Categories > Anime/Manga > Sailor Moon > Inu Youkai dano Tsuki no Usagi


by Sheya 0 reviews

Sailor Moon InuYasha. AU. We know so little about the Silver Millennium. this story takes us through the ages to see what went wrong and how to fix it... I would also say it was a love story.

Category: Sailor Moon - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure, Crossover, Fantasy, Romance - Characters: Ami (Mercury), Makoto (Jupiter), Michiru (Neptune), Minako (Venus), Pluto, Rei (Mars), Tuxedo Kamen, Usagi (Moon) - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-03-05 - Updated: 2007-03-06 - 1962 words

Inu Youkai dano Tsuki no Usagi The Dog Demon and The Rabbit of the Moon

Chapter 5 Sesshomaru

When InuYasha woke up he realized that he was in the well and that there was a roof over his head. He stood up and something fell to the ground, he picked it up and realized that it was the scroll. The he jumped up to the lip of the well and turned around and jumped right back down. When he landed he looked up and cursed.

"The well is sealed. They really wanted me to stay here. But why didn't Sesshomaru try to kill me?"

He jumped out of the well, "Maybe he just wanted me to face the execution that Kagome's family will give me." He walked out of the well house and started towards the house. About halfway there he froze.

"Hello, otouto."

InuYasha turned around. "Sesshomaru. wha'da you want?" he growled.

"Not to fight. I have things I need to explain; to you, and them.." He waved his hand in the direction of the house.


"Come, you can deliver your message and I'll try to keep them from killing you." The full youkai started to walk towards the house.

"Maybe. I want to. die." Mumbled InuYasha, he and his brother reached the house and knocked on the door frame. The hanyou started backing away but his brother grabbed his arm and kept him still.

When the door opened Sesshomaru bowed. "Good afternoon Higurashi san."

"What's so 'good' about it?" InuYasha muttered.

"InuYasha!" Sesshomaru admonished, "Even you can be polite."

"Here," InuYasha handed the scroll to his brother, "I'm going to find an nice high building or cliff to jump offa, maybe one with nice sharp jagged rock at the bottom." InuYasha started to walk away, but the older demon grabbed him and dragged him inside.

"Stand there and don't move 'till I say so." Sesshomaru glared at his brother 'till he subsided. "Now, this is for you." He handed the scroll to Kagome's mother, "We will be back in three days. Come." He grabbed his brother by the arm, again, and dragged him out.

Meanwhile Higurashi san was standing there stunned.


"Now what? It's not like I trust you." the young hanyou growled.

"I'm not asking you to I'm just asking for three days, after all I could have killed you in the past but instead I helped you. But right now I have something to tell you and I'm NOT repeating my-self, so you will have to wait until I tell her family as well."

"But why are you acting like this you always tried to kill me before?"

"I believe that this time has a saying 'what does not kill you makes you stronger'. However, I sent you here, I have to tell you why and when I'm done it will also explain why I have always attacked you. It won't be an excuse but it will be an explanation. So, be patient just three more days. Now, I have an apartment in Juuban that is my closest residence, we will stay there for now."

They walked to Juuban, when they reached the center of the ward they ran into a girl with long blond hair in a red bow.

"Hiya, sensei, what's up?"

"Hello Mina, I'd like you to meet my younger brother, InuYasha." He indicated the sulky hanyou. "he has been through a lot lately, I'll see you in class tomorrow?"

"Yeah, of course, you taught me how to fight and you still teach me so much, I wouldn't be alive with out your lessons. I just wish the others would come, but not even Artemis can convince them, they are so secretive that they don't even realize that you already know about them. See ya tomorrow!" she ran off to meet her friends.

When the two youkai reached Sesshomaru's apartment InuYasha had reached a decision. "I'll give you three days, but if you don't explain then I'm leaving." InuYasha preceded his brother inside.

"Fine. You can sleep in the room on the right."

"So, why aren't people reacting to my demon features?" InuYasha looked into the room then started to prowl around the apartment.

"I put a glimorie on you, people will see you as human. Well that is unless you do something impossible for a human, then they will look past it and see the youkai. So, be careful."

"What will happen if I forget?"

"The worst that will happen is that you will meet Mina again. She knows what I am and she knows that my brother is a hanyou."

"She isn't normal either?"

"You will see past her Glimorie."

InuYasha finished exploring the apartment and walked into the living room. "What are you looking at?" he growled when he noticed his brother silently laughing at him.

"You are acting like a cat, exploring every knook and cranny of the apartment."

"Whatever. You try being hunted all your life." He threw him-self down on the couch.


Back at the Higurashi home, Kagome's mother, Ayame, had read the scroll.

'No wonder he was acting like that. But, how are we going to explain this to the authorities? I need to tell Grandpa and Souta. I also need to deal with everything, I know that it wasn't InuYasha's fault, but I think that he blames himself.' She got up and walked outside.

"Souta, Grandpa, come inside, I have something I need to discuss with you." She came back inside and sat down in the living room, waiting for everyone to sit down as well. When they had gotten comfortable she began the story from the moment she opened the door and saw the two brothers to the moment she finished reading the scroll.

"Kagome's dead?" Souta asked.

"Why didn't that dog demon save her?" Interrupted grandpa.

"Yes, Kagome is dead," She opened her arms and Souta climbed in and started crying. "InuYasha tried to save her but there were to many youkai, the one person who was close enough to even try also died. This scroll," she indicated the parchment, "tells the whole story from the day she first fell down the well until the day she died. I think you should read it. It also has the aftermath, what happened to the jewel and also how InuYasha took her death."

Souta continued crying, grandpa grumbled but picked up the scroll and started reading. He then dropped the scroll and went to get something from the back room.

"Aside," grandpa stated upon returning, "from the fact that THAT scroll has names," he indicated the scroll on the table, "this scroll says nearly the same thing. There is a companion scroll," he pulled out a scroll box, "but no one can open it, the first scroll says that only the two soul bonded royal persons "Inu Youkai dano Tsuki no Hime" can open it when their bond is strongest and they work as one."

"How old are those scrolls?" asked Ayame.

"Older than the well house. This one was written by the same hand as the one you got from InuYasha."

"InuYasha and the person he was with said that they would be back in three days. Then the person that our hanyou was with said that he would explain more." Explained Ayame.

"Then we wait for three days. Maybe he will also have a solution to what to do about Kagome and that we have no body to bury, also that no one will believe us about magic wells and demon quests." Stated Grandpa.

"We... we could carbon date the old scroll and then get an expert at hand writing to confirm they are the same handwriting." Souta said lifting his head. "I saw something like that on TV."

"Only as a last resort, Souta, but it is a good idea. Souta, you must not let any one know that something has happened to Kagome."

"I'll... try, but... Well I had good practice when she was going to the past, I think I can do it now too."

"I will make dinner, you go do your homework."

"I'm going to sweep the shrine." Grandpa, Souta and Ayame, went to do what they needed.


Three days later

Ayame was helping Souta with his homework, when someone knocked on the door. Grandpa opened it and InuYasha and his companion came inside and sat down in the living room. Everyone sat down and looked expectantly at Sesshomaru.

"Let me introduce myself, I am Sesshomaru, InuYasha's older brother. So now that you know who I am I will tell you of something that may not seem to have any bearing on what is happening now." So saying he related the story of the Silver Millennium. "I was just a pup when all this happened, the youkai prince, InuShiro, was my older brother. Now, why I told you this story... InuYasha is the reincarnation of InuShiro, Kagome is Serenity's reincarnation, but there is a young woman who is the princesses reincarnation and the princess."

InuYasha jumped up "Is that what she meant that she shared a soul with another girl in this time?"

"Yes, and by now the miko part of her has merged completely with the hime part of her. Her name is Tsukino Usagi. She is a friend of Mina's..."

"Hey, that's Shingo' older sister!!!" Souta jumped up. InuYasha sat down.

"She lived in the same city and never met herself?" InuYasha asked in awe.

"Yeah, Kagome never met Usagi. I only met Shingo when I went into Junior High, and by then Kagome spent most of her time down the well. Come to think of it Usagi does look like how you described the hime."

"Souta, doesn't Shingo live in Juuban?"

"Yeah, and Kagome's school is in the other direction, she would not mingle with the students of Juuban High."

"Fate wouldn't let them meet either. I made sure they never met as well." Sesshomaru stood up.

"So what do we do about Kagome?" Ayame questioned.

Sesshomaru thought for a bit... "I know, She went on a camping trip and got lost in a rockslide. She went alone over the weekend...." he turned around, "You waited for her to come home... there was a rockslide in the mountains last weekend."

"But..." Ayame shook her head, "they will try to dig it up."

"They tried, they tried for the last few days, and you weren't sure where exactly she went but you heard about the rock slide from a friend and fear she was in it...."

"But, they should be...."

"The rockslide is in an reachable area they can't bring in heavy equipment... but someone on foot could easily get there."

"oh, then we will go with that story, also she insisted she go alone and snuck out."

"Otouto, I want you to hang out with Mina she will help you get used to this time."

"If you want to live here..." Ayame started.

"You don't hate me?" he asked.

"No, you did what you could and we were warned about this, we just never made the connection." She handed him the scroll that had been in her family for generations.

InuYasha read the scroll. "Kuso, we could have prevented it if we had known."

"You are always welcome here, but for now I think you should live with your brother." Ayame stood up, sat next to him and gave him a hug. He was startled but let her hug him.

"The Crystal of the Moon is what helped Kagome after Naraku killed her. It also kept her soul alive even though there were two people with the same soul alive." Sesshomaru explained.

"I can't stay here right now. I think I will stay in Juuban." InuYasha decided.
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