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Spider-Man 4 Treatment

by DocComic 1 review

Treatment for Spider-Man 4, featuring Morbius and the Lizard

Category: Spider-Man - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Sci-fi - Characters: Gwen Stacy, Peter Parker, Other - Warnings: [!!!] [V] - Published: 2007-03-24 - Updated: 2007-03-25 - 1757 words

Took me hours to get just this bare bones treatment done. Of course, there will be scenes cut in with Aunt May, Gwen Stacy (Raimi confirmed she lives), etc. and it'll change depending on what happens in Spider-Man 3.

Dr. Michael Morbius is a genius biochemist at Columbia University. As a good friend of Dr. Curt Connors as well as Otto Octavius, he was saddened by the latter's death, pushing him into his work. In fact, Morbius and Connors worked on Columbia University's Super-Spider genetic engineering program. As a result, he has become known throughout the world for his advances in combating blood-related diseases and viruses, particularly AIDS, which won him a Nobel Prize in chemistry. Ironically, he himself became infected with a mutated form of AIDS that had been created in his lab. His white blood cells are quickly dying, with his own death due in roughly two months.

Enter Curt Connors. For years, he has wanted the arm back that he lost during Operation: Desert Storm as a result of a land mine, leading him to study the regenerative properties of various reptiles. Convinced he can harness the DNA and splice it with his own, Connors attempts many experiments, all of them failures. That's when Morbius approaches him with his own plea. The two combine together to create a serum which will enhance the body, mind, and spirit of a subject, using ideas and notes from the Super-Spider program. When used in tandem with DNA of an animal, it will give that person certain traits depending on the type of cell that is harvested.

Now we come to Peter Parker. Just a few months after the events of the third film, Peter is once again questioning his status in life. Eddie is dead, the symbiote is gone, Sandman's in jail, and Mary Jane's left. Everybody, not just the Daily Bugle, is fearful of Spider-Man after the ordeal. Things come to a head when a young boy actually tries to shoot Spider-Man after he saves him from a fire. Peter comes to the decision that he's too dangerous to be Spider-Man and he has to let it go.

Meanwhile, Connors and Morbius have succeeded with their serum. By taking the DNA of a vampire bat, mixing it with the serum, and injecting it, Morbius's white blood cell count increases dramatically overnight. He has become the first man to fight off not only AIDS, but a mutated strain of it. Realizing what this could mean for the world, he begins to go to work on more of the serum. Dr. Connors, on the other hand, is still leery of the serum, and so he does some investigating of his own.

At this time, Peter is now the lab assistant of Dr. Connors. Since he takes pictures of Spider-Man for the Bugle, Peter approaches Connors about reversing genetic mutations, saying that Spider-Man wants to know. Connors believes that the serum he and Morbius just developed could work in reverse by altering the path of the molecular makeup.

During this time, Morbius is beginning to see the side effects of the serum. His skin has grown pale, his nose is receding, and his canines are growing into fangs. He finds himself growing weak, getting to the point where he can hardly walk, while at the same time he craves blood. But when he tries to drink pig blood, he finds it disgusting. On his way out of the corner deli that he purchased the blood from, he's acosted by a mugger. In retaliation, Morbius lashes out and bites him on the neck, sucking the blood from his body. He finds himself rejuvenated, even allowing him to fly in the air with the aids of the skin flaps growing under his armpits. Night after night he goes out, sucking the blood of random victims, but as his mutation grows, so too does his anger while his emotion wittles away. With his body mutating, Morbius's wife leaves him, and in anger he kills her. Realizing what he's done, Morbius's final bit of sanity snaps, especially when people on the street begin looking at him like he's a freak.

Meanwhile, Peter and Dr. Connors have perfected a reversal serum. Morbius, who is still working in the lab, overhears their work. With his wife dead and himself feeling outcasted more and more by the day, he decides that everybody needs to feel how he feels. That way, everybody will feel good after drinking blood with nobody mocking each other. For his first attempt, he switches Peter's reversal serum with a saturated dose of the main serum. As a result, when Peter injects it, he begins to notice changes, such as his webbing becoming stronger, his spider-sense increasing, and his speed reaching superhuman levels.

At the same time, Morbius convinces Connors that the serum works via false makeup. Confident, Connors takes the serum, this time mixed with the DNA of a lizard. Overnight, his arm grows back, but just like Morbius and Peter, he notices the changes.

Peter feels himself tiring, and now he thinks that his powers are finally going away. He goes to sleep, despite noticing four large lumps on his ribs. The next night, he awakens to find himself on his ceiling - with four extra arms! Immediately, he goes back to Dr. Connors, where he has no choice but to reveal that he's Spider-Man to him. After a scan of his body, it's revealed that Peter took the main serum, which is now enhancing the spider DNA within him. At the rate the mutations are occuring, Peter will be more spider than man in a matter of days. The only person who has the reversal serum is Morbius, who's gone missing. Now it's a race against time as Peter seeks him out.

During this time, Morbius has been mass producing the serum-vampire bat DNA combination in a warehouse in Brooklyn. His mutation has reached the point where his hands are now claws, coarse hair is growing on his body, and he can communicate with bats, which he keeps in the warehouse. In fact, it's this trait that leads Peter to find him. There, the two fight, with Peter trying to get the serum. Getting his hands on it, Peter quickly returns home, where he ingests the serum. The next day, he finds the arms gone, along with his spider-powers. Spider-Man's gone and New York couldn't be happier. Upon going to class, though, Peter finds that Dr. Connors hasn't been seen in days.

The Bugle begins receiving reports of a lizard man in the sewers. Peter follows up on it, thinking that it might have something to do with the serum. He finds the lizard man, and to his surprise he's wearing Connors' tattered clothes, including his Columbia University ID. Without his spider-powers, Peter's beaten to a pulp, barely escaping to the surface. Half-crippled with numerous cuts and bruises, Peter's driven to a hospital by Aunt May. There, he sees a live news report about Morbius and his bats. Morbius announces his intention to transform New York City into a New Transylvania, with everybody becoming like him.

As Peter sits there bleeding, he finds his willpower to stand up and walk out. He's not Spider-Man because what people think of him; he's Spider-Man because he knows people need help and he's the only one who can give it to them. Limping his way to the university, Peter finds the last of the serum that Connors had, along with one of the spiders from the program.

Cut back to the city. Morbius has assembled the barrels of the serum while using his bats to keep the police away. At the same time, the Lizard has reached the surface. New York is in flames. Just when everything seems lost, Spider-Man returns - or rather, a Man-Spider. Peter's six arms have returned, but not only that, he now resembles more of a spider than a man. With his enhanced abilities, he easily gets in the city quick enough. For his first battle, he takes on the Lizard in a full-on monster mash. Peter has brought three vials of the reversal serum: one for Connors, one for Morbius, and one for himself. After a tough battle, he injects the reversal serum into the Lizard, returning him to normal. During the struggle, however, Peter's vial was broken and splashed onto him, quickly reverting him to normal. But he still has his webs, strength, and spider-powers, while the arms and spider appearance are gone. Connors warns Peter that Morbius intends to dump the serum, mixed with various types of DNA, into the city's water supply, thus turning everybody into mutants like himself.

Determined, Peter makes his way to the top of the New York Times Building, where Morbius has made camp. The final fight begins, but one thing Morbius misunderstood about Peter was his resourcefulness. Pulling out a sonic device he had developed in case of Venom's return, Peter uses it against the bats, sending them flying away. Now it's a no-holds-barred fight with Peter and Morbius. Finally, Morbius keeps Peter on the roof, beating him to a near pulp. While Morbius is flying through the air and declaring himself a god, Peter uses the opportunity to throw the vial of serum at him. Getting him in the back with the syringe, the effect is instant, with his nose regrowing, his hair falling out, and his wings leaving him. As he falls, Morbius is impaled, with the mast of the building going right through his heart. With the momentum, he slides all the way down to the base. With a smile, he tells Peter that being a scientist is a hard work, and that maybe he should stick with the photographer thing before he dies.

In the aftermath, Spider-Man is once again adored by everybody in New York. Dr. Connors has returned to teaching at the university, with himself becoming a test subject for a new breakthrough in neural-connected prosthetics developed by Dr. Phineas Mason. Peter is in class once more while doubling as Spider-Man, with Mary Jane returning to him.

As the film comes to a close, there's a final shot before the credits, with the camera following the New York water system. Amid the trash seen is a copy of the Daily Bugle with the front cover proclaiming "SINISTER SERUM STILL IN SELECT WATER". As thunder strikes outside, six silhouettes are seen, among which is a large man, accompanied with an extra appendance extending from his lower back.
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