Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Dumbledore's Army

Return Letters

by DrT 4 reviews

A Sixth year (pre-HBP) story: Harry decides the best way to fight back is to take the DA to the next level. He succeeds better than he thought he would. In this chapter, Harry leaves the Dursleys'...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Characters: Ginny, Harry, Luna, Neville, Ron - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-03-21 - Updated: 2007-03-21 - 4041 words

Disclaimer: This story is based on characters, ideas, and situations created by JK Rowling and owned by her and her publishers. I own the original elements & characters. No money is being made by me, and no trademark or copyright infringement is intended.

Chapter 04

"Right on time, Mister Zoric," Harry said as he opened the door. Harry had noticed his tutor liked being early. This was the first time he hadn't at least appeared to be early.

"I had an exceptionally busy morning today, Harry."

"What are we doing today?"

"Talking, then just more Occlumency practice."

Harry turned to his tutor and cocked his head. "Talk? About what?"

"Let us sit down, Harry," Zoric said, leading him into the front room. After they sat facing each other, Zoric asked, "Would you say anyone is your close friend other than the five who went with you to the Ministry?"

"No," Harry replied. "Ron is my best friend, and Hermione is almost as close, maybe closer in a few ways. I really like Neville and Ginny, especially since they don't seem as. . . ."

"In awe of The Boy-Who-Lived as they used to be?" Zoric supplied, when Harry couldn't.


"And may I assume that your interest in Miss Lovegood is more than just friendly?"

Harry blushed very slightly.

"I take that for a yes. Now, if I can arrange it, would you like any or all those five to be with you for your birthday?"

"Yes," Harry answered, "please!" the eagerness in his voice pulling on Tomas' hidden heart strings. He wondered if the boy had ever had a birthday party. Probably not since his first birthday.

"I take it Longbottom is just a friend and dorm mate, not a really close friend, then?"

"Yeah, I think that's about right, although I'd say he's becoming a close friend."

"I can't promise, but I think I can get Longbottom and probably both of the Weasleys for your birthday. Granger and Lovegood will be a bit more difficult. I may also probably take you out of the country in August, but I'm not certain where, or which, if any, of your friends, may come with you. We shall see how we fare in getting Miss Lovegood next week and how things go then. She may be in danger." Tomas had managed to stop by his office, and had sent three of his more trusted agents to Sweden.

"Why?" Harry demanded. "How. . . ?"

"I have just learned that the Death Eaters had not identified her as being with you in the Ministry, the only one they had not identified in fact. Her name came up as a possibility, and I have little doubt they will start investigating the idea in a day or so."

The remains of Harry's blush disappeared, and he went very pale. "How do you know? And what can we do to stop them?"

'Yes indeed,' Tomas thought, 'the boy really likes her.' "I needed to find out where she was, to invite her to your birthday. I used one of my new agents to find out. I learned this morning that he was selling the information to the Death Eaters."

"I'll kill him!" Harry shouted, jumping to his feet more from the intense emotions than from any idea he could do anything about it.

"Too late, Harry."

It took Harry a few seconds to register what Zoric had said so calmly. Then, his eyes went very wide and he collapsed in his chair. "You mean. . . ."

"I killed him. I was eavesdropping at the meeting. Unfortunately, he was meeting with two other Death Eaters as well as young Draco Malfoy, so I could do nothing to them. Technically, I am guilty of murder, so I must ask you not to mention this to anyone. Ever."

Harry looked at Zoric in amazement.

Zoric's face was still, as it almost always had been in Harry's presence. "I am not proud of what I did, Harry. I felt I had little choice. This is war."

"Why?" Harry asked in a small voice.

"In part because he betrayed my trust. In part because I learned he had been feeding information to the Malfoys for some time, and he was about to go on assignment to protect Ministry families -- my firm was awarded a sub-contract. In part because he had put Miss Lovegood in greater danger. In part because he put you in greater danger. In part because he knew the location of one of my safe houses, although I divined he had not yet revealed it. In part because there was no advantage to letting him live. In part, to be honest, because I had the opportunity to kill him and get away with it. No one or even three items warranted his death. All of them together, well, I can not undo it."

Harry just looked at his tutor. "And Malfoy?"

"I told the Aurors my agent was investigating him as a possible sympathizer. That might put a little pressure on him. I shall also notify Dumbledore and Snape. I would advise you and your friends not to trust him."

"We've never liked him, let alone trusted him," Harry assured his tutor. Tomas thought Harry sounded a bit like James Potter talking about Snape. "I guess I should thank you for . . . protecting Luna," Harry went on.

"I have sworn to teach and protect you, Harry Potter." Zoric stood and handed Harry a small pamphlet. "Read this over; it is another possibility. If you think you might be interested, we will decide together if it will work. Talk to your friends Weasley and Longbottom about it. . . ."

"Why not Hermione?" Harry asked.

"She is . . . not wizard-raised. She will understand the words, of course, but cannot feel the social and personal implications. If she spends any more time than just your birthday with you, then you of course can inform her, and Miss Lovegood and Miss Weasley, and solicit their opinions as well."

Harry looked at the title: The Magical Apprenticeship What it Means.

"Shall we begin your lessons, Harry? Or do you have relevant questions?"

"I would be your apprentice?"

"Yes. I would be your mentor for at least five years. It would not conflict with your school work or Auror training. As you would live with me at least for the next two summers, I would have to talk it over with my wife. I doubt your Muggle guardians will mind."

"Away from here!" Harry said softly to himself.

"Don't do it for that reason, Harry. Read the pamphlet."

"What does Dumbledore say?"

"This isn't about what Dumbledore says or thinks anymore. This is about what is best for you."

"Me Harry, or me the boy who will have to fight Voldemort?"

"I said we would decide together, Harry. Those two Harrys are not easily separated, even by you. I do promise that if you say no at any point up to the contract-signing, I will drop the idea with no hard feelings."

"Alright. I'll read it, and let you know after my birthday."

"Fair enough. Now, let us set to work."

Harry and Tomas were both pleased with Harry's work over the next two days. Harry was shocked to learn he had already slightly exceeded the minimum Occlumency standards for the Aurors. As long as he faithfully did his exercises ever day, he would become stronger. That left Harry wondering what other things he might learn that summer.

Harry wrote the Dursleys a note, reminding them he was gone for the rest of the summer. Zoric said they would be leaving by 9:00 am, so Harry was ready to go at 8:00. Sure enough, at 8:20 the magical doorbell rang.

"Mister Zoric!" Harry said happily, mostly because he was so happy he was leaving the Dursleys, perhaps for the last time. He was so glad to be going that he hadn't felt at all depressed since his telephone conversation with Hermione. He understood that it would likely still return at times, but he wasn't worried about that now.

"Everything packed, Harry?"

Harry stared. Zoric's voice had been warm and friendly, his face animated. Zoric grinned. "This is the real me, Harry. I have developed a series of mental exercises and charms that allows me to do my work. These do not suppress emotions, but the outward expression of emotions only. Watch."

Harry watched the expression drain from his tutor. "Would you prefer this most of the time? Or primarily only when I am instructing?"

"Whichever you prefer, sir."

Tomas' expressions returned. "Now, have you packed everything?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Do you mind if I double-check the house? You may never return, after all?"

"No, sir. Go ahead."

Zoric pulled out a small device. He ran it over Harry's trunk and knapsack, then Hedwig and her cage, then finally Harry and himself. "Magic detector," he explained. "I've eliminated our traces. Let's tour the house."

Harry had left nothing, but Tomas found a small box of magical photos tucked away under a pile of other boxes in the basement and a strong box that later turned out to have a few of his parents' possessions in it in the attic. Zoric added both to Harry's things. There were a few items with residual magic, but these really did belong to the Dursleys (the electric fireplace, a few pieces of jewelry, and other such items that had had strong magic used on them, but which were not enchanted).

"Do you have any preference where we go shopping, Harry?" Tomas asked as they were going through the house.

"We're not going to Diagon Alley?"

"Not today. We're getting you things like underwear and shirts. Diagon Alley prices are higher than Muggle stores.

"Any place is fine. . . ." Harry started, then he got a really evil look on his face.

"What?" Tomas asked.

"May we shop here in Little Whinging?" Harry asked.

Tomas frowned in confusion. "Why?"

"The Dursleys have always said that I'm abnormal, and they dressed me that way. Since I don't want to come back next summer for a month. . . ." he trailed off.

Harry was meandering again, Tomas noted. Still, he put the ideas together. "Very well, if they have a place to get eye glasses in an hour."

"They do," Harry said. "They just finished a major restoration of the High Street and a new optometrist opened two weeks ago, although I'm not sure if we can shop there. I mean, where would we put everything?"

"I can drive an auto," Tomas said with a growl. The pair moved Harry's trunk and boxes to the magically expanded boot of the small sedan Tomas was driving. Tomas whispered to Hedwig, and sent her off to meet them later.

Harry had a good time shopping, coming away with a complete set of clothes, from trainers, boots, and socks all the way up to a denim jacket. Harry also bought three pair of glasses. One pair was a set of wrap-around goggles (which he hoped he could use for Quidditch), and Zoric arranged for them to be mailed to his office, as those would not be ready until the following week. Since Harry had a common prescription, his other glasses were ready that morning.

Some of the tradespeople had looked at Harry a bit strangely, knowing the stories the Dursleys had spread. Tomas let it be known that Harry's private school had arranged to remove him from the Dursleys' care because of the poor performance of their parental duties. While certainly not usual, the Dursley's lack of local popularity inclined everyone to believe the story.

"Where to next?" Harry asked a few minutes before noon, as they drove into a rather deserted, run-down manufacturing area a few miles away from Little Whinging.

"Don't blink," Tomas said as he touched a button on the console. Harry felt the port-key effect, and in a blink the car was somewhere else.

"Where are we?"

"We're on a small, unplottable island off the coast of Scotland," Zoric answered. "Part of my wife's inheritance. It's not huge, some one by three miles, but there's a depression where you can safely fly, and a manor house where we can stay. Underage magic can't be detected here, either. Why don't we get you lunch, and the house elves can get you settled. You can fly this afternoon while I go back and see if I can arrange for any of your friends to be here for your birthday."

Harry quirked a grin. "Hermione will want to free your house elves."

"I'll warn them," he replied as two elves popped up. "Please take Mister Harry's things to the east suite, then show him where to eat, and then where he can fly." He turned to Harry. "Go. Shoo. Eat! Fly!"

Harry's smile widened, and he followed the elves.

Harry was still smiling at 6:30, as he looked for the dining room in the manor house. He had flown all afternoon, and was slightly sun-burnt. He had found it very easy to do the basic Occlumency exercises while flying the oval flight path and had lost himself in the meditation. He'd barely had time to shower and dress.

As he bounced into the dining room, Harry was surprised to see two people. "Neville!"

"Hi ya, Harry!" Neville said enthusiastically. "Thanks for getting me out of the house! Gran was driving me crazy!"

"Now, I shall trust you two boys to behave tonight," Tomas told them tonelessly. "We shall have dueling practice tomorrow morning at Nine. At Ten, we will have Occlumency practice. Please remember our location is rather remote. Don't send the house elves off to get things unless you absolutely need them. Try and phrase requests so that, if they can be filled later, the elves have time to work on the problem."

"Yes, sir!" Harry stated.

"Ring the bell when you're ready to eat, and try to have some fun, just not too much."

"Yes, sir!" Harry answered. Tomas bowed stiffly to the boys, and disapparated.

"Harry!" Neville said, in a sort of awed whisper.


"That's Tomas Zoric!"

"Yes, I know."

"Harry! He's . . . well, he's more famous than you are!"


"I'm sorry, Harry, I know you don't like it. But he was one of the most famous Aurors in the last war with You-Know-Who!" Neville's lips trembled a little. "It was he and Moody who led the capture of the Lestranges."

Harry walked over and gripped Neville's shoulder. "I understand, Neville."

Neville looked up at Harry, and the enthusiasm slowly came back into his voice. "He broke up a couple of smuggling rings as a detective, and solved at least three murders and a famous kidnaping before the Aurors could. He was also in a famous stand-off, that was right before the attack on my parents. A bunch of Aurors and nearly all the hit-wizards in Western Europe had a group of sympathizers trapped. On the third day of the stand-off, he somehow got in and captured all of them."

Harry was impressed.

"You probably know he runs the only real wizarding detective agency in Europe."

Harry nodded. "He told me."

Neville shook his head. "I was really surprised to meet him today." Neville looked up at Harry. "Thanks for wanting me here."

"You know you're my friend," Harry replied. "Hopefully, he can at least get the others for my birthday."

"Which others?" Neville asked. "Mister Zoric said you would tell me."

"Hermione, Ron, Ginny, and Luna," Harry answered. "He said it would be easiest to get you, Ron, and Ginny. I'm glad you could come early."

"I wonder why he didn't bring Ron and Ginny, then?" Neville wondered.

"Mrs. Weasley might have things for them to do, or maybe she didn't want Ron to come without Ginny, and wouldn't let Ginny come where she'd be out-numbered by boys without a chaperon."

Neville blushed.

"You really like Ginny, huh, Neville?"

Neville nodded. "I hope you don't mind, Harry. . . ."

"Neville, I really like Ginny, but not so much that way."

"Luna?" Neville asked.

"I hope so," Harry answered. "I guess we're kind of in the same boat where girls are concerned, huh?"

Neville smiled. "I guess so."

Harry gripped his friend's arm and turned him towards the table. "Let's see what we're being served."

As soon as Harry lit the candles in his bedroom, Hedwig and Pig called his attention to the window, demanding entrance. Pig and Hedwig both had two letters. Pig took off as soon as Harry gave him a owl treat and he got a sip of water. Hedwig went into her cage, but seemed pleased Harry didn't have to shut the door.

Pig's longer letter was from Ron:


Mum says I can stay with you starting Monday, for as long as your 'wizard guardian' allows. 'Wizard guardian'? Who's that? Well, I guess I'll find out Monday. Mum did say Ginny and I should bring our brooms, so that will be fun.

That's right, Ginny will be coming, too. I gather there aren't any women or 'close adult supervision' about wherever you are right now, so Mum wouldn't let Ginny go today, and I can't go until she does. Ginny was already warned she might have to come back early if Hermione can't join us. Sounds like a strange set-up, but if Mum and Dad (especially Mum!) approve, I'm sure it will be alright.

Isn't it great having a summer without homework? I actually broke down and helped Ginny a bit with her charms and transfiguration work, but don't tell Hermione. I was worried a lot of blokes would be owling her (Ginny that is), but so far it's just Neville, so no worries there, if you're at all interested. You do still like girls, right? And if Cho's out, who else would you want to go with? Someone loser like Loony or that Marietta? Just give it some thought, mate. Seeing Ginny date anyone wouldn't be easy, but at least I know I can trust you!

See you Monday!

Harry grinned at Ron's attempt to play matchmaker, although he really wished he wouldn't call Luna 'Loony.'

Dear Harry

Thanks for the letter! Harry, let me ask you straight, are you interested in me, or is Ron just being a prat? Harry, I admit that I had a huge crush on your for years (I know, not news, right?), and I still like you. But I realized last summer that I cannot really try to date you while I am under a wizard's debt to you. I would always wonder if I was dating you because I really like you, or because of that silly crush, or because I owe you my life.

I have thought a lot about you, and other boys, this month. I'm not in love with anyone, but there are three or four boys I wouldn't mind dating, one of whom is you. If only because Ron won't hex you, like he might Colin, Neville, or Scott (he'll be a 7th year Hufflepuff, if you don't know him).

I'm being up-front with you, Harry. Please do the same for me when I see you Monday.

In any event, I will always be

your friend

Harry frowned. "Hedwig, do you feel like taking a quick note to Ginny? You'd have to get there by dawn Monday."

Hedwig looked at Harry, then hopped out of her cage, spreading her wings.

"Honestly, you don't have to. I can wait and tell her in person, if you want."

Hedwig gave him a hoot and extended her right leg.

"Okay, okay," Harry said, "I didn't mean to insult you. I just wanted you to have the choice."

Hedwig gave a happy hoot. "Just give me a minute." Harry dug out a quill and ink, then used the blank part of Ginny's letter to write back.


Just a quick note so that you can get this before you leave to come here. You want honest? Here goes

If I could date any woman on earth, you'd probably be my second choice. I gather I would be your second, third, or even fourth choice. I don't know if my first choice is interested or not. There is a letter here, unopened, that would tell me, but I won't look until I send this off, because you deserve to know the whole truth. I like you as a person, as a close friend, and I don't want to hurt you.

As for the wizard's debt, who decides if it's paid? Are there rules or something? Because, Ginny, you came with me to save Sirius. You risked your life to save Sirius for me. Do I therefore owe a debt to Neville and Luna? (I guess I must already owe Ron and Hermione). Does that cancel or partially repay your debt to me? Believe me, I'm not making light of the concept, I simply don't understand it. They really need a class for us Muggle-raised to learn such things. If I can't get Neville to explain it to me, maybe you or Ron can.

I hope, no matter what happens, we'll at least be very close friends.


PS As you might have guessed, Neville is here already, and I don't know about Colin or Scott, but Neville really hopes to see you.

Harry sent Hedwig off, and opened the letter with a totally unknown, masculine handwriting:

Dear Mr. Potter:

I suppose I should mention my gratitude for the interview which sent my subscriptions sky high, so consider that mentioned. I am, however, really writing about my daughter.

All fathers no doubt consider their little girls special, especially if there is only one. My Luna, though, is special. She is not a diviness, but she does have the Sight. She sees things others cannot.

She Sees great pain and anger in you, but she also Sees an even greater capacity for power and love -- and a compassion greater than in anyone else she has ever seen, even in Dumbledore.

Please be careful with my little girl's heart. We are entering a perilous time. Any one of us might not make it out alive. Don't let that rush you into decisions.

I look forward to meeting with you.

Henry Lovegood

'Well," Harry thought, 'that's . . . interesting.'

Harry finally took the one letter he almost dreaded opening and opened it anyway.


I'm glad you did well on your O.W.L.s. I watched your Ravenclaw classmates this May and June, and I must say I do not look forward to the experience. While there are formal revisions for the O.W.L.s in Ravenclaw (so that the 6th and 7th years can review the earlier material as well as tutor the Fifth years) I hope you and perhaps Hermione might tutor me as well. Like most Ravenclaws, I have 10 classes; the usual 7 plus Runes, Divination, and Muggle Studies.

Yes, all my possessions were returned. Did you know you're the only person who has ever offered to help me find them? I mean, one or two of my dorm mates discourage the practice, and Padma Patil does as well, but no one actually offered to help me like you did. That is just one tiny sign of how special a person you are, Harry. And yes, I trust and believe in you, because I find you deserve both. It is not because I believe in you that I will walk with you, to Hogsmeade or beyond, but because you are a wonderful person, waiting and wanting to love and care for people. I will walk with you, Harry, if you really will let me. That also means while you may ask me to stay behind, like you did last month, you will not argue so much if I decide to come with you, as I did last month. If we walk together, Harry, we will be together. That is what you must decide.

We did not locate any Crumple-Horned Snorkacks, but did see a Pufflestump and we think we sighted a swarm of Nargles, so it wasn't a wasted trip.

Whether we walk together or not, I will remain, at the least,

with much affection,

your friend, no matter what the path

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