredictable! And I'm Bi-bi-bi-bisexual"
I yelled thrusting my finger up in the air.
The guys and Kayla laughed at my immaturity.
Ya, I'm a completely different person around my Rawr Star.
"Hey babez?"
I asked snuggling into Kaylas chest.
She asked.
"We should have an orgy with Frank, and Gerard, and Mikey when he's better."
I said staring at the tiles on the floor, thinking about how we could all get some.
"Thats nice..."
Ray said looking at me disgusted.
"Shut up, Lion man."
I said finally getting up.
"Lion Man?"
He asked.
"Lion Man, Cats are da shit."
I said.
Ray sighed setting some flowers by Mikeys bed.
"Happy get well soon!'
I yelled.
Man being immature was fun.
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