Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > The Goddess of Youth

Chapter One: Enter Hebe

by water_dragon 4 reviews

do i have to do this? mild Violence

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-03-03 - Updated: 2007-03-04 - 542 words

Disclaimer I do not own Class of the Titans or any of the Gods Goddesss etc associated with the show... i wish i did

The seven teens relaxed in Herry's truck, Herry relaxed too. Not the smartest thing to do in a moving vehicle when one is driving. Needless to say the truck crashed; into the statue that was outside the school. Theresa (Who had been asleep on Jay's shoulder) woke with a start "Herry try not crash the... " she paused "oh. Lousy timing hey?" Atlanta laughed.
"Come on, we'll go get Hephaestus," said Jay.
In the workshop they found Hepaestus welding two large sheets of metal together. He laughed when he heard what happened "never thought you'd do anything like that to your truck Herry." Herry glowered angrily at them all.
"It was an accident."
"Is it just me or is everyone in Canada clumsy and absent-minded?" Hephaestus looked towards the doorway and blinked.
"Hebe?" (pronounced Hee-bee by the way) A girl stood in the doorway dressed in a white tiered skirt, black blouse and sunglasses. She held a collection of shopping bags.
"I don't believe it!" cried Hephaestus delightedly. "I thought you were in Greece! On Mount Olympus!" The girl walked forward smiling slightly and removed her sunglasses.
"I neede a holiday so i thought i'd come and visit my family... and my lousy husband."
Jay yawned "see ya Hep, we'd better get to training, enjoy catching up." The seven teenagers left. As soon as they were out of earshot Jay started laughing "poor Hebe." Everyone except Odie was puzzled. "Huh?"
"Hebe married Heracles when he died." They all pictured Hercules... "oh."

They all seperated to their various training sessions. During the early morning time Herry spent with Heracles Hebe entered. Heracles didn't notice until she spoke "Hello you worthless good for nothing lump." Heracles started and grinned guiltily.
"Morning hon, what are you doing in Canada?"
Herry watched from the sidelines, forgotten. Hebe flisked her dark layered hair. "I came to give you a present." Heracles walked over to her.
"Yes," she smiled sweetly and gave him a resounding slap. Herry sickered as Heracles staggered back. "Nice seeing you hon," Hebe smirked and stalked out. Heracles pointed at Herry "not a single word!"

In the gym Ares blew his whistle "faster!" He yelled. Atlanta disappeared from sight.
"Still being a slave driver I see," Hebe said from the doorway "You do realise she's not in the room anymore." Ares looked around.
"Oh, Hey Hebs how's it going?" Hebe yawned.
"Dull, I tripped Ganymede up the other day just to see some fun. I visit Hades every second day, met Jason the other week, lovely manners."
Ares grunted "You do realise his ancestor is here."
"I've seen him, and Hep, and Heracles, his ancestor found the whole thing funny, I slapped him."
Ares laughed "You seen mum yet?" She shook her head "Dad? Aphrodite? Hermes?" Hebe kept shaking her head.
There was a loud thunder and it suddenly started pouring with rain. "I'd better be off, got some yelling to do!"

so there is the first chappie of 'The Goddess of Youth'
Who do you think she's gonna yell at?

Heracles got slapped! Heracles got slapped! He he he
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