Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Opposites Attract


by Nightsahdow 3 reviews

The heat of the desert can affect one's mind, but can it affect one's heart as well?

Category: Naruto - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Gaara, Hinata, Kankurou, Kazekage, Naruto, Rock Lee, Shikamaru, Temari - Warnings: [!!] [V] [X] - Published: 2007-03-19 - Updated: 2007-03-19 - 2005 words

Disclaimer: Me no own Naruto, yeah.

Opposites Attract

Lee entered the empty Kazekage tower. Everyone was out doing something or other, so he decided to go to the training grounds, but he needed to change first.

Lee was pacing towards the stairs when he heard a hiss of pain from somewhere down the hall. Curious and slightly worried, he walked towards the sound, which led him to the first floor bathroom.

The door was open a crack and normally Lee would never invade someone's privacy like this, but that someone was in pain, and being the nice guy that he was, Lee was going to help.

Peeking through the crack, Lee saw, to his dismay, the kazekage curled up in a small ball on the floor. Blood was dripping down his arm, staining his pale skin crimson. Lee gasped as Gaara winced in pain as he inspected his wrist, where fresh lines crisscrossed the delicate skin.

He watched as Gaara silently brought his wrist to his mouth, and started to suck the blood.

But it was to much, watching this self-inflicted torture. Lee felt as if he was going to throw up, he would have screamed at the thought of it if he could, but he couldn't for some strange reason. He opened his mouth and no sound came out, making it feel like he was helpless to do anything.

Peeking back through the crack, Lee jumped as his eyes met teal ones, staring at him intently until the kazekage faded away.

Lee awoke in a cold sweat. Sure he was a ninja so blood wasn't really a big fear factor for him, but self-mutilation was. Once, when Lee was younger, he had witnessed a boy cut himself on purpose, it had happened at the ninja academy one day during recess when Lee had walked inot the boy's room and witnessed it.

He shivered at the thought and tore the single thin blanket from himself, having only one since Suna was so hot and today was the first day of the Dry Season.

Lee walked to the bathroom and proceeded to rid himself of his now sweat-soaken clothes and walk into the shower, washing away the cold, sticky persperation.

When he had finished, Lee pulled his new clothes from the bag that he had left them in and walked down the stairs, his stomach reminding him of how hungry he was.

"Hey."Kankuro greeted him as Lee paced into the kitchen.

"Hello."Lee replied, smiling, "Is Gaara alright? I mean, you know, from yesturday."

Kankuro's happy expression dropped, "We're not really sure yet, he hasn't told us anything."

"Oh."Lee mumbled, his mind going back to yesturday.


Kankuro walked out of Gaara's room with a depressed expression upon his face.

"Is he alright?"Temari asked, anxious to hear about her youngest brother.

"He hasn't told me anything, but whatever happened sure did a number on him. He can barely sit up."the puppeteer replied, staring at his feet.

"I-I'm sure G-Gaara-Sama w-will be f-fine."Hinata stuttered, trying to cheer up her hosts.

Temari smiled sadly at the small girl, "I hope your right."

~End Of Flashback~

"Where is he now?"Lee inquired, hoping to go visit his friend-in-progress.

"He's resting in his room, you could go see him if you want."Kankuro said, pulling some eggs from the fridge.

"Thank you."Lee replied, standing up and heading towards the young Kazekage's room.

Lee walked down the dimly lit corridor, until his hand met cold metal.

He hesitated a moment before turning the door handle and opening the door.

Gaara's room was pretty dark. Black walls, dark hardwood flooring and red bed sheets. There was a desk squished into one corner and two sets of doors, one, Lee assumed led to a closet, and the other a huge private bathroom.

Said redhead was lying on his bed, appearing to be asleep. Lee noticed this and started to leave, but Gaara stopped him.

"I'm awake."he said in monotone.

"Oh, did I wake you?"Lee asked, feeling quilty.

"I don't sleep."Gaara replied, his voice still had a tiny raspy sound.

"I'm sorry to hear that, do you have insomnia?"Lee inquired, hoping to get a conversation started.

"You can say that."

"How are you feeling?"

"Like shit."

"I'm sorry you feel that way, anything I can do to help?"

"You apologize to much."

"You wouldn't be the first to say that."

"LEE!!!!!BREAKFAST!!!!!!!"Temari screamed from the kitchen. Lee thought that he saw the Kazekage's lips turn up a little.

"Coming!"Lee replied, "I'll come back later, if you want."

Gaara shrugged.

Lee smiled as he made his way to the kitchen. Maybe Gaara really was opening up to him.

He entered the kitchen and sat down at the head of the table, where a plate of eggs sat waiting for him. Grabbing his fork, Lee dug in, his stomach once again reminding him of how hungry he was.

"So, how is he?"Kankuro asked, refering to Gaara.

Lee shrugged, "He said he feels 'like shit'."

Kankuro smilied, "At least he's talking, yesturday he was pretty much staring at the walls."

"Did he tell you anything about yesturday?"Temari inquired, hoping that maybe her youngest sibling was ready to talk.

Lee shook his head.

Temari sighed, "I'll go try."then she turned and walked down the hall towards the gloomy darkness of Gaara's room.

"Has this ever happened before?"Lee questioned, worried about the Kazekage.

Kankuro shook his head, "Something a little like this happened before, but it was never this serious."

Lee sighed, "I hope he recovers soon."

Kankuro looked at him and smiled, "You know, I'm glad that your trying to make friends with him."

Lee smiled back, "Everyone needs someone to lean on."

Once Lee had finished, Kankuro swooped down and grabbed his plate, dropping it into the sink on his way down the hall.

The two siblings were gone for about ten minutes, which Lee took to count the ceiling tiles.

234, 235, 236-

"Lee!"Naruto bounded down the stairs, sniffing the air.

"Yes?"Lee answered, turning from the ceiling to the orange clad ninja.

"Where is everyone?"Naruto asked, glancing around the kitchen.

"In Gaara's room."Lee answered, gesturing down the poorly lit corridor.

"Do you know what happened to him yesturday? I mean, that was really creepy."

"No I don't, his siblings are trying to get him to tell them at the moment."Lee replied, his mind wandering back to the dream briefly.

Temari and Kankuro appeared from the hallway with worried expressions upon their faces.

"Did you get anything out of him?"Lee asked, jumping from his chair over to the two.

Temari nodded, It was...Him."

"Him?"Naruto asked, also bounding over to them.

"Shukaku."Kankuro whispered, as if he feared to speak the name any louder.

"Apparently he was trying to get out, but Gaara manged to trap him within a special prison."Temari said, a tad louder than her brother.

"But it drained a massive amount of chakra since he was trapping him
/inside/ his mind."Kankuro added.

"This is bad."Shikamaru said, from the staircase, where Hinata stood beside him.

"Wait, what?!? How long have you two been standing there?!"Temari asked, rather loudly.

Shikamru shrugged, "Long enough to hear what happened to Gaara."

"Listen up, all of you. If any of the villagers or ANBU hear about this, people will start to panic, so don't tell a soul."Kankuro said in a hushed tone.

"O-okay."Hinata stuttered.

Lee and Naruto nodded while Shikamaru made a 'zipping' motion over his lips.

"Good."Temari whispered, turning to leave.

Kankuro nodded to them before turning to follow his sister, who had walked back down the hall.

"This makes no sence."Naruto mumbled under his breath.

"What?"Lee asked, confused.

"This makes no sence!"Naruto said rather loudly.

"H-how?"Hinata stuttered.

"I don't have to trap the demon inside of me or fight him or anything, so why does Gaara?"

"Naruto, your demon is sealed."Shikamaru replied, eyeing the blond boy as if he were the most stupid person alive.

"And his isn't?!?!"Naruto wailed, throwing his arms up.

"No, it's not. Remember when we went to the baths? Did you see a seal on his stomach?"Shikamaru said, sounding slightly annoyed at him.

Naruto suddenly went pale. "Oh my God! What if Shukaku get's out! He'll eat meeee!!!"Naruto wailed, grabbing onto the closest person who just happened to be Lee.

"Naruto! Let go!"Lee yelled, shaking his arm in an attempt to free himself.

"But I'm to young to be eaten by a butt ugly raccoon!"

Lee growled at the smaller boy, who let go immediatly.

"We must have faith in Gaara, he's lived with it for six-teen years already, remember?"Shikamaru said, staring at Lee, who nodded in agreement.

"But what if he-"Naruto started, but Lee cut him off.

"Don't finish that sentance."

Naruto occupied himself with staring death daggers at the back of the green jumpsuit clad boy, who ignored his futile attepts.

"D-do you th-think that m-maybe h-he wants s-some company?"Hinata asked, seeing how bored everyone looked.

Shikamaru shrugged, "Gaara's not really the type that likes a room full of loud people."

"But I'm bored!"Naruto wailed, spinning around on a stool.

Everyone stared at him for a moment before returning to their discussion.

"He probably needs rest anyways."Lee replied.

C'mon, you know you wanna go visit him.

"But maybe popping in to say 'hi' isn't such a bad idea."Lee added, as Naruto fell off his spinning chair.

"I'm not okay!"Naruto said from the floor, but most ignored him.

"Ignore Naruto Uzumaki will you!"he spat, jumping up, "I shall not be silenced!!"

And Naruto jumped onto Lee.



"Get off of me!"



"That's what you get for ignoring Naruto Uzumaki!"

Lee pushed the babling boy off of him with ease and stood up, glaring at him.

"Damn"Naruto sqeuked from the floor.

Shikamaru sighed as Hinata helped Naruto to his feet.

"Thank you."he said, smiling at her. At least someone noticed him.

The four made their way down the long, dark corridor until they reached Gaara's room. Lee knocked on the large door.

"Come in!"Temari said from within the room. The four walked in to be greeted by a grinning Temari.

"What?"They all asked, eyeing her suspiciously.

"Kankuro, when I am able to walk again, I am going to kill you slowly and painfully."Gaara said, his voice sonded icy and full of hate.

Kankuro just laughed while Gaara glared daggers at him.

"What did you do?"Shikamaru asked, folding his arms.

The puppeteer just laughed some more and Gaara chucked them a rather large book.

"'All About Puberty:The World Of Change'"
Shikamaru read the book's title before giving Gaara a strange look.

"Apparently it's a 'get well soon' present"Gaara mumbled under his breath, "You are soooo lucky I can't even sit up."

By now Kankuro was on the floor he was laughing so hard.

"Dude, your gonna die at a young age."Naruto said, grabbing the book from Shikamaru.

"Say Gaara,"Naruto said, his voice filled with deviousness.(A/N:Is that even a word!?!?!)

"What?"he snapped, sounding quite annoyed.

"I dare you to read it."Naruto said, grinning life a fool as he tossed the redhead the book.

"No way in hell."

"You have to! What if you start coming to me with questions!"Kankuro replied, jumping to his feet.

"Bite me dumbass."


A/N:In the imortal words of Rock Lee, YOSH!
Another chapter done^^ Arn't you proud of me?
Anywho, IMPORTANT NOTICE!!PLEASE READ!!:I was seriously thinking of starting a highschool fic, what do you guys think?
Anywho, REVIEW PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!(and shankyou)

Also, thanxs to all who reveiwed but a big mega shankyou to: demonic_water579, who's reviews made me want to update sooner!!!
Anywho, love you all!!!


P.S.Sorry teh chapter's so short.
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