Categories > Games > Kingdom Hearts > Summer of love

Summer of love

by gabaruni 0 reviews

Just something a little more than a drabble about the beginning of summer. [Riku/Sora]

Category: Kingdom Hearts - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Riku, Sora - Published: 2007-03-22 - Updated: 2007-03-22 - 338 words - Complete

The orange juice in the refrigerator smelt of fruit punch, and sweet sticky kisses. Since there was no fruit punch in the refrigerator, Riku wondered what made the citrus drink smell so sweet. The glass it was in was still deeply orange, the way he'd left it last night/ He dug into the vegetable and fruit coolers and found a bag of plums and two bags of peaches, one spoiled, and one perfectly fine. The fruit was washed, just to be safe and the spoilt peaches were thrown into the trash while Riku pondered what happened to them. Riku was reluctant to drink the sweet smelling drink, but he wondered if it tasted just as sweet. Usually the smell of fruit didn't permeate anything, so he knew

As the liquid poured down his throat, crisp and tangy, Riku blanched a little and noted that it really did still taste tart still. He didn't drink it all, wanting to show Sora the strangeness of it, and though the glass would smell of it, Sora probably wouldn't believe him. As put the glass back in the refrigerator Riku smiled at the thought of bitter tasting sweet things. A little bit like love. It was already pretty hot outside, the heat of the air was seeping into the house already though it was still early. Riku knew that Sora would want to go to the island and swim today and that was fine as long they were together anything would probably be fine.

Soon Sora knocked on the door, full of boundless energy and offered Riku his lips. The kiss was as Riku had been thinking off, sweet and delicious. As Sora examined the glass of juice Riku saved, his eyes twinkled with mischief and something else.

"Hey Riku, lets go find some fruit kinda like this, looks and smells good, tastes sour." Riku wondered what Sora would need with fruit like that but he shrugged his approval. Sora's wild ideas could only mean that the start of summer was here.
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