Categories > Original > Fantasy > Why can't I forget Him? ¢¾A vampire romance¢¾

Why can't I forget Him? ¢¾A vampire romance¢¾

by InLoveWithShane2007 0 reviews

Fern learns more, and experiances what she never thought possible.

Category: Fantasy - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy - Published: 2007-03-21 - Updated: 2007-03-21 - 433 words

I open my eyes, my body is on a hard stone floor, I hear voices in the room and stand up. A girl...the girl from the flower, stands in the middle of the room. She's being held in Shanes arms, and I feel a slight envy. What is meant to be whispered sound clear to my ears.
"Please dont leave me again....I've worried too long."
I gasp, she sounds exactly like me. Was Shane speaking the truth?
He runs his fingers through her hair, and loosens his hold on her enough to wipe the tears from her eyes.
"I'll be back, I promise."
"Its okay."
He seals his promise with a kiss, lightly touching her lips. She holds him tighly again, her tears flowing freely.
"I wont let you leave! This battle..this thing, it's wrong!"
He lets her go, leaving one last kiss on her lips.
"Shane," she cries out, but he ignores her, "SHANE!"
He leaves the room, and she kneels down crying, holding her knees close to her chest.

The scene changes, the girl is sitting on her bed, holding a knife in one hand. She places a small note beside her, and holds the knife to her wrist.
"You said you would return...and you've been gone for years......I can't bear this life....."
I gasp as the knife slides across her wrist, the red blood flowing across her pale skin. The wound heals, and she cuts again...agian....until finaly the healing stops.....and she falls, lifeless.
I feel my own wrists, seeing a small scar form there. I hear the door open an dlook up, Shane runs in, holding her small body in his arms. He feels for a faint pulse, but feels nothing.....

I return to my own time, I'm in the tomb, laying on the floor. Shane stands beside me.
"You left me....," I whisper, "...You left me for a battle.....and caused my death."
His eyes widen,"What are you talking about? I ne-"
"I saw you! I saw you leave! I saw my dead body! Look at this scar! Look at it!"
I sit up quickly, shoving my wrist in front of him. He gazes at the scar.
"How could this have-"
"YOU LEFT ME! You left me there to die! For years!...Years..."
"How do you remember that?"
I notice that his voice is quite, and soft. He stares in my eyes and again I see myself cutting my wrist repeatedly, but I remember him crying.
"I wittnessed(sp?) it. I saw you leave...and I saw you cry."
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