Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Life, The messy kind.

beneath the dogwood tree.

by KitKathy4Real 1 review


Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Drama, Humor, Romance - Published: 2007-03-30 - Updated: 2007-03-30 - 518 words

"Sounds good nurse...?"Andy trailed off, smirking at the look on her face.
"Bailey....You want to visit a, um, bit longer while I write down my stuff." Andy smiled and nodded, resting his head next to denise.
"I love you, Andy."
"I love you, too, Denise."

"I hate this! I hate this so much!" Jenna screamed running into the cafeteria. A few people stared.
What are they looking at. You're the one in the wheelchair. Ass
She rushed over to Patrick, Lisa and Peter. Lisa stood up and gave her a long hug. Patrick did the same and kissed her forehead.
"How are you?"Patrick laughed humorlessly."Not great I take."
"Not at all! Ahh!" Jenna shrieked again, grabbing her hair in rage. The trio glanced at each other and stood up quickly. Pete lead them as Patrick and Lisa took her by the elbows leading her her from the cafe. Pete pushed the door open and they were outside. The bright sun was beating down on them.
"Umm? Under a tree?" Patrick offered. They sat beneath a pretty dogwood tree."What's wrong?"
"What's wrong now?" Pete corrected. He was facing the trio. Jenna ran her fingers through her hair a few times.
"I don't know! We can't file against Jared because...because..." She stood up quickly and began to pace.
"Why, Jenna?" Pete grabbed her shoulder. she shook loose and winced.
"Because I'm a stupid whore! A stupid, stupid whore!"Lisa backed away a bit and Patrick sighed.
"No you aren't." All three said softly.
"You aren't, Jen. You aren't" Pete touched her shoulder gently. She didn't move right away.
"Pat, will you came with me to see Joe and Andy?" Lisa looked at Patrick meaningfully. He smiled a bit and wrapped an arm around her.
Jenna watched them walk inside. She felt Pete move closer.
"Jenna what happened? I want to know." his eyes pleade. Big, brown, slightly covered by his amazing hair.-sigh-
"You were right. I'm a whore. A stupid, dumb whore. Don't interrupt. It's a long story. About a month 3 1/2 ago at that one party. Jared showed up and we...well we kind of had sex. Kind of in the way that he tried and started so I eventually gave in. In the bathroom. Since then, I've been seeing him regularly. Once at the house. Igave him the address. Then Patrick walked in on just me afterward. Embarassing. But Jared kept beating me. I let him I guess. I found out about you and Carla. I was upset and Jared wanted me so I gave in. Then he...I think he drugged me. I deicded this was way too much. It was either suicide or nothing. Then you guys decided to go on tour, Jared asked me-told me to move back home with him. I ran. He attacked and I completely screwed everyone over and somewhere in the middle Denise told me about her and Andy's baby." Pete sighed. Tears were flowing freely down Jenna's warm, olive face.
Inspite of everythin. I'm still mezmorized by her beauty. Goddamn, Peter
update soon.
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